Well-Known Member
have you guys heard of that floriculture bloom and ooze the yellow bottles the ooze has a bee on its honey comb picture the stuffs like a hundred bucks each bottle? the guy at the hydro store is pumping it up major saying its like steroids and he said there is even a coco ab made by them if you have heard of it or used it or have any imput on it please let me know cuz im pretty interested in it but its a little pricey.
Jberry thanks for the help man i kind of messed up cuz i used shooting powder week 7 after the moab and gravity so it burn a lil and extended my time i think i have 2 weeks left now. but im doing just the moab and gravity no more shooting powder for 2 more watering then im gonna flush i think i just use a very light dose of a and b for flush? someone suggested something called clear x i think any imput on flushing would be greatly appreciated i know this isnt the right thread for that but u seem like you know whats up so i thought i would ask.
i have heard of those products and i even use AF's plant health regulator... it is a foliar spray that could be compared to Penicillin, (but for plants) I use it every 21-28 days and ive never gotten PM. Everyone else in my area that is growing the same strain seems to battle PM and none of them are using the AF health regulator like i am.
their products are the most expencive of any brand i have seen. the health regulator is a 2 part system that cost $35.00 a bottle but it has lasted over a year so far and i got more than half left!
the products u spoke of are really expensive and u have to use a gang of it with every feeding... I drop a lot of doe on nutes but this shit is way out of my price range for my Drain to Waste sytems. I would have to drop like 1,200 bucks on their "steriods". I would be very interested to see these products tested.
Be careful with the gravity if you arent lifting your lights as they suggest
(i dont lift my lights but i use a really low dose for a longer period of time)
i have never tried out any flushing products because im pretty sure it isnt anything worth doing but i could be wrong about that. If i had a bad burn then maybe i would give it a try.
Otherwise just mix up a really, really, low dose of nutes and flush with that (thats probably what the flushing products are anyhow?)