isnt it still missing the timers
Keep us posted!
The next item can have variations depending on how many rows of buckets you want to run and then what size hose you decide to use to feed the buckets. You will need some simple hydro drains or hull throughs. I recomend using the 3/4 inch size over the 1/2 inch size as the bigger hose will make fill and drains alot faster. The 1/2 inch kind just dont seem to get it done fast enough but can be used if just a few buckets like 6 or so. I decided I was going to use 3 rows of buckets at first but can add additional line later if I want so I used 3 of these as I will use this in a 4x8 tent setup later. 4 is the most I have seen on 1 side of the bucekt but by adding more to the left and right you can easily double that amount later. Ok so I have 3 3/4 inch drains.These I got for $1.25 on sale while back so I bought a few boxes as I use alot of drains.These can be found online at any hydro store or on ebay.
Cost = 3 x $1.25= $3.75
could anyone source these for me? I am going to post a DIY tutorial as well, but right now my only hold up is finding these piece that can connect the bucket to a tubing.
i have home-depot, im not sure if you can get plastic grommets there. Do you have a source of the ones you used?I went with the 1/2" dia. I drilled a 3/4" hole, using a hole saw, installed 1/2" rubber gromments, 1/2" "T" & Elbows, along with 1/2" tubing.
It all fits tight with zero leaks.
Any hydro store carries these items.
Best prices for most fittings.
I'm switching to 3/4--1/2 inch was never a prob but a new system is in the works and bigger is usually better
thanks again, ill try to get some there.They have 1/2 inch rubber grommets at home depot
1/2 inch is 1/2 inch it doesn't matter the brand or anything