Should i be feaking out?


Well-Known Member
I think i might have a major problem here. I had to go out of town yesterday moring, and wont be able to get back until tomorrow night. Yesterday morning before i left, i notice some MAJOR drooping on the entire bottom half of the plant. So i start feaking out, and my first thought is its not getting enough light. So i immediately add a 68 watt cfl to the lower side. I put the light about 1-2 inches away from the wilted fan leaves.
As time goes by, i began to wonder maybe it was just thirsty? i usually water it every 2 days, but since i wasbout to go out of town, i decided to wait a 3rd day before watering. Needless to say, i drenched it before i left. But now im wondering, if it was indeed just thirsty, i would assume it would perk right up.
So now if that was the prob, and it has perked up, that means i have a 68 watt clf right on the plant, and based on how much its been growing every day, im afraid when i get back tomorrw the cfl will be alllll on the plant.
So really idk whats going on, wont no until tomorrow night, but should i be freaking out? Is it possible she will be totally screwed by tomorrow? How much damage can a cfl cause in 2 1/2 days?
here is a pic 2 days before the drooping started

Its about 1 week into flowering in those pics.
Im freaking out. Can any1 give me any advice?


Well-Known Member
nah you shouldn't worry. soil grows are slower than dwc hydroponic and earoponics. soil restricts the roots and promotes slower growth of the plant itslef. if the light is in the plant when you get back there will b some scorched leaves, but it should hold out and continue on through flowering. not a big deal, it will still produce a bud where the burnt leaves are.


Well-Known Member
do not worry. plant looks great. a day will not matter. i am curious what kind of pot is that and does it have drainage holes. plants can go a lot longer without water than u think. if u freak out over every leaf on the plant u are going to go crazy. worry more about the overall health. bottom leafs r going to die off and yellow.


Well-Known Member
oh sorry u r in flower and a light is on it 24/7. i still would not be that concerned it may confuse it hopefully it will not hermie. i do not think it will matter. just make sure it is totally dark during lights off. u probably delayed flowering. i would consider the day u get back as the first day of darkness and go from there.


Well-Known Member
oh sorry u r in flower and a light is on it 24/7. i still would not be that concerned it may confuse it hopefully it will not hermie. i do not think it will matter. just make sure it is totally dark during lights off. u probably delayed flowering. i would consider the day u get back as the first day of darkness and go from there.
ahhh srry wasnt more specific, i have it all hooked up to a timer so its still getting 12/12.

So from what i described, does it sound like it was just thirsty? Damn i guess i am just being waay over cautious. Thnx for the peace of mind all of u +rep


Well-Known Member
its all fine, you know what having that cfl will result in? increased growth much light as possible is what you should use. your plant looks good. you may think its because you didnt water for so long but im thinking your soil and container may have drainage issues, the deeper lower levels of your soil are probally always wet....which is always bad. how much do you water each time?


Well-Known Member
its all fine, you know what having that cfl will result in? increased growth much light as possible is what you should use. your plant looks good. you may think its because you didnt water for so long but im thinking your soil and container may have drainage issues, the deeper lower levels of your soil are probally always wet....which is always bad. how much do you water each time?
im so glad u asked that cause ive been wondering if im watering right.
I got that pot from lowes, its a pretty big pot, i would guess 5 gallon but have no idea. I water it with a little less than a half gallon every 2 days. The pot didnt come with holes so i made some, but now i cant remmeber how big or how many holes i made. I have been watering it with nutes more than plain water, i usually will water it 2 times with nutes then 1 time with plain water


Well-Known Member
to be honest with u i am surprised ur plant looks so good. not trying to be critical but it sounds like u have been overwatering. have u grown the plant the whole time. again not trying to be a smart ass but i am pretty experienced and i have problems from seed. i do not go from seed often and they r so tempermental. is this a clone.


Well-Known Member
overall plant looks great. u should be proud u have done a great job. some leafs look like they have a nitrogen claw thing going on but nothing thats going to hurt to bad just do a little research.


Well-Known Member
to be honest with u i am surprised ur plant looks so good. not trying to be critical but it sounds like u have been overwatering. have u grown the plant the whole time. again not trying to be a smart ass but i am pretty experienced and i have problems from seed. i do not go from seed often and they r so tempermental. is this a clone.
LOL its all me. I started it from seed. To be honest, i have been amazed by how good the whole things been going too, except for this lil inscedent.
But here is another thing i didnt tell u, and im not sure if its a bad thing. I vegged it for a little more than 5 weeks and the whole time it was 24/7 light. Ive heard what your suppose to do is give 18/6 light for veg, but i actually gave it 6 hours of darkness 1 time only when it was less than a week old and this is what happened
100_0847.jpg 100_0846.jpg
Oh and i was also only using a 90 watt ufo at the time. so i think that was mix between no light for 6 hours, and not enough light for 18 hours. That ufo sux btw, so thats when i started buying alot of cfls. I started with adding a 68 watt cfl and from then on the plant just looked too good to be true.


Well-Known Member
oh god r u fucking with me. how did u get this u should clone this plant its bullet proof. no do not worry. u r fucking with me right.


Well-Known Member
Oh also its a super lemon haze, andwhen i vegged it with 24/7 light, there was no streching at all. But now with the 12/12 this baby has been streching several inches a day. Now im kinda worried i vegged too long and it will grow out of my closet, but im not really too concerned about that right now lol


Well-Known Member
oh god r u fucking with me. how did u get this u should clone this plant its bullet proof. no do not worry. u r fucking with me right.
o god wait, are u saying ive been fucking up this whole time? Plant is bullet proof? Is 24/7 light for 5 weeks bad?


Well-Known Member
yea i could see the stretch in the pictures. if its a pure sativa its going to stretch. i grow indica dominant strains. again how did u get this far. do a little research. great job so far u will realize how lucky u were one day.


Well-Known Member
doing a great job. plant looks great. i have so much trouble from seed even with my experience. maybe its strain related my goal from seed it to make to 3 gallon pots after that it is bullet proof to me. i dot not go from seed much only 3 times the last 15 years.


Well-Known Member
yea i could see the stretch in the pictures. if its a pure sativa its going to stretch. i grow indica dominant strains. again how did u get this far. do a little research. great job so far u will realize how lucky u were one day.
I dont understand why u keep saying "how did i get this far" lol ive done loads of research. The only thing i can think of is the 24/7 light thing. Is that bad????? I thoght more light is better lol xD


Well-Known Member
no u have done a great job. 24/7 is the way i veg. i dont think it matters except for the power bill. from my research marijuana is the type of plant that does not need a rest period. seen all the arguements for and against 24/7 20/4 and 18/6. never tested myself just easier to leave it on. one thing i will tell u is MAKE SURE IT IS TOTALLY DARK DURING FLOWER.