MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!



as far as getting a job in my area with those working against me not really...

seems like if your not a hot chick around here its a no go


when you can have it whenever you want it its not really like that

but, i sure would like to have a different chick on top of me for once, shit gets boring
Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground." So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground."

Spread your royal oats man.


Well-Known Member
I think it was one of the first episodes....idk i dont keep up with that was just one scene where she goes upstairs and cockblocks the shit out of "the situation" just because hes up there fucking with some broads....that deserves a smack to the face....from a girl!!!....and im not talking about the drinks....I can tell you like that show since you said not once have you seen it

then the next night she gave everyone suck face in the hot tub. she just wants it all to herself. :hump:


Well-Known Member
I think it was one of the first episodes....idk i dont keep up with that was just one scene where she goes upstairs and cockblocks the shit out of "the situation" just because hes up there fucking with some broads....that deserves a smack to the face....from a girl!!!....and im not talking about the drinks....I can tell you like that show since you said not once have you seen it
i dont think it was snook that did that. but i dont remember the whole episode so i could be wrong. but i though that one chick angelina or whatever, that ended up leaving because the boss from the store fired her or something, she was the cock block. she was the one who went upstairs to break up their fun, i had thought that after the first night snookie spent a couple days in her room feeling depressed...


Well-Known Member
i dont think it was snook that did that. but i dont remember the whole episode so i could be wrong. but i though that one chick angelina or whatever, that ended up leaving because the boss from the store fired her or something, she was the cock block. she was the one who went upstairs to break up their fun, i had thought that after the first night snookie spent a couple days in her room feeling depressed...

yeah your right the other chick was the cock blocker.

She should have got her lights knocked out for that shit.

Men should be allowed to punch cock blokers, like that bitch.

I mean fuck there has to be consequences for your actions.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you two are right ^^
Snookie was the least cockblocking one out of all the females. Actually, she was trying to give them all her pussy. Which is quite nice, if you ask me. She told 'the situation' 'yeah fucking fuck me in my fucking ass' when they were making out and shit in the hot tub. LoL That cracked me up:lol:

I think you owe her an apology MRLD. You're wrong buddy. But, I will admit, she is a little bit of a loud mouth bitch. That could get annoying quick.