HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data


Well-Known Member
The largest offenders with regards to pollution isn't the USA, but China & India.

Harming the USA's economy on an issue which will have LITTLE results is absurd.

No one has cleaned up their environment more than the USA, and yet, ppl act like we're destroying the planet.

Take that razor sharp environmental logic and go protest in China. See how long you walk around free and unfettered to protest.

We have raised spoiled citizens with no ability to see through political spin anymore. A recipe for mediocrity.

you do realise that chinese and india produce much much lower amounts of co2 per head like 25% of what usa uses so to use that as an argument is pretty feeble dont you think?


New Member
Uhhh, you need to read up a bit.

This first one is 2007 .. uh huh.

China overtakes US as world's biggest CO2 emitter

  • Tuesday 19 June 2007 18.23 BST
Cyclists pass a factory in Yutian in China's north-west Hebei province. Photograph: Peter Parks/AFP

China has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest producer of carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas, figures released today show.
The surprising announcement will increase anxiety about China's growing role in driving man-made global warming and will pile pressure onto world politicians to agree a new global agreement on climate change that includes the booming Chinese economy. China's emissions had not been expected to overtake those from the US, formerly the world's biggest polluter, for several years, although some reports predicted it could happen as early as next year.
But according to the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, soaring demand for coal to generate electricity and a surge in cement production have helped to push China's recorded emissions for 2006 beyond those from the US already. It says China produced 6,200m tonnes of CO2 last year, compared with 5,800m tonnes from the US. Britain produced about 600m tonnes.

New York Times:
China has clearly overtaken the United States as the world's leading emitter of carbon dioxide, the main heat-trapping gas, a new study has found, its emissions increasing 8 percent in 2007. The Chinese increase accounted for two-thirds of the growth in the year's global greenhouse gas emissions, the study found.
The report, released Friday by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, found that in 2007 China's emissions were 14 percent higher than those of the United States. In the previous year's annual study, the researchers found for the first time that China had become the world's leading emitter, with carbon emissions 7 percent higher by volume than the United States in 2006.

Like I said, you have some catching up to do. Guess which country makes out like a bandit with the Copenhagen Conference template?

Of course the very worst part is after all the redistribution of wealth is pissed away, there won't be any results. Oh wait, we can just change the data numbers ... again.


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, you need to read up a bit.

This first one is 2007 .. uh huh.

China overtakes US as world's biggest CO2 emitter

  • Tuesday 19 June 2007 18.23 BST
Cyclists pass a factory in Yutian in China's north-west Hebei province. Photograph: Peter Parks/AFP

China has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest producer of carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas, figures released today show.
The surprising announcement will increase anxiety about China's growing role in driving man-made global warming and will pile pressure onto world politicians to agree a new global agreement on climate change that includes the booming Chinese economy. China's emissions had not been expected to overtake those from the US, formerly the world's biggest polluter, for several years, although some reports predicted it could happen as early as next year.
But according to the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, soaring demand for coal to generate electricity and a surge in cement production have helped to push China's recorded emissions for 2006 beyond those from the US already. It says China produced 6,200m tonnes of CO2 last year, compared with 5,800m tonnes from the US. Britain produced about 600m tonnes.

New York Times:
China has clearly overtaken the United States as the world's leading emitter of carbon dioxide, the main heat-trapping gas, a new study has found, its emissions increasing 8 percent in 2007. The Chinese increase accounted for two-thirds of the growth in the year's global greenhouse gas emissions, the study found.
The report, released Friday by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, found that in 2007 China's emissions were 14 percent higher than those of the United States. In the previous year's annual study, the researchers found for the first time that China had become the world's leading emitter, with carbon emissions 7 percent higher by volume than the United States in 2006.

Like I said, you have some catching up to do. Guess which country makes out like a bandit with the Copenhagen Conference template?

Of course the very worst part is after all the redistribution of wealth is pissed away, there won't be any results. Oh wait, we can just change the data numbers ... again.

i'd re read my last post if i was you cracker i said china has lower co2 output per head than the usa
from your article
"It says China produced 6,200m tonnes of CO2 last year, compared with 5,800m tonnes from the US."
now considering china has got a pop of a couple of billion and america has got a couple of hundred million i think those figures quite conclusivly show that america is producing alot more CO2 PER HEAD than china by quite a large degree

so you saying that china makes more co2 altough it is correct but when you look at the REAL figures america is still way above them PER HEAD


New Member
:lol: so they get a pass on a per person basis. we aren't selling tickets here, we're talking about total volume output. Uhhh....

The trend is also very important. We are reducing our footprint, China is not, India is not. They are building coal plants non stop 24/7/365. It's a race son.....get it?

This is no time to drop the baton. Wake up


Well-Known Member
i'd re read my last post if i was you cracker i said china has lower co2 output per head than the usa
from your article
"It says China produced 6,200m tonnes of CO2 last year, compared with 5,800m tonnes from the US."
now considering china has got a pop of a couple of billion and america has got a couple of hundred million i think those figures quite conclusivly show that america is producing alot more CO2 PER HEAD than china by quite a large degree

so you saying that china makes more co2 altough it is correct but when you look at the REAL figures america is still way above them PER HEAD
We put out more because of our prosperous nature. How many cars does your household have? How many tv's? Do you have any toys like motorcycles, ATV's, Jetskis? We are a prosperous nation. China is emerging out of the third world. It won't be long before China's per capita carbon output surpasses the U.S. We have way better clean air standards than almost any place in the world. When I was in Europe in the early 90's most cars were still using leaded gasoline. We have too many gadgets and toys that use electricity or gasoline. Don't worry. If the dems get their way you won't have to worry about it for long because you won't be able to afford those toys. And our per capita carbon output will be lowered dramatically. Voila! Problem solved.:o


Well-Known Member
:lol: so they get a pass on a per person basis. we aren't selling tickets here, we're talking about total volume output. Uhhh....

The trend is also very important. We are reducing our footprint, China is not, India is not. They are building coal plants non stop 24/7/365. It's a race son.....get it?

This is no time to drop the baton. Wake up

lol by how much have you lowered co2 output per head so far? i'd love to see some evidence here. cause you'd have to drop a huge amount before you can start saying china "is worst culprit"
coming into copenhagen china and india both said they were willing to reduce emmisions so even they realise that using the levels per head that the usa does isnt a good idea


Well-Known Member
cracker. you and i may be more alike than i realize.
i don't hold ties to party lines. i look at issues, facts, and data.

i wouldn't say i give in to media spin by any means.
when i hear a news story i usually spend more time laughing and wondering what facts have been left out.

i think we're both crazy, just different kinds of crazy.
there may be something to this "carbon taxing" i.e. cap and trade.
i'm hearing more and more about it all, now that i'm aware of the issue.
i just find it hard to believe we will be taxed for every breath we exhale.
that seems taking it to the extremes.
i'd like to hear more about it before i'm convinced though that obama is desperately trying to destroy the coal industry.
i'm sure there is a middle ground somewhere.

i am appalled that the gov't is trying to spend its way out of debt.
i would rather see some public works projects, that artificially inflate the economy enough to eventually bring us out of debt.
minimize the amount of spending, but maximize the return.


PS yeah yeah yeah... i couldn't stay away.


New Member
The United States is blessed with the world's best criminal justice system, albeit it is still fucked up.

EVERY story has two sides.

OR, everyone's reality is really just their perception.


Well-Known Member
It's cute when Sarah Palin plays dumb. On you it's not so appealing.
what did i edit? truly i have no idea what you're talking about.
i've edited many posts. but not that one.
you guys in this thread are just mean.
if you could put the bullshit aside and stick to the issues i'd hang around.
but sadly i cannot handle anymore of your low blows or petty jabs.
it would be one thing for you to say one thing, but every single post?
come on!


PS I do concede the EPA blows and is a waste of time. Because they never truly enforce their policies. Coal Country That documentary shows VERY clearly that the EPA may put in place policies forcing "big coal" to be responsible. But coal never lives up to its end of the bargain. Nor does the EPA show up later to make sure they are! It's ridiculous, they do something for the medias sake, then move on!
OOOOOO!! I conceded the EPA is full of shit?! **GASP** NOW WHAT?! Am I red-blooded conservative now?! Give me a break! Half the shit you guys talk about is so unimportant. You just need to have something crazy to talk about.

EDIT: I'M POINTING IT OUT THIS TIME!! I re-read that post, I corrected a few typos for clarity's sake the meaning of what I said didn't change. I left out a few "the"s and "an"s here and there. Do you really just re-read the whole thread, looking for the tiniest detail to exploit? I wish I had your kinda time. I bet your forearms get sore. Feel free to continue jerking each other off now, I will no longer be a part of your pissing contest.

Your response went from this.
why is accountability bad?

To this.
He didn't say "WE WILL BANKRUPT THEM!! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!" he said "do it, it will bankrupt you" He's forcing companies that dump shit into the air to be accountable for it. (even IF man made climate change is fake) all the other shit in the air from burning coal isn't good for US to breathe in.

Also about the firefighter talking earlier about pure O2 being harmful and CO2 isn't toxic it just suffocates you.
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Makes perfect sense if we lived in a time when the environment were in balance. We'd be foolish to believe that there is not a MAN MADE imbalance of carbon and CO2 in the air. The very nature of building a coal power plant generates CO2 that prior to that power plant DID NOT exist. It is FOOLISH and downright IGNORANT to ignore FACTS. This extra CO2 DID NOT EXIST before this new plant was built. End of story, that is clear reasoning and logic. Now argue that Obama told me this and made me crazy when I drank his magical Kool-Aid.

Also, why is accountability bad?
Toy manufacturer's are accountable when they put a recommended age on their products.
Music producers are accountable when they place a GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED/REQUIRED Explicit Content warning on their album cases.
Drug companies are "accountable" when they issue warnings, and blah blah (i don't really believe that, but they tell us they are)
Why shouldn't this industry be held accountable for what it is doing?

Looks like three paragraphs were added after I responded.

Total bush league tactics.


New Member
My friend, the issue at hand is . . .


Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing a PILE OF SHIT!

Fortunately, there were others manipulating and fixing other data sets, just like regular scientists.

One of the reasons I quit school is that some of my professors were playing in piles of shit.

It is amazing that science functions at all, with all of the piles of shit everywhere!

Big P

Well-Known Member


If the EPA has power over us will thay also have power over china and India? No thay wont, only we will be asked to sacrifice,again. Start building some refineries and power plants at the same time as wind turbines,replant some of the great forests again,and invest in farming again, it can't hurt. reconron.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 9:58 AM



So... do as we say because we are going to force you to do it anyway. I like where this is going...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 9:58 AM



This is starting to look like The Simpsons Movie
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:02 AM



Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:03 AM



The EPA has absolutely no Constitutional authority. If they want to play hard ball then I say it's time to dissolve the agency. If they can't play by the rules then they shouldn't be able to play at all. It's time all of the CO2 they're so afraid of finds its way into their building.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:05 AM



I guess Al Gore didn't bring glad tidings to White House on Monday about global warming. Now an alternative theory is emerging -- It is not CO2, stupid, it is sun activities that is causing the high temperature on earth. And the warming is cyclical. Why do I have a feeling this alternative theory would be more believable, ... so once again White House need to rush. Congress is tooooooo slow.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:06 AM



I see, so the EPA takes independent action of an issue that was not theirs to be concerned with until they ruled that breathing was a danger.... If I were congress, I would merely tell them if they did, the prepare your resume, you are about to lose your job. They are not a law enforcement agency, they do not get to establish the rule, determine who is guilty, and punish. Wrong!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:07 AM



I see, so the EPA takes independent action of an issue that was not theirs to be concerned with until they ruled that breathing was a danger.... If I were congress, I would merely tell them if they did, the prepare your resume, you are about to lose your job. They are not a law enforcement agency, they do not get to establish the rule, determine who is guilty, and punish. Wrong!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:07 AM



Welcome to the dictatorship. Is it too early to start impeachment process?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:08 AM


New Jersey

Wow-our guy is taking lessons from HUGO. But just watch-as with Hugo it will be do as I say not as I do. Well, this is the CHANGE Colin wanted-sure hope he likes it-guess it's okay now that he can sit next to and party with the ONE. Is he the male version of Valerie Plame???-the media sure made him out to have been used-but perhaps it was the other way around...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:10 AM

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Congress should push back and threaten to take power from the EPA. Not likely to happen with this bunch though.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:12 AM



Yes! Let's plant trees! Get rid of all of the Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere. Increase the oxygen level of our planet. Only problem is if you increase the oxygen level of our planet...what happens when you light a match? What happens to a tanker truck carrying pure oxygen when a spark ignites the innards of the tank?!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:13 AM



And FYI Obama..I've been shoveling snow since last Friday! We are in the grip of an artic front! Global warming? I don't think so.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:15 AM



This is no surprise since the name of this game is control. While we were fighting the cap and trade the epa was gearing up to become the clmate police of America. Now expect their minions to get arms to enforce their laws. Obama now has his brown shirts.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:15 AM



Yes! Let's plant trees! Get rid of all of the Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere. Increase the oxygen level of our planet. Only problem is if you increase the oxygen level of our planet...what happens when you light a match? What happens to a tanker truck carrying pure oxygen when a spark ignites the innards of the tank?!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:15 AM



Now we have an unelected arm of the US government proclaiming that it has greater power than the government itself in this critical issue. Just how is that Hope and Change working out for you leftist fvckheads?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:17 AM



Now we have an unelected arm of the US government proclaiming that it has greater power than the government itself in this critical issue. Just how is that Hope and Change working out for you leftist fvckheads?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:18 AM



I suggest to all who want to believe that we are cusing global warming that you give up all the trappings of comfort you blame. Do not drive, do not use electricity, make your own clothes, grow your own food but remember you have to till the land by hand. And now hold your breath or the EPA is coming to get you.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:18 AM



Is this a case of the tail wagging the dog? Mr. President we are not stupid. TERM LIMITS! WE MUST HAVE THEM NOW.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:22 AM



So youse better listen UP, America! If we can't get our hand picked politicians to muscle this in for us (dem guys you voted for) we'll do an end around youse & the US Constitution through the EPA. That'll teach youse a lesson! And if youse don't like dat, we'll break your knee caps! Get dat?!? We get what we want no matter what it cost youse! Getoverit!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:25 AM


Big P

Well-Known Member
Obama's 47 Percent Approval Lowest of Any President at This Point
-- George W. Bush, 86 percent
-- Bill Clinton, 52 percent
-- George H.W. Bush, 71 percent
-- Ronald Reagan, 49 percent
-- Jimmy Carter, 57 percent
-- Gerald Ford, 52 percent
-- Richard Nixon, 59 percent
-- Lyndon Johnson, 74 percent
-- John Kennedy, 77 percent
-- Dwight Eisenhower, 69 percent
-- Harry Truman, 49 percent


Active Member
HAARP google that and tell me they dont control the weather! they seed clouds too! in tokyo this summer they accidently made a 4inch snow storm in july by Over seeding the clouds! so america should NEVER have drought conditions! fuck Palin that bitch is a coke head from wasilla!


Well-Known Member
I trust NO stories from FOX News. So much opinion and biased reporting its disgusting.
(before anyone says it, i trust about 25% of the reports/stories from MSNBC)
ultimately i make my own opinions. sorry, those stories just aren't up to snuff. anymore?
i really want to be better informed on this issue, give me something non-FOX, MSNBC, or CNN

this is a plea a genuine request. not an attempt to start a shit fest. clearly there is more news/stories/info out there than i realized.
if you have them, please, do share!
