Ewww......she did? I quit watching after about 4 secs, I couldn't take it!I can't believe the one girl rolled it around in her mouth.
It's a lot of tricks as well. I shit all the time, puke occasionally, and let me tell you it never fucking looked like that! My guess they just clear out their stomach, drink a ton of some "goo" made of probably like corn syrup and chunks of something. Low stomach acid and no digestion time... Haven't you ever bonged a beer only to chuck it up right after? Sometimes that shit is still cold!
As for that shit, dude, that chick is squirting like frosting up her ass hahahaha.
I'm as liberal as you can get, to each his own but I don't need that shit in my life. Life's too short to waste it on that. However, If it floats Your boat.....