HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data


Well-Known Member
Wow, people will believe anything that's in print or on Faux news now huh? I suppose magic is making those ice caps melt and humans are just the perfect responsible creatures that never harm anything right? Shouldn't this fake dribble be in the politics section? or perhaps fantasy...

Big P

Well-Known Member
Wow, people will believe anything that's in print or on Faux news now huh? I suppose magic is making those ice caps melt and humans are just the perfect responsible creatures that never harm anything right? Shouldn't this fake dribble be in the politics section? or perhaps fantasy...

whats fake?

are your walls tumbling down?


New Member
Wow, people will believe anything that's in print or on Faux news now huh? I suppose magic is making those ice caps melt and humans are just the perfect responsible creatures that never harm anything right? Shouldn't this fake dribble be in the politics section? or perhaps fantasy...

He's just catching on to the fact that the earth isn't a static planet.

Next thing you know, he'll realize that there is something called gravity and it's too high. Things are too heavy, we need to adjust the gravity levels so we can all be supermen.....


Well-Known Member
Wow, people will believe anything that's in print or on Faux news now huh? I suppose magic is making those ice caps melt and humans are just the perfect responsible creatures that never harm anything right? Shouldn't this fake dribble be in the politics section? or perhaps fantasy...
what killed the wooly mammoth?

magic. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have espousing moderation in the global warming scam for years. Pollution is the real concern of planet Earth. But no politician will say that because that would mean the dirty industries will have to clean up themselves. "Instead: let's call it Global Warming and get the tax payers to clean up our messes."


New Member
Well, the USA has cleaned itself up tremendously. Any picture from the 70's showing the NYC skyline will show that right off. I used to live near there ... you could taste the pollution in the air.

Our number ONE pollution problem is PLASTIC! Forget the global climate for awhile and do everyone a huge favor ... get rid of it in everyday consumer items.


Have people realized not a single bit of hacked information discredits disproves anything?

It hurts me too much to read your ignorant posts.

grow space

Well-Known Member
We are doomed...We shall never get rid of plastic(or maybe i will invent a new substance to replace that nasty stuff and so that the new material would be very and can be used over and over again...Lets fucking do it LOL )

Also dont forget about the so greatly increased CO2 emissions that we have in todays life so so much..so many fat bastard that are over eating and consuming with no thinking and careing what will happen in future because of our so so comfortable lives...It makes me sick, that we use other ppl for our own benefits...

Im high...:peace:


New Member
That's because you insist on skimming the surface of the issue, instead of actually digging deeper.

The global warming crowd is about to be declared "unscientific". That is an accurate assessment. If you think otherwise, you don't understand the basic tenants of science.

It's not science.....

NG, that plastic is now at the molecular level in all of our oceans and is being ingested by algae. It is working it's way through the entire food chain and will eventually cause us all irreversible harm.


Active Member
Have people realized not a single bit of hacked information discredits disproves anything?

It hurts me too much to read your ignorant posts.

Yes the data files back up the e-mails. They played with the numbers. The ball is in their court now, how can they prove their "computer models" are correct? They don'
t have the data to back up their claims..

LOL just keep marching off the cliff guys. Ill. smile is correct its the plastic that is the problem. ANOTHER liberal agenda. save the trees, use plastic. Tell ya what go clean up that giant ball of plastic garbage floating in the ocean and then we'll talk about radical solutions to problems that may or may not exist.

grow space

Well-Known Member
That's because you insist on skimming the surface of the issue, instead of actually digging deeper.

The global warming crowd is about to be declared "unscientific". That is an accurate assessment. If you think otherwise, you don't understand the basic tenants of science.

It's not science.....

NG, that plastic is now at the molecular level in all of our oceans and is being ingested by algae. It is working it's way through the entire food chain and will eventually cause us all irreversible harm.

I understand it all..o would so wan to write more, but my english is not soo good with different terms and shit...sorry...

One thing we must all understand that our Biosphere is a closed circle...we cant get out of it, yet...Everything we do affects other species...


New Member
That has been a constant in mans existence, no doubt.

But the deception as pertaining to Global warming is the actual amount man causes, which is quite minimal.

In our penchant for feeding our own egos, we like to think we are in control. We are not. Not by a long shot.

There are real problems out there caused by man, but the weather isn't one of them.

Greed is though ... think Al Gore. Think of those Global warming "scientists" fudge packing the data, and excluding opposing views and calling it a consensus.


New Member
"our Biosphere is a closed circle...we cant get out of it, yet...Everything we do affects other species.." - A Person Wise Beyond Their Years.

"Think of those Global warming "scientists" fudge packing the data, and excluding opposing views and calling it a consensus." - A Devout Person

Some SSS members believe those particular fudge packers were just looking for the prize inside.

I don't give a phlying phuck who you are, power can corrupt you.


New Member
That's exactly why the USA shines. We have the most checks and balances. They are needed. People, it turns out, are people. :wink:

Big P

Well-Known Member
CLIMATEGATE FALLOUT: UK climate scientist to temporarily step down...

UK climate scientist to temporarily step down
Dec 1 01:29 PM US/Eastern

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LONDON (AP) - Britain's University of East Anglia says the director of its prestigious Climatic Research Unit is stepping down pending an investigation into allegations that he overstated the case for man-made climate change.
The university says Phil Jones will relinquish his position until the completion of an independent review into allegations that he worked to alter the way in which global temperature data was presented.

The allegations were made after more than a decade of correspondence between leading British and U.S. scientists were posted to the Web following the security breach last month.
The e-mails were seized upon by some skeptics of man-made climate change as proof that scientists are manipulating the data about its extent.
Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
