New grow: day 12 veg (First grow journal)


Well-Known Member
in the first pic the lighter color at the top is actually greener than it looks in the picture. i had my soft white bulb on


Well-Known Member
i have a total of 10 bulbs in there about 350 watts mabye 300 i just really dont think anymore mor would benifit. mabye in my flower chamber, seeing as flowering requires more light . thanks for the reply dannygreeneyes and if i figure a way put and it will benifit my plants further ill be giving your idea whirl


Well-Known Member
the shelves are adjustable right now my left plant is 2'' away from cfl and the other is 3'' away .

In his book he says several times that the bulb should be as close to the plant as possible without touching it, not that touching is a big deal due to the low heat. He has them so close (less than an inch) that he has to adjust them every few hours. From what I've read, this is also the best way to get dense buds.

The harness he shows you how to build in the book would work in your current set up and it's cheap to build. In his thread he has pics of some pages in the book. In the begining of the thread he has a pic of one of the pages that shows the harness. It's pretty easy to figure out how to build it once you see it.


Well-Known Member
i have a total of 10 bulbs in there about 350 watts mabye 300 i just really dont think anymore mor would benifit. mabye in my flower chamber, seeing as flowering requires more light . thanks for the reply dannygreeneyes and if i figure a way put and it will benifit my plants further ill be giving your idea whirl

Personally I can't say how big you can grow the plants with 10 bulbs. I was planning on using the formula and adjust as I go.

Oh, and if you go to you can find cases (6s, 12s, 24s) of CFLs cheap, like a dollar or two each plus shipping. (in case you find that you want more bulbs in either room)


Well-Known Member
im more afraid of getting heat stres from geting them that close. Although your right about denser buds. tighter nodes means tighter buds. ill figure something out. In my flowering chamber i hang them from the top shelf by wires. and extension cords as my fixtures and have them hanging with zipties and can more them down as far as the cord is. when you harness you mean kind of like this. They have a thread somewhere in here on this book right>/?


Well-Known Member
His harness isn't much more sophisticated than that, but it may be more effective at getting the lights closer. I can't know for sure without seeing yours. Here's a link to a pic showing the harness (note: in the book he says he uses reflectors but takes them off to take pics)

This isn't the best pic, but it gives you an idea on how close he keeps his lights

This is a link to his thread

And lastly, this is a link to the CFL threads. Since these threads are dedicated to CFLs you'll find a lot of info & ideas that might be usefull.


Well-Known Member
yea i know about it ive been here a while( the cfl section). Ill check out his harness and compare it to mine. Appreciate the help bro +rep.


Well-Known Member
The pics i have up i just looked at again your definitely right about them being far. i needed a bit of stretching and aloud it but now there a bit taller and much more closer to the lights and now ill plan on letting them get a bit closer. ill have some updates tomorrow they have grown considerably you should check em out.


Well-Known Member
no worries. this is actually my second im still a bit new to growin but been here for about 3 learned hell of alot from this site. seen somre of your stuff too or at least your name around .


Well-Known Member
no worries. this is actually my second im still a bit new to growin but been here for about 3 learned hell of alot from this site. seen somre of your stuff too or at least your name around .

Yeah, I'm new but I'm kind of a quick learner so I've been asking a lot of questions. I gave up on my journal because my cam sucks but I'll get one going after I harvest & buy a better camera.

I'll keep checking this journal, I'm very interested in CFLs. I'm using Flouros for rooting, a 400w MH for veg, and two 400w HPSs for flower. But CFLs have a lot of potential for helping with side growth and getting to places that the overhead can't get to because of leaves being in the way.

BTW, are you using any UVB bulbs in your flower room?


Well-Known Member
nu uh just cfl the flower room on a spur of the moment kind of thing brought my girl from outside to inside due to weather. Major upgrades when shes done for my next set. next plant will have an even canopy so all the light hits the whole plants. equal penetration for the top canopy.


Well-Known Member
Well one more piece of advice before I hit the sack, this is to help quality and it will take away from yeild a little since the plant uses more energy creating tricombs & resin.

I ran across this info while doing research in the "advanced" threads. I first read a paper done by a student at Columbia (I think). It was a scientific study about why the same strain of marijuana will vary in potency when grown outdoors at different altitudes. The answer was UVA & UVB exposure. UVB is the main factor and the UVA is more of a multiplyer. It helps the UVB be more effective. I couldn't find any info on UVC, but I can't find a bulb with a UVC rating anyway so I guess it don't matter.

The UVB causes the plant to protect itself by making sunscreen, and sunscreen to a plant is tricombs & resin. This is the only light spectrum that your plants would be getting outside but aren't getting from the CFLs. (MHs have a very small ammount of UVB, but not enough)

If you want to try this you can get a 10.0 UVB Reptile bulb from your local Petsmart for around $30 and you can get an 18" light fixture to fit it for $7 at Wal-Mart. These bulbs have 8% UVB & 23% UVA. They're the best ones that are currently available.

Warning: You have to be extra carefull with this bulb. The higher level of UVA can burn your plant, so don't use a mylar reflector and start it 3' or 4' away at first. Check on it every half hour and move it closer to the plant slowly. Once you see the tips of the leaves getting brown that's when you know you're a little too close, just back it off to where it was before you moved it that close and your golden.

I haven't used this yet but I will as soon as flower starts. I did a bunch of research on this and I'm convinced that it will give me the best buds in the area.


Well-Known Member
Heres a big update guys. I just finished topping all 3 of my girls not to long ago. Hpefully she wont stress to much. I plan on administering my first dose of Grow big and big bloom(following fox farm feeding schedule)at 1/4 strength once new growth is back to normal. Lemme know what you guys think.

I also threw a couple pics of my Big girl in the flowering chamber. shes at 10 weeks today.


-Picture 1-3 seed 1
-picture 4-6 seed 2
-picture 7-8 seed 3(12/12)
-picture 9-10 flowering girl (10 weeks)



Active Member
looks good i got 5 more days to see what mine look like on that day lol. gonna take pictures of mine when my friend leaves. hopefully their all perked up with light and water instead of droopy like in the morning.


Well-Known Member
hell homie... i'm scribed... it looks like you have had 5 pettled leaves for awhile now... i'm still waiting on mine to get to that point... i guess when you are growing random schwag bagseed, there is no tellin how many petals you will end up with... i have one vegging that hd 3 petals... i checked this morning and the new fan leaf has 2 instead of the normal 3 i have been seeing... i love the fact of not having a clue really of what i will end up with... my last schwag bagseed grow proved that if you the time to put effort into your grows, the bud will be better... my theory in selecting seeds outta schwag is that if it is heavily seeded when i get it and it still gets me hella stoned, the sensi version of the bud will be immaculate... that was the case this last time around... i cant really speak for my future grows, but if the current trend continues next harvest, then i think it is fact... fact is... love your plants, and they will love you back when they are harvested...