HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data


Well-Known Member
The brownie reference is from the farewell from GW Bush thing that Will Ferrel did.

It's funny because he was not doing a heck of a job, "Bush league" humor.


Well-Known Member
Ok not reporting it, that I do respect except the rest is two faced bullshit.

Oh I like you, I respect you, you're ok with me I just know you're a liar. Wow, I would rather you told me to fuck off and were honest. You can't respect someone you think you know to be a liar and if you claim you can then again more two faced bullshit.
No problemo.

And I'm not overly concerned with your 'liar' blather either. LOL!

The folks at home can read. :-|

who is brownie?

The R's have not held Congress since 2006.

I don't blame you for trying to forget that. :shock:


i'm just happy that i have a president i don't have to bash. welcome to the other side!! lol!
oh and economy crashed under Bush's watch. NOT Obama's LOL!! BUSH TRASHED THE ECONOMY!!

obama brought in the same fucking people from the bush admin

the same fucking people who got us INTO the financial crisis

and the obama administrations plan is to spend our way out of a problem we spent out way into, which is impossible

obama is bush 2.0 in every sense of the statement

he is continuing along a path paved for him by the people who own it all, and want nothing more than power


Well-Known Member
you misunderstood al gore's claims at inventing the internet. my dad invented it lol!!
he was part of an army project in the 70's first image sent over data cable was an old car.
his project was developing the code for data to be sent via phone cable.
more closely resembled facsimile or "fax"

As a Senator, Gore began to craft the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991 (commonly referred to as "The Gore Bill") after hearing the 1988 report Toward a National Research Network submitted to Congress by a group chaired by UCLA professor of computer science, Leonard Kleinrock, one of the central creators of the ARPANET (the ARPANET, first deployed by Kleinrock and others in 1969, is the predecessor of the Internet).[50][51][52] The bill was passed on December 9, 1991 and led to the National Information Infrastructure (NII) which Gore referred to as the "information superhighway."

i have the sources if you're interested.



New Member
Gore is nothing more than a huckster, always has been. Always seeking his daddys approval and never getting it. Oh well.

So what. He's being exposed as the fraud he is. Global warming is being exposed as the fraud that it is. The Dem's are going to tie themselves to the mast and I'm glad. This will definitely sink their ship. Between health care and stimulus and cap and scheme, we won't have to worry about liberals for decades.

They'll all be at the carnival with Al. I'm saving my nickels.


Well-Known Member
Gore is nothing more than a huckster, always has been. Always seeking his daddys approval and never getting it. Oh well.

So what. He's being exposed as the fraud he is. Global warming is being exposed as the fraud that it is. The Dem's are going to tie themselves to the mast and I'm glad. This will definitely sink their ship. Between health care and stimulus and cap and scheme, we won't have to worry about liberals for decades.

They'll all be at the carnival with Al. I'm saving my nickels.
say what you want about "dems" at least they're not as vindictive as you.
how do you live with so much hate?



New Member
I'm not vindictive at all.

I am fiscally responsible when it comes to other ppl's money. Something you have no qualms about evidently.

I am for scientific objectivity and verifiable data. Something you have no qualms about evidently.

It amazes me that a scam which is so OBVIOUS can escape so many. It makes me conclude that you have no principles. The data is irrelevant to you. You simply want what you want.

Now that is truly a vindictive child. The shoe fits you better.


Well-Known Member
I'm not vindictive at all.

I am fiscally responsible when it comes to other ppl's money. Something you have no qualms about evidently.

I am for scientific objectivity and verifiable data. Something you have no qualms about evidently.
so you're saying we're on the same page? i agree with you on those things. those are "ideals" i agree with.

however to disregard and want nothing but ill-will and hope for the demise of a group... eh... i'm not so sure that shoe fits me.



New Member
Re read it... if the Dem's wish to tie themselves to it ... yes ... they deserve the results.

Demise of liberals of course is in the political sense. But, yes, certainly it will be good to get them back up into the attic where they belong with the nutty ideas we all fancy from time to time. Liberals don't seem to grasp economics well. They ignore reality and pursue dreams, not realizing they are leaving behind nightmares across the land.

But here it is in a nut shell.

Liberals don't have faith in their common man, their brother citizens. Instead of ppl working things out themselves as much as possible, liberals would rather a stranger decide. It's a lack of faith in oneself and in others.

Liberals think the PUBLIC sector is the preferred remedy to economic ills. Liberals have little faith in the Private sector. Yet, where are the reams of data to show that the govt. is the better economic engine? Last time I looked, the govt. doesn't produce anything but debt. It follows no known business model, and isn't punished for massive losses (they just foist it off on the national debt., swept into the dust bin of our future generations).

Yes, liberals deserve to reap all that they have sown. Vietnam, The Great Society, Climategate, Cap & tax, and now... by golly, air. Yes, we're now taxing the air we breathe. It used to be a joke, but thanks to unprincipled liberals, it is now a bloody reality.

All you deserve ... I truly hope. :wink:

Big P

Well-Known Member
It stings more with obama cuz he wasnt suposed to be such a lieing and deceptive weasel,
The government thinks we are sheep they can run over and they are partially right
Must be somthing in the water

weasel is a good description of our current president

Bush more like an ox or buffalo or maybe tazmanian devil if u wanna hate on him

But obama is your classic text book Snot nosed weasel


New Member
See what's happening in Iraq? Never have a timeline for an exit made public. The same has already been set up for Afghanistan. The question is, will Obama blow just Afghanistan (almost a given now), or BOTH Iraq and Iran.


Well-Known Member
He didn't say "WE WILL BANKRUPT THEM!! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!" he said "do it, it will bankrupt you" He's forcing companies that dump shit into the air to be accountable for it. (even IF man made climate change is fake) all the other shit in the air from burning coal isn't good for US to breathe in.

Also about the firefighter talking earlier about pure O2 being harmful and CO2 isn't toxic it just suffocates you.
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Makes perfect sense if we lived in a time when the environment were in balance. We'd be foolish to believe that there is not a MAN MADE imbalance of carbon and CO2 in the air. The very nature of building a coal power plant generates CO2 that prior to that power plant DID NOT exist. It is FOOLISH and downright IGNORANT to ignore FACTS. This extra CO2 DID NOT EXIST before this new plant was built. End of story, that is clear reasoning and logic. Now argue that Obama told me this and made me crazy when I drank his magical Kool-Aid.

Also, why is accountability bad?
Toy manufacturer's are accountable when they put a recommended age on their products.
Music producers are accountable when they place a GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED/REQUIRED Explicit Content warning on their album cases.
Drug companies are "accountable" when they issue warnings, and blah blah (i don't really believe that, but they tell us they are)
Why shouldn't this industry be held accountable for what it is doing?

LOL! Yet another post-rebuttal edit-response.

You scholars are proving yourselves brilliant in hindsight debate. :clap:

Too bad you couldn't cook up this brilliant response before I actually responded to the original post.

The coal industry is responsible now. I have already explained this. Otherwise you must concede that the E.P.A. and all of the state natural resource agencies are impotent. Nothing more than worthless, parasitic bureaucracies.

In the interview the Chosen One is not talking about accountability, he is talking about punishment. Chastising even unto death an entire industry. But he does not call it 'punishment,' of course. He's more diplomatic than that even in San Francisco.

He calls it his 'overall policy' - following an epic Obama-stammer. LOL! He states categorically that his Cap & Trade proposal is more aggressive than any other out there. Clearly stating that if the individual companies within the industry do not meet caps which are 'ratcheted down every year' (his words), the companies will not survive in the government-dictated 'market.'

The man is willing to use a scam, based on flawed science concealed by a fixed peer-review process, to bankrupt companies and eliminate coal as an energy source.
The only thing I've said with respect to coal, I haven't been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.
I can't exactly determine what he is saying here except that he does not support coal. Could it be that he advocates eliminating coal entirely as a matter of ideology even if clean coal technology is possible?

Perhaps one of you O-pologists could shed some light on that statement, preferably in a separate post after any rebuttal I offer to your subsequent response. :shock:

Fixing typos is one thing, but adding entire paragraphs after another poster has responded to the original post is quite another. The edit-debate technique is chickenshit. Kindly make all your points before I respond.


Well-Known Member
what did i edit? truly i have no idea what you're talking about.
i've edited many posts. but not that one.
you guys in this thread are just mean.
if you could put the bullshit aside and stick to the issues i'd hang around.
but sadly i cannot handle anymore of your low blows or petty jabs.
it would be one thing for you to say one thing, but every single post?
come on!


PS I do concede the EPA blows and is a waste of time. Because they never truly enforce their policies. Coal Country That documentary shows VERY clearly that the EPA may put in place policies forcing "big coal" to be responsible. But coal never lives up to its end of the bargain. Nor does the EPA show up later to make sure they are! It's ridiculous, they do something for the medias sake, then move on!
OOOOOO!! I conceded the EPA is full of shit?! **GASP** NOW WHAT?! Am I red-blooded conservative now?! Give me a break! Half the shit you guys talk about is so unimportant. You just need to have something crazy to talk about.

EDIT: I'M POINTING IT OUT THIS TIME!! I re-read that post, I corrected a few typos for clarity's sake the meaning of what I said didn't change. I left out a few "the"s and "an"s here and there. Do you really just re-read the whole thread, looking for the tiniest detail to exploit? I wish I had your kinda time. I bet your forearms get sore. Feel free to continue jerking each other off now, I will no longer be a part of your pissing contest.


New Member
The largest offenders with regards to pollution isn't the USA, but China & India.

Harming the USA's economy on an issue which will have LITTLE results is absurd.

No one has cleaned up their environment more than the USA, and yet, ppl act like we're destroying the planet.

Take that razor sharp environmental logic and go protest in China. See how long you walk around free and unfettered to protest.

We have raised spoiled citizens with no ability to see through political spin anymore. A recipe for mediocrity.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm offended. Not one response about the video link I provided where Obama states that cap and trade will cause power rates to necessarily skyrocket. Someone disputed the validity of my claim and when I provide proof it just gets brushed off! What's the point? And how many times are you guys going to threaten to leave the debate? BTW, I'm not fighting anyone's fights but I didn't see Johnny attack you Oregon. You seemed to get all pissed off, about what I'm not sure, and started calling names first. Now go smoke a joint and chill man. It's just a friendly debate. No one needs to get their panties in a twist over this. :hug:


New Member
so you're saying we're on the same page? i agree with you on those things. those are "ideals" i agree with.

however to disregard and want nothing but ill-will and hope for the demise of a group... eh... i'm not so sure that shoe fits me.

If you hold those ideals, then you MUST be against the govt. getting into ANY business.

Obama & Congress must appall you if you believe as I do.


Well-Known Member
If you hold those ideals, then you MUST be against the govt. getting into ANY business.

Obama & Congress must appall you if you believe as I do.
It's apparent that some people simply buy into everything one party or another is selling. That's why I consider myself an independent. I won't just tow the party line because it happens to be the party I'm affiliated with. Just because Obama (or any politician for that matter) stands up in front of a camera and says it's so doesn't make it so. I think some people need to take a long hard look at their beliefs and question them. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. There is something wrong with blindly following every policy that a political party is preaching. ;-)


New Member
That's 100% correct Doc.

I also am a staunch Independent. Neither party covers the bases for me. I vote by issue and data, not political spin.

My hero right now? Joe Lieberman!! A man who has repeatedly shown "common sense" on many issues.

No wonder he left the democrat party ... :wink: he got lonely ... very.