*How To Make THC DROPS.


Well-Known Member
when you read up on glycerin, reference is made to food preparations as well, so although I do not have any specific experience with this particular application, if its 100% vegetable then the worst could be it would give you the shitz if you drank enough of it...but since we're going towards, a highly potent drop? I'm thinking its ok?

peter parker

Well-Known Member
ya i read about the usp glycerin and i looked at the store and found some. it said it could be used as a mild laxative lol


Well-Known Member
Hey,thx fdd. But after an extended research on this, I have spoken to others that have successfully completed this project with the stuff that i was looking at.

Plus. . .The dose is like 1-2 drops. 1 drop of something will most likely not kill you. Maybe discomfort in the mouth. But the way i look at it is that it is kinda the same as hand sanatizer or body lotion. one drop will not kill you, maybe it will just suck,lol.

So. In the name of science i will do this. gathering the products tomorrow and
will put in an order for my weed. That will take about 2-3 days.

I'll be getting a 1/2 and a mason jar.

I'll take pictures of my setup and post them.

See yall tomorrow with the stuff.

Feel free to comment.



Well-Known Member
I think gel caps would work fine if they dont melt or get soggy and mushy.
but a pill could hold alot more than one or two drops... it would be like 20?
why put it in a pill if its only 2 drops you know?... for portability?


I think gel caps would work fine if they dont melt or get soggy and mushy.
but a pill could hold alot more than one or two drops... it would be like 20?
why put it in a pill if its only 2 drops you know?... for portability?
i don't think it would get the gell caps soggy or anything

the gellatin is dissolved with water... the glycerin wouldn't have that same effect

everybody pops different pills... vitamins, aspiren, dayquill.. etc etc...
having a bottle of gel caps with you isn't even gonna seem suspicious to cops... =]

hell... you could pop them at work and not here anything about it... haha


Well-Known Member
hehehe. good point... but wont the cops say hey hey pills!!!!1 PILLS!!!! ... thats usualy the reaction I see


Well-Known Member
wouldint it be kinda a waste of gel caps? Not to mention that those if found by the cops will be looked further into. Plus. That is time consuming. Just put in a dark eye dropper and put 1-2 drops. Much easier,Just another thought,will pills wouldint you have to wait on your high??



Well-Known Member
Another ?,do you think once i put all ingredents into bottle that i shouldint open the mason again,would that affect the breaking down process of the THC??


Well-Known Member
: ) those where my thoughts : )

I'll be trying this experiment.

Buying the suppys tomorrow,my weed will get to me in a couple days. : )


Well-Known Member
gee everyone...this is a cool discussion. My thoughts:

1. the gel caps would likely work but time effect would be longer for it to take effect
2. the dropper allows for application sublingual (under the tongue) and the effect would be almost immediate.
3. I don't thnk opening the jar during the extraction process is an issue, cuz I believe it is a passive process and does not necessarily rely upon any other processes related to the closed jar.
4. the stealthiness of the dropper and bottle are a real bonus from my perspective - you could use a colour printer and print up some bogus Rx labels and carry it with you everwhere, and yea you could take a drop here and a drop there....all on the sly.

keep us posted Dac!