The most obvious thing about this thread ought to be how far off topic it has been lead. And I do mean lead as opposed to drifted or strayed.
My original point was that radical Islam was a factor in the Fort Hood shooting and that the left wing media intentionally omitted this fact. But of course, the left leaning people here lead the conversation away from the main point. This is typical because the left tends to shift the focus of all issues from logical analysis to emotional reaction. I say "we need to start discussing the facts of Fort Hood" and they hear "I want all Muslims persecuted." This is just a subconscious emotional reaction based on how they process information. In their minds it is not the words that were uttered, but the emotion these words elicited that define the issue. But I digress.
I think much of the issue is that many people believe that terrorism is the act of a handful of thugs. They have trouble processing the fact that conservative estimates from both sides of the isle estimate the radicals to be around 10% of all Muslims. That comes to 130,000,000 people. If you ask what percentage wants to see Sharia law rule the world and replace the US constitution through peaceful means it becomes a majority. If you want to verify this info go on line and find it your self.
Today, the threat from Radical Islam is serious. These guys are not a small group of impotent thugs. They are rulers of Nations who seek nuclear weapons and wish to conquer the World. And there may come a day when the supposedly peaceful Muslims here in the US turn against us. To ignore this is to be willfully ignorant.
Every Muslim Country on Earth is at war with their neighbors. For them taking over the World is their ultimate goal and they are prepared to use any method be it terror, infiltration, deceit and suicide, and they are prepared to fight for thousands of years if necessary. We need to educate ourselves to the true scope and magnitude of this threat or we be our downfall.