if my water is hard how will it afect my seedlings?


Active Member
not sure what hard water will do to seeds , i draw water and then let it sit uncovered a few days before using, this seems to "soften "it up.


Active Member
well sir, i would believe that if your water was hard that it would not be able to go through soil since it is a solid. you need to get some liquid water


Well-Known Member
need 2 know what hard water will do 2 my seedlings any info helps
It depends on how hard it is. Most likely it won't affect your seedlings much. Continued use of water that is very hard can cause a buildup of minerals in your soil which could cause you problems. Just letting hard water sit out doesn't do anything to soften it, in fact it may become even harder due to the fact that some of your water will evaporate leaving the dissolved solids behind. If you suspect that you have really hard water there several things you can do. You can switch to distilled or reverse osmosis water. You can mix your tapwater with either of these. You can get a reverse osmosis filter (Brita and other carbon type filters do not reduce water's hardness) and filter your own water. I have very hardwater and had to switch to r/o water because I had severe lockout. Hope this helps. :bigjoint:

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
he said hard water. hard=solid. he is obviously attempting to water plants with solid water. i dont see how this would work and im sure liquid water is the only thing that gets the job done

Stop one sec, step back and take a breath.

Solid water, lol
Do you not know what hard water is?


Active Member
naww. you guys are being the illogical ones. im just basing my facts off of the english language.
definition of hard: not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable.
definition of water: a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O.

hard + water = a transparent, odorless, tasteless solid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, unyielding to pressure and impenetrable.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
So you have never heard of soft and hard water?
you could copy and paste all day, that won't teach you.
Google will help you.


Well-Known Member
naww. you guys are being the illogical ones. im just basing my facts off of the english language.
definition of hard: not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable.
definition of water: a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O.

hard + water = a transparent, odorless, tasteless solid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, unyielding to pressure and impenetrable.
Dude! Why would you change your avatar from that beautiful white widow plant to this, uh, adorable kitty????????:sad: