is this true a guy in lousiana told me he gets a ounce for

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Well one time a guy in Louisiana gave me a quarter in McDonalds. I was about 8 years old.

Talking about $.25... I didn't smoke when I was 8.


Well-Known Member
im a lil east of louisiana and if he is just picking up mids that just a bit too high. If its chronic then its around 350 an oz. could be a lil different over there but i doubt it.


Well-Known Member
$110....but im not sure of the chicago a gram of good shit is 20-25$
im not from usa but i would say he is full of shit.
tell him you will give him $1500 for 10oz which would give him an easy $400 profit and see if he goes for it or not.or ask for a sample for a buyer.:joint:

if he goes for it and the weed is good, he is a grower looking for buyers or a mid man.
if he makes excuses about not being able to get it for you over a prolonged period (10 weeks for example) then he is just talking out of the small brown hole that he had filled up in prison at some point, hahaha.
as he is probably the sad life version of forest gump.
my pricing may be off somewhat as im not from the US but the advice is sound.:weed:


Well-Known Member
he's selling shwag, its obvious, i can get an oz of it for 70-100 bucks anytime i want, which is almost never cuz i grow my owna nd dont like seeded lower quality pot. iv always been able to get a oz of shwag for about that, its everywhere around here.I personally feel ripped off everytime i have/do bought/buy it too. its perfectly believable this guy can get it for that in lousiana.


Well-Known Member
welcome to louisiana!!! thats gonna be some shwag most likely... quality dank is moving between 5-$600 an oz here right now..:shock:
Nuts dude...Sup NOLIA. I stayed there for a couple months last summer. Cool ass place. But, yeah, the weed is shit...Everyone smokes schwag or mids for the most part and the dealers want 20 a gram for the good. WTF


Nuts dude...Sup NOLIA. I stayed there for a couple months last summer. Cool ass place. But, yeah, the weed is shit...Everyone smokes schwag or mids for the most part and the dealers want 20 a gram for the good. WTF

its been $20 per g for a long time.... dont know what happened, but for about the last year, people are charging 25 for singles, sometimes 30:o...... I'll smoke shwag :)


Well-Known Member
its been $20 per g for a long time.... dont know what happened, but for about the last year, people are charging 25 for singles, sometimes 30:o...... I'll smoke shwag :)
No shit dude...I'm paying 20 for 4 grams right now. For better shit too, I'm sure.:weed:


Well-Known Member
its been $20 per g for a long time.... dont know what happened, but for about the last year, people are charging 25 for singles, sometimes 30:o...... I'll smoke shwag :)
:shock:, I always thought it would be much cheaper there since you guys also have medical:shock:, I never imagined it would cost so much there compared to here! I figured you guys could get buds cheap as fuck there! you just blew my mind, lol


Well-Known Member
you should.... I know you like drinking... you'd fit right in ;)

think about us around february, and come check out mardi gras
Hey buddy. I might come:clap:. Still haven't been to one yet. Some of my friends did. I hear good got a floor I can crash on if I come out homie?


No shit dude...I'm paying 20 for 4 grams right now. For better shit too, I'm sure.:weed:

I wouldnt say better shit.... at least not all of the time. We do get a decent amount of our smoke in from Cali (at least here in NO ;) ) and it is top quality and pulls the higher pricetag of 5-600... the rest though, is more locally grown and tends to be rather generic... it looks good enough to sell at high prices, but the buzz/potency leaves much ot be desired... this can still be picked up for 350-400, but good luck finding someone that will give you a straight deal. :-?....


:shock:, I always thought it would be much cheaper there since you guys also have medical:shock:, I never imagined it would cost so much there compared to here! I figured you guys could get buds cheap as fuck there! you just blew my mind, lol

medical??? here??? you MUST be smoking good:clap:.... we're not even decriminalized :-|