Questions on Advanced Nutrients


New Member
Get over it dude. You were shown to be wrong by more than one person. Nobody said that FF products were bad or that anything was wrong with them. In plain English it says that they use synthetic ingredients in their fertilizers (except Big Bloom). And I said that they had other organic stuff like their soils and some of their non-mj related growing products. Thanks for the info though.;-)

I was not shown to be wrong by anyone. Just what did anyone prove me wrong about. Unless you talking about the Lipford dumbass I have no idea what your talking about. As for ho is definition of waht is or isn't a organic fertilizer I used neraly the same definition and everyone fought tha. There justt flat out is no appropriatte usage for the word organic anywhere as there just is no sound basu is behind any definition for organic that is universal. Period.

Hell, I even posted the adds by FF showing these other "person(s)" to be wrong. Do you bother to even look at the links provided by anyone but the person(s) you want to be right. Are you so ignorant you can not read the FF adds. As for non-mj related products this is an indoor thread so the other fertilizers apply to mj. There was never any argument that the topic only referred to hydro nutrients as this is not a thread in the hydro/aero section.

Dude you'll likeky never grow good crops economically listening to the masses that just pass on old antiquated methodologies, myths and fads without ever learning anything new or even why they are even doing just what they are doing. If your here mainlt to socilaize and make friends and sopport fad then I am wasting my time with you anyway. Hell the "people" your supporting are apparently not even capable of reading FF adds or looking any further than what they need to support their wrong assumptions. However if you like being no more than a lamb surrounded by a flock of sheep go for it.


Well-Known Member
Hey FatMan is right though about the FF dry nutes I think, I believe some of them are organic. But they still make plenty of synthetic nutes as well though.

Happy Thanksgiving all! :peace:
That's exactly what I said. He's saying that they are all organic..........which isn't true. Then he wants to mince words about the definition of organic. I think any newb gardener has at least a basic understanding of the term.



New Member
This is what I wrote. "For soil I would stick with Fox Farm organic fertilizers. and not even consider AN or GH. " That does not say all Foxfarm fertilizers are organic, nor does it imply that all FF fertilizers are organic. I never in any of my arguments stated that all FF fertilizers are organic.

Instead what happened is another (Anedonia) argued ,"Fox Farm fertilizers arent organic."

No where did I argue or imply that all FF fertilizers are organic. Yet repeatedly people (doc111) stated things such as, "Like I said, only Big Bloom is 100% organic." "In plain English it says that they use synthetic ingredients in their fertilizers (except Big Bloom)." Again doc111 was wrong. I suggest someone thell him he is wrong and get off my back.

I argued they are known for and wish to be known for their organic preperations and posted links to that effect. I argued that the addition of rock [ppwders does not prevent a fertilizer from being considered orgainic by the basic understanding of most people in regard to fertilizer. I discsused the many different definitions of oraginic and stated that the term is discouraged and that none of the definitions for organic really fit in regard to fertilizers. This was further backed up when the Lipford definition was posted. So it shows Anedonia is not only wrong but very wrong is every thing she argued. Lipfords definition of organic fertilizers, "
The words “organic” or “natural” in this case simply means that the product is only minimally processed, and the nutrients remain bound up in their natural forms, rather than being extracted and refined. In the case of fertilizer, “organic” does NOT refer to the standards of processing associated with food. Organic fertilizer is usually made from plant or animal waste or powdered minerals." fits no true defintion for organic (for food or chemistry) but is instead the definition I said should apply for organic fertilizers as his definition also allows rock powders (as long as they are natural not chemically altered, enriched or synthesized), calcium etc that are not organic.

As for doc11s claim about having a masters degree in chemsitry. Well the knowledge that would come with such a degree of that was not shown. and not even a high school level of chemsitry knowledge was even displayed.

This full laugh of a thread turned out to be just a couple of of childen trying to prove that all FF fertilizers are not entirely organic and that only Big Bllomm is 100% organic. Comical as I never claimed all their fertilizers were all organic, and they both are quite wrong in stating that my defintion for organic fertilzer is wrom ng and that FF only sells one (big Bloom) all organic fertilizers.

No applogies are needed/\expected but next time either of u you try to argue come better prepared with something besides just your opinions.


New Member
That's exactly what I said. He's saying that they are all organic..........which isn't true. Then he wants to mince words about the definition of organic. I think any newb gardener has at least a basic understanding of the term.

Ddoc111 you are a flat out lier. :fire:
You repeatedly stated only Big Bloom is all organic.

As for every newbie having a basic understanding what organic means it is obvious that neither you or anhedonia had that basic understanding. Hopefully you both have now learned and will quit trying to push your stupid opinions down newbies throats. You were both wrong from the beginning and you can't squirm out now. :dunce: "That is exactly what I said" and "Only Big Bloom is all organic" are very opposing arguments. ie you lie :!:

Once again I never said all FF fertilizers are organic, I only said you were wrong in saying that onlt FF big bllon m is all oraginic. If your going to lie at least get your lies straight. :finger:


Well-Known Member
Ddoc111 you are a flat out lier. :fire:
You repeatedly stated only Big Bloom is all organic.

As for every newbie having a basic understanding what organic means it is obvious that neither you or anhedonia had that basic understanding. Hopefully you both have now learned and will quit trying to push your stupid opinions down newbies throats. You were both wrong from the beginning and you can't squirm out now. :dunce: "That is exactly what I said" and "Only Big Bloom is all organic" are very opposing arguments. ie you lie :!:

Once again I never said all FF fertilizers are organic, I only said you were wrong in saying that onlt FF big bllon m is all oraginic. If your going to lie at least get your lies straight. :finger:
When I said only Big Bloom and the soils are organic I didn't qualify it with the phrase "for growing marijuana". I thought we were having a discussion about the commonly used fertilizers for mj. If I misread something I apologize. You have been nothing but a rude jerk. Sending me pm's calling me names. Grow the fuck up. I tried to have a discussion without name calling. You had to start calling me names yet I'm the immature one. You could go back and read the posts. Someone asked you why you thought all FF fertilizers were organic. I came in and pointed out and provided a link saying that they use synthetic as well as organic ingredients. You have since proceeded to argue with yourself about the definition of organic. You've argued that they were all organic then you said they weren't. I like how your stance has magically changed. You can't even spell or hit the keys on your keyboard in the right order yet you expect to have any credibility. You've also had someone pop in and point out that you are always starting arguments and being a jerk to people. You are right and I'm wrong dude. :roll: I suspect you are one of those people who doesn't know how to be wrong. You enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend sitting around in your torn boxers and stained undershirt pounding away such toxicity on your keyboard. Have fun arguing with yourself from here on out cause I just.................Unsubscribed!:finger:


Well-Known Member
If growing soil less I would use FF rather than AN. The only good product AN really puts out in the way of nutrients is its Sensi Concentrated Powder. It is its only fertilizer that contains calcium. With soil grows where you are adding lime or if your using tap water then the lack of calcium is OK, but AN is definitely not all it claims.

I have been mixing fertilizers for years and do a lot of nutrient analysis of products sold by retailers. Given a choice between GH or AN I would buy GH.

As far as 80% of AN 's products. They are just a waste of money. Commercial agriculture would not buy them at 5% of the cost AN wants for them as they are just not worth the money considering the minimal results. Their trash talk about them be designed for growing pot is all nonsence. AN hires old college researchers that have retired and they just drag out old resarch documents on researchered preparations that were not considered worth while when tested extensively years ago. They are no better now.

The only reason they are being drug out of the files now and being mixed up and sold now is because pot growers will pay absurd prices as pot is worth absurd amounts of money. They are not now testing the products, they are merely relying on old research that shows they produced some crop yield increases or increased sugra or protein amounts on some crop such as tomatoes or cucumbers or even wheat, rice or corn.

Do you realise out of over 60 products that AN manafacturers only about a dozen can even be legally sold in many parts of the US where the majority of commercial green houses are located.

GH Maxibloom or a mix of two parts Florabloom and one part Floramicro is a good choice . They are aero/hydro formulas though not soil. For soil I would stick with Fox Farm organic fertilizers. and not even consider AN or GH.
FF soils are organic. Big Bloom is an all organic fertilizer. Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and the solubles are not organic. They all contain organic stuff like worm castings and kelp but there fertilizers are not 100% organic except for Big Bloom. ;-)
Here is exactly what you said and exactly what I said...................Fail!:dunce:


Well-Known Member
I would personally attest to AN claims, due to the fact that I have been through many of harvest starting with Dutch master, General Hydroponics, Fox farm(still use some) even roots organic. I have been using Advanced supplements, and additives and will not go back to any other. As for their base, I cannot say. I am interested in their AB connoisseur though. I will keep posted.


New Member
Here is exactly what you said and exactly what I said...................Fail!:dunce:
Your so full of it your eyes are brown. I am through with your lies and other *rap. Your on my ignore list until you grow up child. I posted exact quotes of what you said.

Try to squirm out of this puppy, "Nowhere on their site does it say that their ferilizers are organic. Like I said, only Big Bloom is 100% organic."

Saying I would stick with FF organic fertilizers is saying for soil grows I would stick with FF organic fertilizers. No where do I ever say or imply FF only produces organic fertilizers but you reapeatedly say only Big Bloom is 100% organic. ."

This is the closeest I cam to saying FF is all organic, "The vast majoiity of their products are organic or neraly all orgainic." That is not saying everything is all oragnic Dude. You however clearly said, "only Big Bloom is 100% organic

I am through pointing out the obvious to you and pointing out your lies and present attempts to squirm out of you ianaccurate statements that FF Big Bloom is their only 100% orgainic fertilizer. I will no longer answer to your childish rantings. Grow up, quit liying and admit to your mistakes like a man rather than acting like a scorned little brat that cant handled being found out to be grossly wrong. You remingd me of the two year olds who throw themselves to the floor and scream while pounding the floor with their feet and fists. Tantrum on child.

Good day.


Well-Known Member
Your so full of it your eyes are brown. I am through with your lies and other *rap. Your on my ignore list until you grow up child. I posted exact quotes of what you said.
Try to squirm out of this puppy, "Nowhere on their site does it say that their ferilizers are organic. Like I said, only Big Bloom is 100% organic."

Saying I would stick with FF organic fertilizers is saying for si oil grows I would stick with FF organic fertilizers. No where do I ever say or imply FF only produces orgainic fertilizers but you reapeatedly say only Bif g Bloom is 100% organic.

I am through pointing out the obvious to you and pointing out your lies and present attempts to squirm out of you ianaccurate statements that FF Big Bloom is their only 100% orgainic fertilizer. I will no longer answer to your childish rantings. Grow up, quit liying and admit to your mistakes like a man rather than acting like a scorned little brat that cant handled being found out to be grossly wrong. You remingd me of the two year olds who throw themselves to the floor and scream while pounding the floor with their feet and fists. tantrum on child.

Good day.
You are so sad. You have managed to twist this back around so that now you are saying what I orignially said............Pathetic really. It's all on the record buddy. You are obviously getting so pissed because you are wrong bro. Get used to it..........I'm sure it happens a lot. Buh Bye.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
By the way, You must grow some bomb ass weed because you can't even keep your misguided facts straight. C-ya!;-)


Well-Known Member
Really fatman, I could care less about your foxfarm weed. I grow my meds strictly for providing myself withthe best quality product I can possibly attain. There are better fertilizers to grow weed than than foxfarm stuff which you seem to have a hard on for. I used it my first grow. But I moved on from there. Funny, you are the only person I have EVER come across that claims foxfarm nutrients are organic. Hell if they fit your definition how can you be wrong. Debating is fun because you can be completely wrong but still win the debate.
And Im a dude.


Well-Known Member
There is only one product of Fox Farm that is organic, and it is their big bloom, all growth nutrient. That is it....


Well-Known Member
There is only one product of Fox Farm that is organic, and it is their big bloom, all growth nutrient. That is it....
Their soils and perhaps some of their other non mj growing fertilizers and products may be organic but you are absolutely correct. As far as FF fertilizers for mj go only Big Bloom is all organic. Thank you.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I would personally attest to AN claims, due to the fact that I have been through many of harvest starting with Dutch master, General Hydroponics, Fox farm(still use some) even roots organic. I have been using Advanced supplements, and additives and will not go back to any other. As for their base, I cannot say. I am interested in their AB connoisseur though. I will keep posted.
I was the same way, but with some differences in the road I took before AN.

Oh, and you'll love the Conni. Just be smart and start out light. You can always dial it up if you need to.

By the way, You must grow some bomb ass weed because you can't even keep your misguided facts straight. C-ya!;-)

I gotta say if I were judging this I'd have to give full points to doc111.


New Member
Their soils and perhaps some of their other non mj growing fertilizers and products may be organic but you are absolutely correct. As far as FF fertilizers for mj go only Big Bloom is all organic. Thank you.:bigjoint:

huh...didn't realize that. Thanks for clearing up the confusion. been thinking abotu growing organic. looks like i'm going to stick with AN since I know they have a full organic line - and i've figured out how it works....


guess you can't believe everyone you read on the forums...glad i didn't wander away from this thread for too long...



New Member
Really fatman, I could care less about your foxfarm weed. I grow my meds strictly for providing myself withthe best quality product I can possibly attain. There are better fertilizers to grow weed than than foxfarm stuff which you seem to have a hard on for. I used it my first grow. But I moved on from there. Funny, you are the only person I have EVER come across that claims foxfarm nutrients are organic. Hell if they fit your definition how can you be wrong. Debating is fun because you can be completely wrong but still win the debate.
And Im a dude.
Being a Dude doesn't make you a man or assure your not a bitcha. anhedonia is an inability to experience pleasure from normally pleasurable life events such as eating, exercise, social interaction or sexual activities. Enough said.

I have not used any organic fertilzers for over two decades, and I have never used Fox Farm. I have no idea of the quality of their products and really could not care if they are good or not. So draw your tongue in in and get off my ass because you obviously have no idea what your writing about and obviously have a reading comprehension problem if you think I like FF or grow with it. Get off your dumb ass and get some blood circulating to your pea barain and look at their adds. The majority of their products and fertilizers are listed as ORGANIC. Or are you now just being a bitcha and basing your arguement on some crack pot crap that only water soluble chemical fertilizers can be considered nutrients? I have merely said they advertise and promote organic fertlizers as their pride and joy products. I have also shown several times they sell many organic products and fertilzers. Other than that I have merely argued there are many defintions for p orh ganic in the food industry. There are no legal defintions for organic fertilizers because they are not reguaalated as organic or inorganic, just as fertilizers. Definitions differ, and I explained some of the differences. I have never claimed FF products are good or bad nor have I compared their quailty to GH or AN.

I mix my own fertilzers and have done so for over 20 years.

Dangledo your talking out your puppy ass obviosly as you are wrong.

DOC11 as usual your still talking out of your butt.


Well-Known Member
I acctually was a mason tender for 5 years before coming down with a psychiatric condition. You want to talk about being a bitch? A man even? Look who's trying to insult people over the internet. And your calling me a bitch? You've made yourself look like a complete douche this entire thread.

And You've officially made my ignore list and I would recommend to anyone else reading this thread that they put fatman7574 on thier ignore list as hes shown that he's useless for any decent info and hasnt learned to act like an adult.


Well-Known Member
Being a Dude doesn't make you a man or assure your not a bitcha. anhedonia is an inability to experience pleasure from normally pleasurable life events such as eating, exercise, social interaction or sexual activities. Enough said.

I have not used any organic fertilzers for over two decades, and I have never used Fox Farm. I have no idea of the quality of their products and really could not care if they are good or not. So draw your tongue in in and get off my ass because you obviously have no idea what your writing about and obviously have a reading comprehension problem if you think I like FF or grow with it. Get off your dumb ass and get some blood circulating to your pea barain and look at their adds. The majority of their products and fertilizers are listed as ORGANIC. Or are you now just being a bitcha and basing your arguement on some crack pot crap that only water soluble chemical fertilizers can be considered nutrients? I have merely said they advertise and promote organic fertlizers as their pride and joy products. I have also shown several times they sell many organic products and fertilzers. Other than that I have merely argued there are many defintions for p orh ganic in the food industry. There are no legal defintions for organic fertilizers because they are not reguaalated as organic or inorganic, just as fertilizers. Definitions differ, and I explained some of the differences. I have never claimed FF products are good or bad nor have I compared their quailty to GH or AN.

I mix my own fertilzers and have done so for over 20 years.

Dangledo your talking out your puppy ass obviosly as you are wrong.

DOC11 as usual your still talking out of your butt.
People can read dude. We were having a discussion about FF nutes for growing mj. I wasn't talking about their lawn fertilizers or their japanes maple fertilizers. I will spell it out for you and anyone else who may be completely confused by this thread. Grow big, tiger bloom and the three solubles, open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching are NOT ORGANIC. Big bloom and their soils ARE ORGANIC. I couldn't care less what you think the definition of organic is as it pertains to fertilizer. The personal attacks aren't cool and I think that pretty clearly shows your age and level of intelligence. You have numerous people replying to this thread that disagree with you and you attack them. GROW UP! It's o.k. to be wrong. I'm glad to have taught you something new and you're welcome for the knowledge. Now if I were you I would just stop replying to this thread and making yourself look like even more of a douche. Buh bye.:hug:


New Member
I am merely an ass hole. I admit to that. I went to Viet Nam two days after my nineteenth birth day, and I draw a disabilty check every month for post traumatic stress but your story does not cause me to feel empathetic, just sympathy. I take anti depressants and anti psychotic drugs every day, so your problem does not impress me as I went on to get a Phd and a hand ful of bachelor degrees since Viet Nam. Wow, you were a man, you carried blocks, and mud, oh my. You are a bitcha and a self professed emotional eunuch.

Wow, I am on another ignore list.