JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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Well-Known Member
*worm opens the door, Looking around to find JO, but all i see is gg & wikid baking muffins*

Did you guys use cannabutter on that sheet


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen that in forever, and watching that just now reminded me how I always HATED the very last person it focuses on in the theme song...something about that guy's FACE just pisses me off....:evil:


New Member
But that's a bar, and this is a coffee shop. Coffee shops changed the world, long before Starbucks.... JO has the right idea.



New Member
Really? I found it insightful..... society going from depressants to stimulants. We WOKE up ... at the coffee shops.


New Member
Sorry Dude, We Got Tired Of Waitin'.
We did find another source to supply our next shipment of canabutter to the capitalists, though.
How's Them Good Cop Goodies Cumming Along?
Check Out These Blueberry Phat Rabbit Turds.
Their Huge!
Have You Seen Boney, Ye Camo Man Smelling Of Flowers?
Ben Was Getting Himself Lightened Up As Air Next Door The Last Whern I Saw Of Him, Mr. Man In A Cracker.
Is That A Phurry Rabbit Phur Seat I See Over There?
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