Active Member
So I just harvested my first plant and I had to go out of town for a week. I turned my fan on low and aimed it down on the bud. When I returned 6 days later I had some very dry bud, Too dry in fact. It is very crispy and everytime I disturb it some more flakes off. It keeps crumbling, I dont want it to all turn to shake. I weighed it and was pleased with my extra dry weight of 122 grams
(all off 1 plant by the way). I put all the bud into 1 quart mason jars and sealed the lids, Hoping there is still a little internal moister that will bring it back. If this doesnt work, can any of you advise me on an easy way to rehydrate the buds preferably while they are still in the mason jars so I dont have to disturb them any more?