HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data


New Member
Yes, if we confine it to Afghanistan.... :wink:

Heh, remember when just a year or so ago, it was a big deal that we hadn't found/killed Osama?

Now??? Osama who? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yes, if we confine it to Afghanistan.... :wink:

Heh, remember when just a year or so ago, it was a big deal that we hadn't found/killed Osama?

Now??? Osama who? :lol:
You happy with taking out the whole muslim world then... Malaysia is full of nutters too you know!


New Member
No, but a message that was made clear by Bush is being muddled.

You strike us, and we will hunt down every single mother's son.

Weakness only begets violence when it comes to terrorism. We treat them as prisoners of war, they are NOT.

Oh, yes, they all talk..... gotta do the talk. I'm concerned about the walk.


Well-Known Member
No, but a message that was made clear by Bush is being muddled.

You strike us, and we will hunt down every single mother's son.

Weakness only begets violence when it comes to terrorism. We treat them as prisoners of war, they are NOT.

Oh, yes, they all talk..... gotta do the talk. I'm concerned about the walk.
The English know all about terrorism, the IRA saw to that. I agree that appeasement is not the way forward, but I think the appeasemnt argument is irrelevant until a 'real' threat is present. I believe we should probably be in the Iran thread CJ!!!


Well-Known Member
The English know all about terrorism, the IRA saw to that. I agree that appeasement is not the way forward, but I think the appeasemnt argument is irrelevant until a 'real' threat is present. I believe we should probably be in the Iran thread CJ!!!
Al Qaeda dealt a pretty good blow to the Brits with that subway bombing. Nothing quite like 9/11 but that's not the point. All western, secular nations are in danger from Al Qaeda. Now back to the topic at hand...........how about that climate change?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
That will be forever in Afghanistan...
You may be right. But this isn't the 80's and we are NOT the Soviet Union. Times change my friend. Robots on the battle field, eyes in the sky, and missiles raining fire down from the heavens. If we weren't slaves to international opinion we could wipe our asses with afghanistan and flush the remainder down the toilet with the rest of our shit. Times are changing rapidly my friend. Those who don't keep up will be left behind in caves..........with Afghanistan. ;-)


Well-Known Member
You may be right. But this isn't the 80's and we are NOT the Soviet Union. Times change my friend. Robots on the battle field, eyes in the sky, and missiles raining fire down from the heavens. If we weren't slaves to international opinion we could wipe our asses with afghanistan and flush the remainder down the toilet with the rest of our shit. Times are changing rapidly my friend. Those who don't keep up will be left behind in caves..........with Afghanistan. ;-)
I was waiting for the Soviet comparison, the most technologically superior invading force were the British in 1838 and 1878. You cannot fire missiles down into Pakistan, the place where most Taliban are. You didnt wipe your asses with Vietnam ( a far more relevant comparison) did you? Technology doesnt stop the British soldiers from being killed evryday by IED's does it?


Well-Known Member
I was waiting for the Soviet comparison, the most technologically superior invading force were the British in 1838 and 1878. You cannot fire missiles down into Pakistan, the place where most Taliban are. You didnt wipe your asses with Vietnam ( a far more relevant comparison) did you? Technology doesnt stop the British soldiers from being killed evryday by IED's does it?
Do you even watch the news? We have been flying predators and firing missiles into Pakistan for years now. We also have quite a few special ops teams working in Pakistan side by side with Pakistani special ops. You'd be surprised what's going on in Pakistan that nobody knows about......the predator firing missiles into Pakistan, well that's common knowledge. As for Vietnam, it's the same thing. Our hands were tied by public opinion and the international community. Political pressure can be a bitch! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
There is no need to be like so many others on this site Doc! You miss my point, I mean that to destroy them you would have to drop more than the odd missile in Pakistan which would not/ could not happen. The fact that hands are tied has to be quantified into the parameters of this war. I wouldnt be surprised whats going on in pakistan as Britain is full of Pakistani's so we have all the news relating to Pakistan!


Well-Known Member
There is no need to be like so many others on this site Doc! You miss my point, I mean that to destroy them you would have to drop more than the odd missile in Pakistan which would not/ could not happen. The fact that hands are tied has to be quantified into the parameters of this war. I wouldnt be surprised whats going on in pakistan as Britain is full of Pakistani's so we have all the news relating to Pakistan!
I wasn't being mean was I? Well I certainly apologize if I was. These days all of our hands are tied when it comes to war. Probably ever since WW2 hands have been tied. I think people have short memories though. We were viciously attacked 8 years ago. I lost 343 of my brothers in that attack. I will never forget and I for one think we should hunt down every militant islamist if it takes 'til the end of time. These people can't be bargained with. They don't want to be recognized. They simply want to destroy the infidels (Me and you). This war will not end in our lifetime my friend. I despise war. I fought in 3 of them and I shed a tear for every fallen soldier and the family they leave behind. It's not in vain this time. We are fighting for our very existence. The best thing we can hope for is to capture or kill Osama and as many of the leaders as possible.............hopefully this will cause the militants to give it up and realize there is no winning this one. Losing this one isn't an option........for any of us, not just the U.S. :peace:


Well-Known Member
BULL FUCKING SHIT. 9 years in afghanistan and wtf was accomplished?????????? NOTHING! other than killing innocent people, destroying villages, and making more / new enemies for the US. sending 1000000 more troops into that cluster fuck isnt help anyone. If the terrorists wanted to attack again they would and they could. Shit they could probably do a repeat of 9.11 and there is nothing some troops in afghanistan or iraq can do to stop it. Just look at how easy it is to carry weed on airplanes, airport security is a fucking joke. bin laden isnt dead. the war on terror is a war on peace. wake the fuck up dipshits
I normally don't aknowledge trolls but what the hell.................:roll:oh, and I almost forgot............:finger:


New Member
I would love nothing more to see the day when America can get rid of all military bases.

But look around the globe ... we aren't anywhere near that goal as a species.

For all we know, the heavy footprint (but not unkind) of the USA has prevented WW4 many times.... we'll see when China comes to the forefront. Well ur kids and grandkids will see how the Chinese run the world.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Im English and dont really give a fuck about your politic nonsense. As for the comment 'Iraq is doing great now' my God you are ignorant to whats going on there arent you. Do you know that the Shii and Sunni are fighting for a divided Iraq? You saw the bombs a few days back that killed nearly 200 people and wounded many more. Yep they are doing great...

sorry to burst your bubble i know you were hoping for failure so you could say i told you so but Iraq is doing great and booming now

i know because I work with iraqis every day through my employment, so your completly misinformed my friend

Big P

Well-Known Member
From The Times

December 15, 2009

Inconvenient truth for Al Gore as his North Pole sums don't add up

Hannah Devlin, Ben Webster, Philippe Naughton in Copenhagen

div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited {color:#06c;} There are many kinds of truth. Al Gore was poleaxed by an inconvenient one yesterday.

The former US Vice-President, who became an unlikely figurehead for the green movement after narrating the Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, became entangled in a new climate change “spin” row.
Mr Gore, speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit, stated the latest research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years.
In his speech, Mr Gore told the conference: “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.”

However, the climatologist whose work Mr Gore was relying upon dropped the former Vice-President in the water with an icy blast.

“It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at,” Dr Maslowski said. “I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this.”
Mr Gore’s office later admitted that the 75 per cent figure was one used by Dr Maslowksi as a “ballpark figure” several years ago in a conversation with Mr Gore.

The embarrassing error cast another shadow over the conference after the controversy over the hacked e-mails from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, which appeared to suggest that scientists had manipulated data to strengthen their argument that human activities were causing global warming.

Mr Gore is not the only titan of the world stage finding Copenhagen to be a tricky deal.

World leaders — with Gordon Brown arriving tonight in the vanguard — are facing the humiliating prospect of having little of substance to sign on Friday, when they are supposed to be clinching an historic deal.
Meanwhile, five hours of negotiating time were lost yesterday when developing countries walked out in protest over the lack of progress on their demand for legally binding emissions targets from rich nations. The move underlined the distrust between rich and poor countries over the proposed legal framework for the deal.

Last night key elements of the proposed deal were unravelling. British officials said they were no longer confident that it would contain specific commitments from individual countries on payments to a global fund to help poor nations to adapt to climate change while the draft text on protecting rainforests has also been weakened.

Even the long-term target of ending net deforestation by 2030 has been placed in square brackets, meaning that the date could be deferred. An international monitoring system to identify illegal logging is now described in the text as optional, where before it was compulsory. Negotiators are also unable to agree on a date for a global peak in greenhouse emissions.
Perhaps Mr Gore had felt the need to gild the lily to buttress resolve. But his speech was roundly criticised by members of the climate science community. “This is an exaggeration that opens the science up to criticism from sceptics,” Professor Jim Overland, a leading oceanographer at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.

“You really don’t need to exaggerate the changes in the Arctic.”
Others said that, even if quoted correctly, Dr Maslowski’s six-year projection for near-ice-free conditions is at the extreme end of the scale. Most climate scientists agree that a 20 to 30-year timescale is more likely for the near-disappearance of sea ice.

“Maslowski’s work is very well respected, but he’s a bit out on a limb,” said Professor Peter Wadhams, a specialist in ocean physics at the University of Cambridge.

Dr Maslowki, who works at the US Naval Postgraduate School in California, said that his latest results give a six-year projection for the melting of 80 per cent of the ice, but he said he expects some ice to remain beyond 2020.

He added: “I was very explicit that we were talking about near-ice-free conditions and not completely ice-free conditions in the northern ocean. I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this,” he said. “It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at, based on the information I provided to Al Gore’s office.”

Richard Lindzen, a climate scientist at the Massachusets Institute of Technology who does not believe that global warming is largely caused by man, said: “He’s just extrapolated from 2007, when there was a big retreat, and got zero.”