The Real Peter Parker
Well-Known Member
Embellishment welcome!
Oh fuck that sucks. Well any other crazy stories?for my eighteenth birthday, my friend gave me the awesome gift of throwing up all over my car door and in those little compartments
happy birthday
Any that are crazy. One time I was trippin balls, not as hard as my roommate though, as he jumped through a fucking window!it would honestly help a lot if you told one of your own so we could clarify which category of crazy stories your talking about
Why were YOU driving on YOUR birthday. Friends should have been DDfor my eighteenth birthday, my friend gave me the awesome gift of throwing up all over my car door and in those little compartments
happy birthday
yes please continue^
Hey TRPP, I love your posts, you're the real deal. was 1969 or there abouts, it was payday and we all wanted to buy some weed. Try to wrap your heads around this......we were all stone cold heads....but we were in the ARMY!.....stationed at the Presidio SF. You ever see those big red brick buildings on the right just off Doyle Drive when you come off the Golden Gate Bridge? That's where we lived. A sweet posting for a draftee when the alternative was far to the in Vietnam!
So Jackie Tutor says to me "you know how to drive a sports car, you drive to Berkeley for the weed". He just bought an MG Midget with questionable ownership and figured that since I had an Austin Healey 3000 I was a candidate for driver. I was game....and I wanted some weed!
As soon as we hit the Bay Bridge he pulls out an American flag joint the size of a Sharpie and proceed to burn it. Well...the hot ash was about 1.5 inches long when a speaker ...attached to a CHP cruiser says right in my ear......"PULL OVER AT THE NEXT EXIT"....."PULL OVER AT THE NEXT EXIT!". My life flashed before my eyes....visions of 10 years in the stockade.......imminent suicide...AAAARGH!
Well......I jammed that American flag and 1.5 inches of glowing ember straight into my mouth and started planning. We had a mile to go before we got to Yerba Buena exit. I said to Jackie Tutor "you got anymore weed on you?". He says "No".......then 3 seconds later he says...."I forgot... I got a little more " and pulls a full lid out of his pocket. I say "throw it out the window when we hit the curve at the exit"......then I look in the rearview mirror and see nothing but but CHP grill and CHP headlights! I say " stuff it in the side pocket...............TO BE CONTINUED IF THERE'S ANY INTEREST!