MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!


Well-Known Member
IMO Jersey Shore is a pretty accurate depiction of east coast I-tal-ian trash. 90% of those ghotti guiedos act that way.


Well-Known Member
once again do i have to fucking explain this

ok, when some one is in your face yelling and screaming, they are a threat

when you attempt to leave the area, and avoid such a threat, and the threat pursues you, and (once again i have to say this, at least the third fucking time i have said it) the threat will not let you leave the situation, i.e. he/she/it follows you when you attempt to get away from said threat then you really have no other option...

do you understand? i never advocated hitting women, i even fucking said that in my first post...

but when a situation like this presents itself, and the cause of the situation will not let you avoid the situation, you have to take care of it yourself

let me give you an example. since explaining it three times isnt enough

im at a bar, having a good time

a woman comes up to me and starts yelling in my face, insults, harassment, etc

i sit there and ignore her until i just cant stand it anymore

i attempt to leave, be it to the other side of the bar or just leave the bar altogether

she follows me, still in my face, and stands right in front of me

i step to the left, she stands in front of me again, i step to the right, she once again blocks my exit

i go out to my car, and she blocks entry into my own method of escape of this situation

so im supposed to sit there and let her bitch at me?

no...hell no

step 1: ignore it

step 2: avoid it

step 3: leave

and when all other measures fail, you do what you must to get the fuck out of there

i have seen woman hit men in the face 6 or 7 times but the man pushes her and knocks her over to get her away from him and i have seen the cops show up and arrest that man...

because he defended himself

double fucking standard in this country

women should be treated with respect like the fragile gentle beings they are

so, given the 2 different scenarios i have given you, the opinion you form about my statements is your own, and you can play internet tough guys with your "oh id beat you up if i saw that" all you want

my statement stands

you can go ahead and run over her, but i still see no reason to hit her. :-|

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Sometimes when my girl's feeling frisky I'll give her some play slaps (open-handed, and not too hard) when we're fucking, but that's about it.

That being said, I've seen tons of women who deserved to get hit - the "you should never hit a woman" myth is just that, IMHO.

Being a woman, or handicapped, or whatever other excuse does not give one a free pass to do what they like.

If girls can be in the army and be killed, why the fuck can't they be hit?*

* I've never hit a girl.


Sometimes when my girl's feeling frisky I'll give her some play slaps (open-handed, and not too hard) when we're fucking, but that's about it.

That being said, I've seen tons of women who deserved to get hit - the "you should never hit a woman" myth is just that, IMHO.

Being a woman, or handicapped, or whatever other excuse does not give one a free pass to do what they like.

If girls can be in the army and be killed, why the fuck can't they be hit?*

* I've never hit a girl.

exactly, neither have i, and i most likely never will

but there are situations in which some one, no matter their gender, just deserves it


Well-Known Member
exactly, neither have i, and i most likely never will

but there are situations in which some one, no matter their gender, just deserves it
like when I come home from work and my wife ordered pizza. I was like hell no bitch you sit at home all day while I work and the best you could is order a pizza? I said cook my dinner and have it on the table and she didn't do it so I knocked her the fuck out. It's all good though she knows she's an ugly fat whore who nobody would ever want to go out with. I said I was sorry.


Well-Known Member
i havent read all the posts but any dude that hits a woman is a pussy. there are some instances where it might seem right but never hit a woman.


Well-Known Member
cant get into my car remember? shes blocking the door

It appears you never heard of calling the police?

Or... do you just want an asswhooping, served by REAL men who were raised properly and an assault charge due to you hitting the woman?

You don't hit a female because you can't handle it, obviously you need someone who CAN handle it.

I love how you use the word threat in reference to females... now unless you're a pretty tiny dude, or you're up against a Russian female bodybuilder, there should be no "threat" assessment needed when dealing with females.

My suggestion, go gay... or don't go out in public... the gay thing brings me to another point though... why did you play yourself as a female back in the "Picture of yourself" thread? Now you come out as a guy... but back then you were a red-headed, slightly over weight female... what happened?

i havent read all the posts but any dude that hits a woman is a pussy. there are some instances where it might seem right but never hit a woman.
+1 And we have a prime example of one in this thread! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
My suggestion, go gay... or don't go out in public... the gay thing brings me to another point though... why did you play yourself as a female back in the "Picture of yourself" thread? Now you come out as a guy... but back then you were a red-headed, slightly over weight female... what happened?

+1 And we have a prime example of one in this thread! bongsmilie
he took the dress off


Well-Known Member
I've been to the Jersey Shore the past few summers and the show is 100% accurate. We couldn't find a damn bar without atleast a corner of the place being filled with fucking spiked haired, tan, beach muscled, LOUD, Italians. Its sad that when someone mentions someone to me as having an Italian heritage, my mental image is less than stellar.

mr craig

New Member
... why did you play yourself as a female back in the "Picture of yourself" thread? Now you come out as a guy... but back then you were a red-headed, slightly over weight female... what happened?
dude thats funny as shit.. yesterday he got called out on his imaginary girlfriend, said he posted pics of her and the pics were INVISIBE, only he could see em but he kept tryin to say oh yea shes there i can see here!! LMAO!! then he posted some random google image and said that was his girl!!! BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!


Well-Known Member
dude thats funny as shit.. yesterday he got called out on his imaginary girlfriend, said he posted pics of her and the pics were INVISIBE, only he could see em but he kept tryin to say oh yea shes there i can see here!! LMAO!! then he posted some random google image and said that was his girl!!! BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!

i looked thru that thread 3 times for pictures of his g/f. :wall:


Well-Known Member
I've been to the Jersey Shore the past few summers and the show is 100% accurate. We couldn't find a damn bar without atleast a corner of the place being filled with fucking spiked haired, tan, beach muscled, LOUD, Italians. Its sad that when someone mentions someone to me as having an Italian heritage, my mental image is less than stellar.

exactly. my point exactly. they (that generation) of dumbasses.. make the old school Italians look bad.. but ehh I guess everything changes huh..

All I was saying.. is that REAL Italians don't act like those chumps on that show.

I personally despise everyone on that show. Lamest shit I've ever seen.. and believe me.. I've seen some lame shit in my days. :|

Basically in a nutshell.. what I'm saying.. summed up.. is that the cast of the show act like a bunch of stuck up snobby ass bitches that think they can just glide through life without having to do anything to support themselves. It's disgusting what they do on the show.. how they act especially... anywho I'm done with this thread. :)
anywho, I'm glad my thread opened up a good conversation.

Happy Holiday's ppls.

Ciao my piazons`!