Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

Has anyone ever asked themselves why the Muslim world hates the west???
I mean really??? do SOME HARD THINKING AND ASK YOURSELF WHY DO THESE PEOPLE WANT US DEAD. This is a serious question and i would like to hear some concise and real examples of this...bongsmilie
Has anyone ever asked themselves why the Muslim world hates the west???
I mean really??? do SOME HARD THINKING AND ASK YOURSELF WHY DO THESE PEOPLE WANT US DEAD. This is a serious question and i would like to hear some concise and real examples of this...bongsmilie

cause we have been blowing up their shit for 20 some odd years?
So you've never bitched about kids not being allowed to "pray" in school? Seems to me people tend to pray a lot in church... at national sporting events, at international olympic events, all in public.

You, or any of your equally as insane counterparts of other religions, preaching in public about shit I do not believe infringes on my right to be in a public place without having to deal with such shit. Why do you think you have this right, but I don't? And you might try to turn this around and act like an idiot and remark about how that doesn't "harm" me, and I'm just bitching because I'm intollerant of others beliefs, but what you always seem to miss is the fact that there are BILLIONS of believers with insane beliefs that affect me even though I don't believe them. You miss the big picture. My goal is to stop the idiot shit from the start, at the retard in town square spitting nonsense at the gullible masses with an agenda in mind that he himself probably doesn't follow, just like all the other "religious leaders" - that fuckin' phrase should be in the dictionary next to oxy-moron... religious leaders :roll: ... lmfao...

so these people preaching in public, they are infringing on your rights?

you know what bothers me? when i go to the beach and i have to watch some guy make out with his boyfriend and explain it to my 8 year old daughter. but i dare not bring that up cuz that would make me a gay hating nazi...irony? oh yes, you bigot.:clap:

hey, you just made me think of something, maybe we should round up all the hari khrishnas at the airport...those fuckers are really threatening with their flowers and always wearin those freaky clothes, and bald heads

dude, if people freely exercising their religion seems like a threat to you, seek medical attention. they have really good phsych drugs nowadays. but be advised, you are a lib so dont forget to ignore the guys shooting up the army bases and blowing up thousands of people trying to get to work. you wouldnt want to be labeled a racist...
Has anyone ever asked themselves why the Muslim world hates the west???
I mean really??? do SOME HARD THINKING AND ASK YOURSELF WHY DO THESE PEOPLE WANT US DEAD. This is a serious question and i would like to hear some concise and real examples of this...bongsmilie

Because of what General 'Black Jack' Pershing did back in WWI

I don't think it

We should do that again in my opinion.
Muslim (Wahabist sect and other shiria Law advocates) hate all non-believers. They hate anyone in any country who is not going to submit to their God/political structure. It's not just 'the west'. They hate and seek to kill all who refuse to submit to Ahla the way they say you should submit to ahla.
Has anyone ever asked themselves why the Muslim world hates the west???
I mean really??? do SOME HARD THINKING AND ASK YOURSELF WHY DO THESE PEOPLE WANT US DEAD. This is a serious question and i would like to hear some concise and real examples of this...bongsmilie

i really dont give a rats ass why they hate us. i didnt do anything to them.

kill them before they kill anymore of us. they are fucking barbarians. when a barbarian rapes your daughter, maybe when he goes to trial you can ask the judge, "hey, why did he really rape my daughter....was she acting like a slut?" does his answer matter to you?

your logic is ridiculous.
Muslim (Wahabist sect and other shiria Law advocates) hate all non-believers. They hate anyone in any country who is not going to submit to their God/political structure. It's not just 'the west'. They hate and seek to kill all who refuse to submit to Ahla the way they say you should submit to ahla.

Just as alot of christian extremist groups and other religious fanatics hate all other "non believers" as well. This is more about geo politics than religion.
i really dont give a rats ass why they hate us. i didnt do anything to them.

kill them before they kill anymore of us. they are fucking barbarians. when a barbarian rapes your daughter, maybe when he goes to trial you can ask the judge, "hey, why did he really rape my daughter....was she acting like a slut?" does his answer matter to you?

your logic is ridiculous.

you sir and your world view are exactly the reason the world has this problem. furthermore that is a terrible representation of what america and fredom loving people stand for...
Sharia law would let the guy off. Remember when that girl got raped and she was the one who faced death BECAUSE she did not have a male relative in the car!!! How can anyone defend this type of 'law/religion? It's truly nuts!

"All those that believe Islam is a religion of peace are wit-less!" Khomeini

Dont take our word for it. Listen to the Ayatollah Khomeini himself.
Just as alot of christian extremist groups and other religious fanatics hate all other "non believers" as well. This is more about geo politics than religion.

yep, right back to the evil guys are the most predictable bunch of goons.....

hey einstien, i never blew anybody up. never been in a church that preaches blowing people up. and since christians blowing shit up in the name of jesus NEVER fucking happens, how bout we concentrate on the real enemies. you know, the ones who are blowing us up...are you fucking retarded or just trying to piss me off?:wall:

give me weed.....
Just as alot of christian extremist groups and other religious fanatics hate all other "non believers" as well. This is more about geo politics than religion.

Show me which christian groups you are talking about. Small groups of 10 people maybe or are you refering to groups of 10,000,000?

True christianity does not teach kill your neighbor. So please watch how you use the word. Cathlic religion??? They HAD a history. But no longer.
Sharia law would let the guy off. Remember when that girl got raped and she was the one who faced death BECAUSE she did not have a male relative in the car!!! How can anyone defend this type of 'law/religion? It's truly nuts!

"All those that believe Islam is a religion of peace are wit-less!" Khomeini

Dont take our word for it. Listen to the Ayatollah Khomeini himself.

so america and the west now has to be the religion police??? sounds like facsim to me. regardless of ones believes we have no place to impose anything on anyone else in this world. we are not superior to anyone and this idea that we have it all figured out fuels the fire of terrorism. We are not hated because we are free rather we har hated because of this counties imperialistic ventures ecspecially over the past fifty years. This problem will always be until we simply mind our own bussiness...
i really dont give a rats ass why they hate us. i didnt do anything to them.

kill them before they kill anymore of us. they are fucking barbarians. when a barbarian rapes your daughter, maybe when he goes to trial you can ask the judge, "hey, why did he really rape my daughter....was she acting like a slut?" does his answer matter to you?

your logic is ridiculous.

whos the barbarian? given the context, you calling them barbarians is a bit hypocritical.

Explain to me how raping of children came into this?
so america and the west now has to be the religion police??? sounds like facsim to me. regardless of ones believes we have no place to impose anything on anyone else in this world. we are not superior to anyone and this idea that we have it all figured out fuels the fire of terrorism. We are not hated because we are free rather we har hated because of this counties imperialistic ventures ecspecially over the past fifty years. This problem will always be until we simply mind our own bussiness...

But then where would the rest of the world get it's help for disasters and such.We do the most of any country during these
you sir and your world view are exactly the reason the world has this problem. furthermore that is a terrible representation of what america and fredom loving people stand for...

boy, yes you are a boy, you have no idea what this country represents. the reason the "world has this problem" is because a bunch of 4th century barbarians are plotting and successfully slaughtering innocent men women and children.

dont piss on my leg and tell me its raining. to you its somehow my fault that these bar-fucking-barians like chopping peoples heads off on live tv. no, its not my fault dumbass.

hey, i raped your mom and slashed your fathers throat cuz those evil afghanis are picking on me? what, is this the third grade?

explain how "freedom loving people" are free when they show up for work and planes fly into buildings? or maybe us evil christians should just turn the other cheek? you have the mentality of a 6 year old. now go clean your room.
Show me which christian groups you are talking about. Small groups of 10 people maybe or are you refering to groups of 10,000,000?

True christianity does not teach kill your neighbor. So please watch how you use the word. Cathlic religion??? They HAD a history. But no longer.

dude what are you talking about? read the bible dude story of sodom and gamora. aN ENTIRE city wiped out simply because these people were "immoral" but besides that im not necessarily reffering to just christian groups, but any group in this country that uses hate to express there believes. mUSLIMS MAY DO SOME FUCKED UP SHIT, BUT DONT ACT LIKE OUR HANDS ARE SO CLEAN.
Look at this country's history since ww2... what military engagements have we been in that havent been about oil, politics, religion, money, power or what have you.
This is truly nuts. They attacked us. But you will say we deserved it.
And the girl that got rapped? She wasn't dressed up or acting like a slut- but she was rapped and SHE was facing death! And you want to defend any of this>

I'm sure wise men such as yourselves can always justify your inconsistencies.
so these people preaching in public, they are infringing on your rights?

you know what bothers me? when i go to the beach and i have to watch some guy make out with his boyfriend and explain it to my 8 year old daughter. but i dare not bring that up cuz that would make me a gay hating nazi...irony? oh yes, you bigot.

hey, you just made me think of something, maybe we should round up all the hari khrishnas at the airport...those fuckers are really threatening with their flowers and always wearin those freaky clothes, and bald heads

dude, if people freely exercising their religion seems like a threat to you, seek medical attention. they have really good phsych drugs nowadays. but be advised, you are a lib so dont forget to ignore the guys shooting up the army bases and blowing up thousands of people trying to get to work. you wouldnt want to be labeled a racist...

Yes, my right to be in a public place without dealing with harassment. - to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute.

First, have you ever asked yourself why that offends you? Explain it to me.

Why do you "have to watch" two guys make out? Couldn't you turn around, walk the other direction, look the other way... a countless number of things other than be forced to watch two men make out? Why does someones personal choice of who they wish to make out with offend you? Perhaps your personal choice of who you wish to make out with offends them, should their position be considered just as valid as yours? Or should we take the more logical route and not pay attention to either party taking offense to something that has nothing to do with them? Aren't you the one advocating less political correctness, yet here you are trying to tell someone who they can and cannot make out with, based on if it'll offend you or not, get bent Jeff. You might be the biggest hypocrite on the boards...

Also, one other thing about that. Your daughter might not be as curious as to the reason she's seeing two men make out if you had explained things correctly to begin with. That all human beings are equal, regardless of something as insignificant as their sexuality, and they all deserve to be treated as such. Instead, she's confused because you believe they're not. Terrible parenting. Hopefully she grows up knowing better.

People can practice their personal religion all they want. I encourage that. But none of those people have a right to pass legislation based on what their imaginary friend says. I don't give a damn what it is, that isn't how law, or government should work. That's not equal. You can't advocate certain rights for people who believe and deny those exact same rights to people that don't. That is not a free, equal society.

Has anyone ever asked themselves why the Muslim world hates the west???
I mean really??? do SOME HARD THINKING AND ASK YOURSELF WHY DO THESE PEOPLE WANT US DEAD. This is a serious question and i would like to hear some concise and real examples of this...

50 years of American interest in resources the middle east has to offer, and the policy that we will get them by any means necessary.

i really dont give a rats ass why they hate us. i didnt do anything to them.

kill them before they kill anymore of us. they are fucking barbarians. when a barbarian rapes your daughter, maybe when he goes to trial you can ask the judge, "hey, why did he really rape my daughter....was she acting like a slut?" does his answer matter to you?

your logic is ridiculous.

Dude, you amaze me. You have absolutely no respect for history. All you care about is you you you. Who the hell cares if we lauch multi billion dollar operations into their country and kill thousands of their ancestors if it secures your way of life, the American way of life, right?

You're just a selfish motherfucker Jeff. You don't care about anything but yourself.
whos the barbarian? given the context, you calling them barbarians is a bit hypocritical.

Explain to me how raping of children came into this?

because in your limited mental capacity, you somehow justify barbarians blowing people up by saying its the folks that got blown up, its their fault. we need to figure out why they blew us up?
thats sick.

now apply this to someone raping your daughter. are you gonna ask, "why did you rape my daughter?". fuck no, you are gonna do whatever it takes to put that sick sonof a bitch in prison.unless you can get your hands on him and kill him first.

you cant see the parallel of the argument? wow, i will use crayon next time.