Negative Rep

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Just checked my rep and this was there, yep its blue..

12-06-2009 02:35 PM
I think it's because a lot of people start talking shit in the first place, believing they are in a consequence-free environment. When they discover there is a consequence to their behavior, albeit a small one (neg. rep), it comes as a suprise for whatever reason.:roll:

it's not about talking shit, it's about talking shit to a mod. the only time i ever received -neg rep is from an interaction with a mod. and i didn't talk shit. he just didn't like my post.
in my view, it is something that should be used sparingly and only when someone is exceeding the norm in some specific manner. not some arbitrary slap in the face when you feel insulted. people say insulting things all the time here. so, if you are going to give -neg rep for someone insulting you, Mr. Mod, then get your ass busy, and start issuing -neg reps to everybody who insults anyone. or give me the power to -neg rep you (for free), if i feel like it.

just my thoughts. nothing negative, mind you.

but once again, people toss around positive rep like candy at halloween. :roll:
it's not about talking shit, it's about talking shit to a mod. the only time i ever received -neg rep is from an interaction with a mod. and i didn't talk shit. he just didn't like my post.

mods aren't the only ones who can -rep

not liking a post is the EXACT reason to -rep it. :clap:

-rep = "i think this sucks"

but once again, people toss around positive rep like candy at halloween. :roll:

well, yea, it could be a problem. there would be -rep wars and people would team up and form tactical attack squads and the like.

and then ultimately, -rep would be meaningless. like it is now.
Atleast you guys sign your name after it lol I hear about people getting neg repped and saying the person didn't even sign it.But in the mean time can someone neg rep me please?
Cheap? I wouldn't say that at all, I just don't waste money to privately tell someone they are a fool when I could easily just tell them in the thread for free
Cheap ass would be someone growing with CFL's hahahahah
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