MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!


Well-Known Member
whats with that green guy suite that you always see at college sports and random events, shit is so weird


Well-Known Member
I like how you apply hypothetical situations to this situation to support the hitting of women:hug:
"Only if I'm threatened" LMAO...


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3549376]naw he was Koren at best, or from the Philippines haha[/QUOTE]
Naw can tell by the accent if you watch the show.


Well-Known Member
damn well i guess that my prob, i dont watch that stupid shit haha

shit then he has to be Salvadorian or something :lol:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3549428]whats with that green guy suite that you always see at college sports and random events, shit is so weird[/QUOTE] "Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

it will answer that question.....
Its GreenMan

mr craig

New Member
hey trollface, still being a douche there?

how unfortunate
hey tough guy, why dont you answer the question everyone is wondering - why did you play yourself as a female back in the "Picture of yourself" thread? Now you come out as a guy... but back then you were a red-headed, slightly over weight female... what happened??????????????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
There is no reason that is good enough to hit someone... unless they are physicaly attacking you and you need to defend yourself... and maybe when you need to save someone else from being physicaly attacked.
That said, I thin ksomeone attacking you is good enough reason to shoot them dead in their shoes.


Well-Known Member
i havent read all the pages that have replied...but i do want to comment about the show. Im canadian born and raised, in a canadian family cuz i was adopted. with that said half of my ethnic background is Italian and even though i wasnt raised in an Italian home, somehow, lol, i ended up a "stereotypical" Italian without trying. haha. im loud, and i talk with my hands too much, im feisty and i protect and provide for my family, i love wine and pasta...hahahaha....and i LOVE this show!

i dont really understand why people are getting so up in arms about this. yes its highly offensive, the people are stupid and rude and vulgar, but come on now people...thats the WHOLE POINT!!!! Its MTV...they're not exactly trying to better the world you know? they want to entertain people and i love watching these idiots on the show make complete and total asses of themselves every thursday! :D People probably understand that not ALL Italians are like this...these are just a select group of people MTV picked because they have such big and obnoxious personalities and because they're trashy and block headed.

now last episode when snookie got punched i wanted to flat out kill the idiot that hit her. she was yelling at him because he and his couple friends kept trying to hang out with their group to scam free drinks off of them. they cast of the show kept having shots poured out for them and that guy and his buddies kept taking their shots, and they werent paying for them. so snook was getting in his face telling him to fuck off because they paid for the shots, not him. if i was in her position i would have been doing the exact same thing, and so would you if some idiot was stealing your shots off the bar that you paid for. he had absolutely no place to hit her. if he wasnt doing anything wrong...and she just went off at the mouth at him...then i wouldnt have as much sympathy for her. but she definitely DID NOT deserve to be knocked out.

and that mike dude..."the situation" is a complete goof. he's gotta be one of the goofiest looking and goofiest acting idiots i've ever seen haha. he may have a nice body but his lack of a nice looking face, and his severe lack of game are why the dude isnt getting laid. people should be taking lessons from Ronnie :D make a girl feel special, treat her right and respect her, and you'll get the goods :D


Well-Known Member
So I'm half italian and I think these douche bags are funny. If your really italian you pay no mind to these chode bags...because technically...excuse my language...they are the "niggers" of the know the ignorant ones with no sense of self respect? Let em be...nature will take its course.

And on a side note...I hit a girl once..she was 5'10" and like 165. I was kicking her out of a party she wasn't invited to and I turned around to drink some water...and she rushed me..she hit me 3 times before I hit her back ONCE. I was stuck in the corner between a counterop and a wall. No way ouy but to check her. She landed on her ass and stumbled around...and I still feel bad.

To all you faggots saying that if a girl was TALKING shit...not actually hitting you that you'd hit her...your a disgrace to men everywhere. I'm not saying never hit a girl because sometimes its justified but just because some loud mouth 4'10 italian girl talks some shit gives you NO right to hit her. You have just as big a pussy as the girl you hit. Personally I would have stabbed him with a beer bottle but then again that's just me.
well said and i agree completely! if anyone had a reason to hit anyone was the guy who paid for the drinks that the dude was stealing. ie snookies buddies should have decked that jerk first. or snook herself should have decked him first. you'd better believe if a guy was jacking my drinks from the bar that *I* paid for...i'd be knocking his teeth out too.


Well-Known Member
So do you's think he really hit her?it looked like he cold clocked the shit out of her but you can never really know.


Well-Known Member
Naw she did deserved to get punched fuck that hoe....she is so fucking annoying.....and a huge fucking COCKBLOCK!!!!!!!


stays relevant.
here are the rules...

if someone bigger than you is stealing your drinks, you get someone bigger than them to confront them.

otherwise, you get snookied. :lol:

honestly though she is an annoying trap.