Standing your ground in court

you can stand up for yourself, but no one disrespects a judge... no one.....

if a judge asks you a question, and you start babbling your mouth like that you're getting gagged....

at least where I'm at... the conversation would be:

Judge: what's your name
You: I am a man of the
Judge: You are not to speak unless it's a yes or no. Is you're name so and so?
You: I am not a name. I have....
Judge: One more word and you're going to get gagged!!
You: I am.... * sock in the mouth, you handcuffed to a wheelchair...... PERIOD...
oh lol yea. thats the case sometimes. It varies greatly on appearance. if your a clean cut white kid you will get off easier than a thuggish ruggish bone guy tryin to make a mockery of the courts. Ya gotta hae somekinda strategy though. but i agree that if you dont agree upon the simple fact of your name or whether you are the defendant in question your gunna get your show shut down right there for contempt. No amount of bullshitting will get ya outta that.
that might work in some suburb, low crime place, where the court doesn't get too full....

here where the court is PACKED, the seats in the court room are the other defendants along side their court appointed representative waiting for their turn... where the city is getting hit hard by the recession, the city budget's are tightening the reins every day....and crime is going up every month... yeah, that type of bullshit ain't gonna cut it... ...

it would be badass to pull that shit off on a rookie judge though...... hehe....
The courts or any government agency does not have subject matter jurisdiction unless you say you are a name. (ou have a house but you are not a house, you have a car but you are not a car, you have a name but you are not a name.)
However if you stay silent than you are agreeing to whatever the judge is presuming. If you are being charged with a crime than there must be damages or an injured party other wise never pled guilty or not guilty and don’t say your innocent because than you have to prove your innocent. To pled means to beg. If they try to gage you in court than you can challenge the subject matter jurisdiction even after they have convicted you, than the court has to prove they had your consent to trial without a jury. The judge can not prove anything only you can. Make all your statement on the record because the court cant hear you, otherwise you cant prove anything you say.

Freedom is an idea, it is being who you are, just saying you are free and have rights does not cut it. Are you only as free as the police say you are? Or are you only as free as the constitution says you are?
Well, the point has been missed quite a bit.
I think this thread was about nderstanding the boundaries of the LAW.
The law, founded on a simple principle; Equality is paramount.
If equality is paramount, how in the name of fuck does anybody - a judge included - have the right to tell you what to do, if you haven't caused harm to another person.
The fact is they don't, they just trick you into the legal game; the world of consent/contract 'law'/commercial 'law'.
The legal system & LAW are completely different entities.
Yes, weed many be illegal. But, it is ENTIRELY lawful.

I've attached a few links. Please don't be disturbed by the immediate apperance of the character contained therein. Listen to him. He'as only hiding his identity to maintain his privacy. If you listen for more than a couple of seconds I'm sure you'll learn something.

P.S He also has 3 more 'Dealing with the police' videos & 3 more called 'Standing in court'. This is some of the most obscure valuable information I've come across, as a supposed "criminal", please take it seriously. & if you don't: Do some research & just try to prove it wrong.
the court doesn't have to prove shit....

all they have to do is say that the defendant was being uncooperative, not answering any of the questions, blurting out statements that were disrupting the proceedings of the court, and had to be gagged.... that's it...

if you think you can pull that off in this city, boooooy, it will be a hard time in court for you......
The law is above common decency. He shouldnt have been following us around all night from bar to bar if he didnt want to hear my opinion of him. Im glad i said what i did and if i could go back and do it again i would. I took one more thug with a badge off of the street. I did a service to decent people in my area who dont deserve to be harassed simply because the officer can. Ill be a nice guy when its called for, until then FUCK THE POLICE

Cool, numbnuts. And the next time you're in trouble, you know, like when your wife or little daughter is raped, go to the nearest bar and ask a drunk to help you out. :wall:
lol right. I said hell no to a PD though. I got arrested for disorderly conduct on my birthday for calling a cop a "fucking pig". he then proceeded to slam my head onto a table. Once i got to court i asked the jusdge if my rights gauranteed by the first ammendment were voided and he said obviously they are not. Seeing as how it was all on tape and i wasnt making a ruckus i literally just looked at him an smiled an said fucking pig. As far as im concerned i hadnt broken any laws. I even had the owner of the bar testify that i was not acting in a disorderly manner and that the force used by the officer was excessive. I got the charge dropped and now i have to go back to the cxourthouse and apply for an arrest warrant hearing to press assault charges on the cop. We will see what comes of it but at this point the officer in question is on administrative leave pending investigation. Im proud to say that the system actually worked for me and protected my rights. Thats what i call standing up for my rights.
Good to hear it went your way in court for that.But for a disorderly conduct charge I would of saved the money and just went with the PD I bet you could of still won.And you should follow up with this and post if you get that fucking pig fired.

you can stand up for yourself, but no one disrespects a judge... no one.....

if a judge asks you a question, and you start babbling your mouth like that you're getting gagged....

at least where I'm at... the conversation would be:

Judge: what's your name
You: I am a man of the
Judge: You are not to speak unless it's a yes or no. Is you're name so and so?
You: I am not a name. I have....
Judge: One more word and you're going to get gagged!!
You: I am.... * sock in the mouth, you handcuffed to a wheelchair...... PERIOD...
Thats exactly what would happen here to.If you pulled that shit in court the judge would throw every possible charge at you and then some.If you disrespect the judge you deserve to get whatever your being charged with its not cool it's just plain stupidity to do that.
Good to hear it went your way in court for that.But for a disorderly conduct charge I would of saved the money and just went with the PD I bet you could of still won.And you should follow up with this and post if you get that fucking pig fired.

Thats exactly what would happen here to.If you pulled that shit in court the judge would throw every possible charge at you and then some.If you disrespect the judge you deserve to get whatever your being charged with its not cool it's just plain stupidity to do that.
Agreed :bigjoint: and as for my daughter or sister being raped, unfortunately in my area the police wont do anything about it. There are so many murders and rapes in my area that go unsolved just because of the lack interest by our police force. Its totally corrupt and unfortunately used more often than not as a bully pulpit. So me personally, god forbid anything of the sort ever happen, but i would have to hire a private investigator and a lawyer to attempt to coerce police involvement. They just dont care. Sad but true. Now im not sayin that no one cares but the large majority of them are only interested in cases that will further their careers and have total disregard for the publics well being.:sad:
Agreed :bigjoint: and as for my daughter or sister being raped, unfortunately in my area the police wont do anything about it. There are so many murders and rapes in my area that go unsolved just because of the lack interest by our police force. Its totally corrupt and unfortunately used more often than not as a bully pulpit. So me personally, god forbid anything of the sort ever happen, but i would have to hire a private investigator and a lawyer to attempt to coerce police involvement. They just dont care. Sad but true. Now im not sayin that no one cares but the large majority of them are only interested in cases that will further their careers and have total disregard for the publics well being.

Oh, well you didn't make it clear that you live in Chigago. :lol:
If a cop can't handle being called a few names
without feeling he needs to crack some heads he is unfit for duty.
I worked 10 years as a prison guard.
I never even used my baton, ever!

In a level 4 high security prison with a SHU and a psychatric services unit.
I have been gassed with piss and shit.
I've had my teirs flooded, with shit mind you.
I have been called every name in the book.
Most of the time it was because some other C.O. had pissed the inmate off.
By being just this kind of asshole.
Then they dumptruck the problem on the next shift
lauphing their asses off about how they showed that inmate.

All anyone ever really wants is to be treated like a human being.
I prided myself on problem solving.
My hero who worked there with me was a former bartender.
He could fix things in 5 minutes with a sack lunch and a ear to listen.
Things that could get people hurt possably killed over.

So I have zero sympathy for a peace officer
who feels he has to hurt someone to make a point.
All he does is hurt his profession.
Yes you are a creditor and is best to stay in honor, so what you could do is
Accept there offer by saying I accept these liabilities on the conditions of proof of claim of loss.
And in my case there are no loss or damages just some plants growing. so now the judge is in dishonor. Not me.
If a cop can't handle being called a few names
without feeling he needs to crack some heads he is unfit for duty.
I worked 10 years as a prison guard.
I never even used my baton, ever!

In a level 4 high security prison with a SHU and a psychatric services unit.
I have been gassed with piss and shit.
I've had my teirs flooded, with shit mind you.
I have been called every name in the book.
Most of the time it was because some other C.O. had pissed the inmate off.
By being just this kind of asshole.
Then they dumptruck the problem on the next shift
lauphing their asses off about how they showed that inmate.

All anyone ever really wants is to be treated like a human being.
I prided myself on problem solving.
My hero who worked there with me was a former bartender.
He could fix things in 5 minutes with a sack lunch and a ear to listen.
Things that could get people hurt possably killed over.

So I have zero sympathy for a peace officer
who feels he has to hurt someone to make a point.
All he does is hurt his profession.
You have some super human self control lol
When I was locked up we would give them C.O.s hell but they would fuck around with us to it was like a game we played everyday some of them were pretty cool but others would pop your door and beat the fuck out of you lol.There was some dirty motherfuckers in there that really deserved it though.
No doubt.
I had cousins in our sister prison who got tuned up regular.
I just never let it get to me.
I wanted to be professional.
I wasn't there to punish anyone
I was there to feed them and keep them healthy.
Thats just the way I saw it.
I call shenanigans on this whole thread. There is no Judge in America that would listen to that nonsense. If he didn't just hold you in contempt from the first time you opened your mouth, you would be lucky if he didn't send you straight to the psych ward to be held INDEFINITELY.

I've heard of lawyers getting held in contempt because their cell phone rang. This whole thread is hogwash and nobody should listen to any of it.

If you get arrested, call a lawyer and let him do the talking or go to Court and be humble and contrite and hope for a slap on the wrist - period. Open your mouth and act like an ass in front of a Judge and you will be sorry you were born.
I m sorry that you feel that way Rick but know that we have all been subjected to conditioning to accept things for the way they are but there is remedy in every contract for if not than it would be considered slavery, There can be no conditions of involuntary servitude, but there can be voluntary servitude and that’s where the courts trick us into voluntary statutes, codes, taxes, fines.

Like a drivers license is the contract when you sign it you are saying that you agree to there terms of using the road. Now these terms of using the road are called traffic codes (aditenders) that means you are guilty to pay without trial. These traffic codes are not passed by congress they are passed by the judiciary, but hey you agreed voluntary to this.
I m sorry that you feel that way Rick but know that we have all been subjected to conditioning to accept things for the way they are but there is remedy in every contract for if not than it would be considered slavery, There can be no conditions of involuntary servitude, but there can be voluntary servitude and that’s where the courts trick us into voluntary statutes, codes, taxes, fines.

Like a drivers license is the contract when you sign it you are saying that you agree to there terms of using the road. Now these terms of using the road are called traffic codes (aditenders) that means you are guilty to pay without trial. These traffic codes are not passed by congress they are passed by the judiciary, but hey you agreed voluntary to this.
Have you ever actually been to court?
Im not talking about district court either when you don't have to have a lawyer present.I've won 5 felony cases because I had a good lawyer and he made the D.A. look like he was still in second grade.If I would of even tried your fucked up plan I would of got sent upstate so fast.Im guessing your theory has never been tested yet so why don't you go do the honor and commit a felony and test your theory out and report back with how it worked out but I don't think you will be back anytime soon because you will be locked up and the judge will make a dumbass out of you.But if this is all some weird metaphor for something else I apologize and if it is could you please reiterate into simpler terms.But how it sounds now you are setting people up for failure and nobody should ever listen to this bullshit.
I call shenanigans on this whole thread. There is no Judge in America that would listen to that nonsense. If he didn't just hold you in contempt from the first time you opened your mouth, you would be lucky if he didn't send you straight to the psych ward to be held INDEFINITELY.

I've heard of lawyers getting held in contempt because their cell phone rang. This whole thread is hogwash and nobody should listen to any of it.

If you get arrested, call a lawyer and let him do the talking or go to Court and be humble and contrite and hope for a slap on the wrist - period. Open your mouth and act like an ass in front of a Judge and you will be sorry you were born.

wait rick, how about if he told the judge that his plants were growing because of global warming? i bet he wouldnt be thrown in jail for that:lol::lol:

yes, say any of that shit in court and you are gonna get the maximum charge for your crime. very stupid idea, idiotic actually....unless you like jail.:finger:
I am not advising anyone take this info into account, I am only stating this is how I would stand in court, you should get a lawyer if you don’t know your capacity and how to exercise your rights on your own. I do not operate in public capacity there four I am not in contract. Contract makes the LAW. the people created the states.... the states created the government.....the government created the public.
I m sorry that you feel that way Rick but know that we have all been subjected to conditioning to accept things for the way they are but there is remedy in every contract for if not than it would be considered slavery, There can be no conditions of involuntary servitude, but there can be voluntary servitude and that’s where the courts trick us into voluntary statutes, codes, taxes, fines.

Like a drivers license is the contract when you sign it you are saying that you agree to there terms of using the road. Now these terms of using the road are called traffic codes (aditenders) that means you are guilty to pay without trial. These traffic codes are not passed by congress they are passed by the judiciary, but hey you agreed voluntary to this.

You don't know a single thing about law or how our legal system works. Everything you are saying is nothing but blatantly false gibberish. You should be banned from this forum and this thread locked. Until then, I urge everyone to disregard everything posted by you and I urge you to seek professional help. To be honest, I detect a strong indication of schizophrenia in your posts. Are you supposed to be taking medication by any chance?
rick i normally do not agree ever with you. but this is what I said at the beginning.

in my city, where the judges find themselves before hardened criminals, they would take their own sock out of their foot and stick it in there himself. i know of a case when the judge put the defendant in contempt of court and he waited in jail 3 months before his trial resumed. the fault? the defendant corrected the judge because he was pronouncing his name wrong. did it twice. the third time he was on his way to jail before he could finish the sentence.

it's bullshit. don't believe what this guy is saying. if you start babbling on like that in court you will end up gagged, or in jail, or like rick said, in psych care....

either way, being a smartass like that won't help you at all.... it will only leave you doing more time than you're supposed to.... you don't have to believe me, but i DARE ANYONE under arrest to blurt out that bullshit..... you will prove me right.....