In my view you gotta get the basics straight and not confuse them before you can reasonably discuss the various issues. To that end as I see it there are three groups of individuals who support any kind of legalization.
First there are those who just want to purchase and use it legally so they have no worries about troubles that may occur if they were illegal.
Second there are those who wish to have a small, private grow for personal use because they like growing and/or wish to save money and/or want to maintain a stable supply of a know quality and/or want to keep their private activities private.
Third there are those who want to be involved in the production and sale of marijuana.
Each person has their own reasons and motivations for supporting various tactics and goals for legalization. That's totally normal and acceptable.
The question is how can we promote legalization so that we can best protect the interests of everyone involved?
Will promoting medical marijuana lead to the downfall of small to medium scale production and sales as it seems Jax is predicting?
Does this mean that we should support only full legalization or nothing? If so, then how do we successfully promote full legalization when the majority is barely willing to accept medical marijuana? If not, how can we support medical marijuana so that we can keep small and medium operations viable?
It seems obvious that medical marijuana is the quickest and easiest way to satisfy the first two groups of individuals. But if it leads to a de-facto ban on the third, should the first two give up what they can get now in order to protect the third group at some distant future time?
Once we have decided which way to go, then we must discuss all the problems we might face and how to address them and possibly head them off before they occur.
But the bottom line is that there must be a way, we must make a way to move forward with an eye on all these issues. We can't just decide that it's hopeless and give up. That is not an option.