Copenhagen Erupts Into Applause For Hugo Chavez

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the man needs to be shot. anybody that talks about america that way has no respect for us. yet he dose speak the truth about the government he should separate the populous from their actions.
I believe when most foriegners talk bad about America, they mean the government and expressly, Americas foriegn policies. America has pushed their influence off on every S.American country that exists today, Including trying to overthrow Hugo. Is it no wonder he has such animus for the good old U.S. of A.? He speaks truth to power, a rare comodity now days, in this case, the power just happens to be the US government and it's foriegn policies.
If it weren't for capitalism, most of the Arab world would be nothing but a desert, with no wealth to speak of. The applause for Chavez is absolutely indicative of where these bastards mean to send us politically and economically. I'll be fighting that every step of the way.
As a foreigner, i'd like to confirm your theory... our shitty polititians do everything your shitty polititians do... But I love the average joe american.

BTW, if copenhagen is a success you can say goodbye to any notion of future wealth. And all the wealth in the world is of no use when resources are rationed.
I'm starting to question this global warming thing. Not that I don't believe the earth is getting warmer, I do. But I'm now questioning the reasons for the Cap and trade and a few other notions of capitalism dealing with this premis, Global warming that is. It does seem that the capitalists are taking a huge advantage of this notion with scare tactics and other mis-information, to increase or start up a business dealing with this phenomenom. Capitalist are a sneaky bunch, and are all about lying to make money.
Here's what I think: when the soviet union fell and socialism was on the decline worldwide, the global cadre of marxists and anti-capitalists went looking for a new home and found it by hijacking the environmental movement. They now control it and have deluded visions of running the world through the mechanisms they create to save us from global warming. This will never happen of course - these people can't run a conference let alone a world government. But they are dangerous and it's good they are being exposed for what they are.
Think about it.
If you can tax and regulate carbon you can control the world.
You can control how far we can travel, what we eat and how many children we have.
You control the worlds manufactuing and in the end our standard of living.

This is about world governance plain and simple.
Medman, I agree with almost everything you just said.
I could even be convinced the earth is warming.
Just not because of man.

I have problems with world governance on alot of levels.
Think about it.
If you can tax and regulate carbon you can control the world.
You can control how far we can travel, what we eat and how many children we have.
You control the worlds manufactuing and in the end our standard of living.

This is about world governance plain and simple.
Medman, I agree with almost everything you just said.
I could even be convinced the earth is warming.
Just not because of man.

I have problems with world governance on alot of levels.

World governance! Could be a problem or a panacea. It would all depend on who and how they are governing. The current bunch of greed mongers would run a very fucked up world, that's for sure, As George Carlin said:" what they want is more for them and less for us". I could see a situation where it could be good, if good men were in the saddle, but the likelyhood of that happening is pretty slim. Most likely it would just lead to more and more control by the elites with their armies of paid mercenaries, policing the world for the corporations and the filthy rich. So yes, I am against it. I mean, where is a respectable criminal to go when wanted by the bosses? If they took away places to hide, it would be pretty fucked up.
I hear you.
We can't even run dinky little countries without corruption how is any government gonna run the world.
To me its a terrafying prospect.
I hear you.
We can't even run dinky little countries without corruption how is any government gonna run the world.
To me its a terrafying prospect.
Yeah, sure is, but that is what the bosses want, and eventually they'll get it. I've never been a fan of bosses, from the puny little foremen with the Napolean complex to the CEOs of industry with their million/billion dollar salaries and bonuses. Untill men of courage and integrity stand up to the insanity we now have as a society, it will only get worse. We have what, 455 or so men that all they have to do all day long is think up new laws, laws that restrict our freedoms and make them more powerful, laws that make corporations richer and richer while selling our jobs to China and points east. A real good deal for the elites.
If Obama had a fucking sack he would have torn that shit up and walked out. Why don't we cut all foreign aid and see how much applause that gets. We are talking about giving 100 billion dollars to little shit hole countries and they put us down. We ought to fly over Venezuela and drop a million gallons of raw sewage on them.
I believe when most foriegners talk bad about America, they mean the government and expressly, Americas foriegn policies. America has pushed their influence off on every S.American country that exists today, Including trying to overthrow Hugo. Is it no wonder he has such animus for the good old U.S. of A.? He speaks truth to power, a rare comodity now days, in this case, the power just happens to be the US government and it's foriegn policies.

wow, those statements were dumb.

south american immigrants are the highest immigrants we get to the US. must be terribly horrible for them to risk their lives as well as their childrens lives to want to get here when they have it so good in their own country....poor people, america must really suck compaired to how "immigrants" had it in south america. it must have been terrific down there before they decided to risk everything to come here. poor poor folks

you are really dopey in your arguments.
If Obama had a fucking sack he would have torn that shit up and walked out. Why don't we cut all foreign aid and see how much applause that gets. We are talking about giving 100 billion dollars to little shit hole countries and they put us down. We ought to fly over Venezuela and drop a million gallons of raw sewage on them.

i like your style of thinking! fuck them. we owe the world nothing. all they can do is sit around and try to raise these hairbrain schems to get our money. face it, they hate hard working people and want to punish them any way possible. this is fuking assinine!!!
If Obama had a fucking sack he would have torn that shit up and walked out. Why don't we cut all foreign aid and see how much applause that gets. We are talking about giving 100 billion dollars to little shit hole countries and they put us down. We ought to fly over Venezuela and drop a million gallons of raw sewage on them.

I agree we should cut all foreign aid...where in the constitution is this authorized? We should stay out of other countries.

What have the Venezuelan people done to deserve a shit storm?
Ahhh, yes ... I smell a real revolution coming in 2010. The status quo (the entrenched elites) are in for a huge shock. Middle America has finally awakened. :)
You people don't understand what he actually said....

as I am 100% fluent in spanish, and know enough of the language to distinguish linguistics in terms of region (i can tell the difference between original spanish language from Spain, and mexican spanish, guatemalan, venezuelan, cuban, puerto rican, dominican and a couple of other places) here's what was actually said by Hugo Chavez:

“Sr. President, sirs, ladies, you’re excellencies, and friends,
I promise you, I will not speak more than the man that’s talked the longest here this afternoon
Allow me an initial comment that I wanted to make in terms of the previous point being made by the delegations of Brazil, China, India Bolivia.. we were asking for a comment, but it wasn’t possible.
The representative from Bolivia, sitting alongside the president Evo Morales said:
“the text presented is not democratic, it’s not inclusive”…
I was merely walking in, and we were just taking our seats when we heard the president in the previous session, that there was a document coming, but we haven’t seen any document, I haven’t seen it, I don’t think anybody here knows about any document, “Top Secret”..
Now, certainly as my Bolivian camarade has stated: it’s not democratic, it’s not inclusive.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, is that not precisely the reality of this world? Are we not in a democratic world? Can we expect something democratic, inclusive in the current world wide reality?
What we are living today is a imperial dictatorship. And from this podium, I will continue to call it out. Down with imperial dictatorships and up with the communities, and equality and democracy.
(First round of applause)
This that we see here is a reflection of that, it’s all exclusion. There’s a group of countries that think of themselves as the superiors than us to the south, to us the “third world”, us the “under developed”, or like Eduardo Galeano says “the countries that seem like a train has run over them in history”. Let’s not be surprised, there is no democracy in the world, and here we are once again, in front of powerful evidence of the imperial dictatorship.
Here on stage were two youngsters, the agents of order have been decent, there was a shove or something, they nonetheless collaborated. Out on the streets there’s a lot of people, they won’t even fit in this room. I’ve seen in the news that there have been people detained, protests. Right here, in Copenhagen. I want to acknowledge those people, (applause starts again) the greater part of them young people, young people that are, and rightfully so, concerned about the future of the world. Unlike a lot of us here who have the sun to our backs already. They have the sun before them, and they are worried. One can say that a phantom runs the streets of Copenhagen, paraphrasing Karl Marx, the great Karl Marx, a phantom runs the streets and that same phantom runs this in room, silent. he’s in here, amongst us, he runs the hallways, through everywhere, that phantom is ugly, nobody wants to name it. it’s called CAPITALISM. Nobody wants to name it, it’s capitalism. (applause).
The people are screaming, the town is roaring. Outside, you can hear it. Some of the signs from the young people. I saw one of the signs on the streets, I saw the signs, outside, and read them. The two most memorable for me I wrote down:
“Don’t change the climate, change the system”
And I take this for us, let’s not change the climate, let’s change the system. Maybe this way, we can start saving this world.
Capitalism, the uncontrolled destructive development is killing off all life. It’s threatening human existence.
The other one called for reflection. It deals with the problem with the banking system that ravaged the world and still hurts it. And the way that rich countries to the north helped all of these bankers out. In the US alone the amount of losses are, incredible, they’ve lost count just to save the banks. The sign outside read:
“If climate was a bank, it would have already been saved” (laughter and applause) And I think it’s true.
If the climate was a bank, one of the largest, capitalist, the rich governments would’ve already saved it. I think Obama has not arrived yet. He received the Nobel Peace Prize while he sent 30k troops to Afganistan. HE dared show up here, with that medal.
But the US has the Machine to make money….”

Yeah, that transcript you guys had was really accurate.
You can cross reference my translation. I shit you not that is what he said. From the 11 minutes of video referred to on the site mentioned in the OP...
I think even the staunchest republican can agree with what Chavez said above……
nobody has comented. it's a lot different now that you know what he actually said, not what some conservative told you he said.....
I'm starting to question this global warming thing. Not that I don't believe the earth is getting warmer, I do. But I'm now questioning the reasons for the Cap and trade and a few other notions of capitalism dealing with this premis, Global warming that is. It does seem that the capitalists are taking a huge advantage of this notion with scare tactics and other mis-information, to increase or start up a business dealing with this phenomenom. Capitalist are a sneaky bunch, and are all about lying to make money.
You are describing Corporatism. The entire emissions trading scheme is based on it. Create value out of nothing by law or decree and then license your friends and allies to broker the carbon credit exchanges. The Green-Industrial Complex.

Cap & Trade will chase industry into the Turd World faster than NAFTA ever did.