got an ex gf one too, hearing all of yours.
so i was dating this girl for like 3 months that all my friends said to stay a way from cause she was a nut and i had her under control for a long while until i found out she was doing coke. anyways this bitch started getting fucking crazy after her sister had a baby telling me she wanted me to knock her up. Then she told me she was pregnant which i NEVER planned on happening and the bitch would still go to the bars smoke like a fiend ect. ect. so we split up and a couple weeks later we got back together and she told me she found out she wasnt pregnant... Anyways thats the pre-story heres the good part........
So I told her, Fine.. next time if you wanna do some coke ill do some with you, which i hadnt done in over a year.... Anyways so Im get fucked up off some tequilla with a buddy of mine while shes at work with my car. When she comes over its obvious she was fucked up too, she was a bartender, so she tells me she wants to get some coke and tells me shes fine to drive...
so we take a trip like 20 miles away and shes driving all fucked up and blows through two stop lights in a row, i tell her to get the fuck out and shes yelling and swearing at me ect. Anyways I wanted her out of the car period but she gets in the passanger seat, at this point Im pretty pissed off cause shes sitting there cussing me out so I tell her Im taking her home.
Things continue to escilate then All of the sudden BAM she puches me in the face... Then again, and again and agian, probably like fifteen times....... Im talking solid punches, not your average girl punch, the type where you see black for a second...
So Im swerving all over the road.. Keep in mind Im on the highway going 60... Then the bitch slams my car into reverse!! All the gears grind up and I quicky put it back into drive and restrain this cunt with my free arm twisting her arm behind her back and I twist it so hard shes crying
I get off at the nearest exit while shes punching me with her free arm as soon as i get off she trying to smash my door into street signs.......
AT THIS POINT IM SEEING RED!! Ive never hit a girl in my life but all I wanted to do was knock this bitch out!
I pull over and say GET THE FCK OUT YOU DUMB CUNT! or something along those lines, I release her arm and she clocks me in the lip with her free arm.
Tequilla and this situation were a bad combo cause I snapped got outta the car and pushed that bitch to the ground, at which point shes yelling RAPE!!! at three in the fucking morning.... so I hauk a lugie in her face and drive off... Ive never wanted to strangle someone so bad... fuckin crazy bitches