*Going to see how GREEN my thumbs are:)

Hey, guys.
Thanks for the advise!
Well, last night was the last of the flush. I'm leavin' the light out for 24, starting @ 7 this morning. Tomorrow morning...
off wit they heads.:bigjoint:
Then wayyyy off to the other side of the property to dry.
Then my office gets fuckin' nuked!:fire:

But today...
I smoke big joints, play much music, eat good food, sleep like a baby.
Thanksgiving today.
Harvest tomorrow.

Everybody have a great day!

I wish I had A) big joints
I wish I had A) big joints

Great moniker! Ha! Wicked Chowda! Haha! Reminds me of a Jimmy Fallon skit.

Hey, guys...
What's the diff between the blue rep boxes

...and the green rep boxes?

Stoned & Perplexed.
Yea the best thing about Avid is you dont have to worry about getting under the leaf, thats something thats not always easy on an scrog grow.

Mite eggs hatch every 3 days? Wow, thats news to me... Get the nuke!
Great moniker! Ha! Wicked Chowda! Haha! Reminds me of a Jimmy Fallon skit.

Hey, guys...
What's the diff between the blue rep boxes

...and the green rep boxes?

Stoned & Perplexed.
I think it's +rep.......I have asked before but didn't quite find out....
The blue ones I believe are grey and dont add to rep but rather is rep given by people who dont have rep themseves and as such cant give any. Ive heard its also negative rep by people who arent authorised to give negative rep but I dont believe this as I think mods are the only ones who can give neg rep? No?
The blue ones I believe are grey and dont add to rep but rather is rep given by people who dont have rep themseves and as such cant give any. Ive heard its also negative rep by people who arent authorised to give negative rep but I dont believe this as I think mods are the only ones who can give neg rep? No?
you could be right knickers.....makes sense. Anyone else have any ideas?

And yes, I also believe mods can only give -rep.
Thanks guys. I dunno either. Ha!

how was ya thanksgiving mcfunk.. and how is harvest going.

Well, my boys were home for the holiday and we got home from dinner #2 at about 6ish last night, I think.

Honey and I decided it would be worth the time bump to harvest last night and trim on Thanksgiving with our boys.(and to have the help.)
So we did:bigjoint:
We trimmed, ate, told stories and traded off with the guitars 'till 1 or 2 this mornin'.

Ahhh, the memories;-)
Soooo... it's all hangin' in honeys sewin' room now.

No weights... I didn't even think to take any.(I know someone's gonna ask:) )

I'll post pics later today, dudes.
What an awesome Thanksgiving at The Funk House!

After the festivities ended, as I mentioned earlier, Honey, our boys and I, settled in to give thanks for our own personal harvest. We all told stories and played guitars and sang or songs 'n ripped our bongs.(kids brought BIG glass. You'll see):bigjoint:

Honey say's "We put the 'fun' back in disFUNctional." Ha!
(always the wit, my baby!)

I'll just post all the pics pretty much in order if I can...
MendoBerry #1














Wilted OG~Kush#1






This is all Bubba had for us...







OG~Kush #1

OG~Kush#2(Yea, we tested:) )


Baby let me hang in her "Sewing Room" which is where we put things that have no place. Ha!






My baby thinks she's funny. Ha!

Ok guys. I got nothin' else.
Hope ya' dig!

Thanks again for all the friendly and knowledgeable support!!!

I dig,
Thanks for sharing Funk. You are a lucky man.

When I was young my family was full of music. Guitar, keyboards even an accordion. My sister had a great voice I played the guitar as the rest of us would try and remember the words and hit the notes... Great times. Thanks for reminding me.

Hell, I am gonna go cut mine now.
I dig,
Thanks for sharing Funk. You are a lucky man.

When I was young my family was full of music. Guitar, keyboards even an accordion. My sister had a great voice I played the guitar as the rest of us would try and remember the words and hit the notes... Great times. Thanks for reminding me.

Hell, I am gonna go cut mine now.
Thanks, Cruizer.
I agree, I'm a lucky, lucky man.
I learned music when I was a sprout. I was playing paid gigs(drums) in 7th grade and didn't look back.
I attribute my levelheaded rock-n-roll lifestyle and the preservation of adulthood brain cells to the fact that I saw first hand what the heavy shit can turn you into at a tender age.(not that I was an angel.)

I've taught all four of our kids(all young adults now) to play something. Keys, guitar, bass whatever they're into when they ask. It gives us a way to communicate without mudding the waters with words when words don't work.

It's not often we can all play together but I've got a home studio where we can track individually and then I mix/master. This also keeps the kids commin' 'round and writing:)

So you're gonna' harvest now???

YEeee Hawww!
I'm gonna' run over and look!:-P


Ok guys. I got nothin' else.
Hope ya' dig!

Thanks again for all the friendly and knowledgeable support!!!


Oh I dig Mc Funk, I am with yer girl on this pic, pi$$in maself me old china!! I have to bump this on Dr Greenhorns thread, they got some funny things going on over there.

Big congratulations and much green love and peace from over here,,,under the sea, in an octupus's garden

Oh I dig Mc Funk, I am with yer girl on this pic, pi$$in maself me old china!! I have to bump this on Dr Greenhorns thread, they got some funny things going on over there.

Big congratulations and much green love and peace from over here,,,under the sea, in an octupus's garden


Ha! Yea, she did "The weenie dance" with that one! Haha!
(Had ta be there.)

I'll see if I can find Greenhorns thread.

Thanks for the McLuvin, DST!
great story about thanksgiving, i'll call it 'danksgiving'
it's not luck you got, family is a blessing. very sentemental post, warmed my heart!

the harvest looks so much better than i expected, i thought it'd be all mite gnarled and sad... it looks primo! if that is your fuck up, we're gonna be blown away by the success!

dude we need to jam sometimes, i'm a drummer by trade and a secret acoustic guitarist (aka i'm not that good). i love recording, singing... that shit is so satisfying...
great story about thanksgiving, i'll call it 'danksgiving'
it's not luck you got, family is a blessing. very sentemental post, warmed my heart!

the harvest looks so much better than i expected, i thought it'd be all mite gnarled and sad... it looks primo! if that is your fuck up, we're gonna be blown away by the success!

dude we need to jam sometimes, i'm a drummer by trade and a secret acoustic guitarist (aka i'm not that good). i love recording, singing... that shit is so satisfying...

Danks, man!:blsmoke:Seriously... I really appreciate that.

I was a little(A LOT) surprised myself:)

Brother, I'm always up for a jam!!!
One of the bands I'm in plays casinos, car/bike shows and weddings alot, so they play an assload of music from the 70's through 90's. And not exactly my 'style'. But, all I gotta' do is sing the shit and look like I dig it and I get a check. Unfortunately, that gig takes most of the time I have for an organized band and the creative end of what I dig suffers. I fucking hate bars, but my bandmates and I(from my real band) try to hit an open jam once a month or so to get our original material out of our system. ...FUNK therapy! (think Red Hot Chilli's meet Zappa and have a bastard child with Primus.)
Let me know ,PG! Can't get too into it here, but if you're a musician I've got some pretty fucking cool things going on that I think you'd dig.