I'm a Republican and I don't listen to Glenn Beck, Hannity or Limbaugh.
You gotta admit though dude. The Obama agenda is going nowhere. This while having both houses.
Two constants in Washington are the Clinton's and the Bush's. I know if I were a Dem and in Obama's cabinet my long term security is with the Clintons. They will be around for the next 30 years. There is no family or Washington legacy with Obama. I truly feel that Pelosi, Reed and all of Obama's cabinet are aware of this. They are using Obama to pass legistlation that they've wanted for years but no one in their right mind would try it because they want to be set up for long term success.
In walks Obama. The perfect goat.
You get someone green around the ears and make them eat. Obama is eating it really hard right now.
There is a reason too why Senators never do well in presidential elections. Well, here we see why. Many feel they have no experience running governments. Governors routinely win the White House.