

Well-Known Member
It seems as though every time a Liberal encounters a contrary opinion they presume that the opinion comes from a lessor place intellectually. Likewise, they presume that their own opinions are more enlightened, more nuanced, better informed, and more sophisticated. They presume that all opinions contrary to theirs can only come only from ignorance, narrow mindedness and from a failure to see things on an intellectual level.

The thing that is most irrational about this belief is the fact that a great many Conservatives were Liberal before becoming Conservative. But, the opposite is seldom true. When it comes to the ability to see both sides of an issue and to understand the nuance and complexity of an issue, logic holds that one who has seen the issue from both sides is better equipped to do this than those who have only seen one side. But despite this, most Liberals are quick to call someone narrow minded even when that person is able to argue the Liberal side of the issue better than the Liberal could themselves.

Liberals would do well to understand that although both sides have their sheep; many Conservatives are more knowledgeable about Liberal ideas than they are. It is not that Conservatives don’t understand Liberal ideas; it is that they have contemplated these ideas, have seen the shortcomings of them and have found them lacking.

Instead of simply presuming that your ideas are of the highest sophistication simply because you thought them up yourself, try considering the fact you might be talking to someone wiser and more knowledgeable than you are. It’s called humility and it’s something everyone should try at least once in their life.
Good post, Rick.

I think liberals in general base their opinions on emotion rather than logic. Just the opposite for conservatives.
i agree mostly although i have seen some libs who are well versed of both positions and argue theirs rather well. i definitely get the feeling that they have a heart felt desire to be good to their fellow man. there are several on here. i believe they are very misguided because liberal policies do just the opposite of what they claim they want. ie public housing imprisons people. libs think it helps.

however, most of the libs on this board dont even know shit from shinola of what liberal policy is. they just regirgitate the bush lied people died garbage. mostly i think it comes from not having any worldly experience (being young). but it is nerve racking as hell because when you show them facts they say stuff like, that guys an idiot, or thats your opinion. the proper way to convince somebody and challenge their idea is to shoot down their facts.

when you work for a company, check your emotion at the door. all i want as a boss are the facts. all i want as an employee is to give my boss the facts. fortunately i have had a bunch of different jobs and been at both ends of the spectrum several times (boss, employee).

libs are all about emotions. that is why it is so easy to pull the wool over their eyes again and again, global warming, global cooling, holes in the ozone, all the eagles dying because of ddt etc. all things that have been disproven or are about to be totally blown out of the water. each time they fall hook line and sinker for these hoaxs. the reason, i believe is because of the emotional way they look at issues.
hey what happened to the "islam: religion of peace" thread where rickwhite was crying for another member to be banned for having a different opinion?
minutes after the thread magically vanishes, here he is crying about respect for others' opinions.
It seems as though every time a Liberal encounters a contrary opinion they presume that the opinion comes from a lessor place intellectually. Likewise, they presume that their own opinions are more enlightened, more nuanced, better informed, and more sophisticated. They presume that all opinions contrary to theirs can only come only from ignorance, narrow mindedness and from a failure to see things on an intellectual level.

The thing that is most irrational about this belief is the fact that a great many Conservatives were Liberal before becoming Conservative. But, the opposite is seldom true. When it comes to the ability to see both sides of an issue and to understand the nuance and complexity of an issue, logic holds that one who has seen the issue from both sides is better equipped to do this than those who have only seen one side. But despite this, most Liberals are quick to call someone narrow minded even when that person is able to argue the Liberal side of the issue better than the Liberal could themselves.

Liberals would do well to understand that although both sides have their sheep; many Conservatives are more knowledgeable about Liberal ideas than they are. It is not that Conservatives don’t understand Liberal ideas; it is that they have contemplated these ideas, have seen the shortcomings of them and have found them lacking.

Instead of simply presuming that your ideas are of the highest sophistication simply because you thought them up yourself, try considering the fact you might be talking to someone wiser and more knowledgeable than you are. It’s called humility and it’s something everyone should try at least once in their life.

you liberal profile is rather narrow. perhaps your post more aptly describes conservatives.
Couldn't the problem be that both sides that feel they are very informed are really looking at misguided information and taking it at face value and now feel that they are now more informed.

When you step back it is just that both sides spew garbage at eachother and refer to their own references that basically say exactly what is being regurgitated.

And pretty much all of it is bullshit and full of misinformation. So each side can continually poke holes in the others 'actual information' because it was off a website or 'news' source.

And once holes are poked the other can happily go on thinking their info (viewpoint) is more correct. When in reality it is just as incorrect and biased.

And both sides really may be right. There are many ways to do things, and just because you chose not to understand the other ways it doesn't mean that what you want and understand will work is better than another avenue that you don't like.
Couldn't the problem be that both sides that feel they are very informed are really looking at misguided information and taking it at face value and now feel that they are now more informed.

When you step back it is just that both sides spew garbage at eachother and refer to their own references that basically say exactly what is being regurgitated.

And pretty much all of it is bullshit and full of misinformation. So each side can continually poke holes in the others 'actual information' because it was off a website or 'news' source.

And once holes are poked the other can happily go on thinking their info (viewpoint) is more correct. When in reality it is just as incorrect and biased.

And both sides really may be right. There are many ways to do things, and just because you chose not to understand the other ways it doesn't mean that what you want and understand will work is better than another avenue that you don't like.

well said, I agree. The liberals bash the conservatives and vice versa and concensus is rarely the goal.
well said, I agree. The liberals bash the conservatives and vice versa and concensus is rarely the goal.

Yeah, I would have thought ricky would have the good sense not to start another "all liberals are..." thread. Everyone know there are idiots on both sides and if you can't recognize that you can probably count yourself among them...
It seems as though every time a Liberal encounters a contrary opinion they presume that the opinion comes from a lessor place intellectually. Likewise, they presume that their own opinions are more enlightened, more nuanced, better informed, and more sophisticated. They presume that all opinions contrary to theirs can only come only from ignorance, narrow mindedness and from a failure to see things on an intellectual level.

The thing that is most irrational about this belief is the fact that a great many Conservatives were Liberal before becoming Conservative. But, the opposite is seldom true. When it comes to the ability to see both sides of an issue and to understand the nuance and complexity of an issue, logic holds that one who has seen the issue from both sides is better equipped to do this than those who have only seen one side. But despite this, most Liberals are quick to call someone narrow minded even when that person is able to argue the Liberal side of the issue better than the Liberal could themselves.

Liberals would do well to understand that although both sides have their sheep; many Conservatives are more knowledgeable about Liberal ideas than they are. It is not that Conservatives don’t understand Liberal ideas; it is that they have contemplated these ideas, have seen the shortcomings of them and have found them lacking.

Instead of simply presuming that your ideas are of the highest sophistication simply because you thought them up yourself, try considering the fact you might be talking to someone wiser and more knowledgeable than you are. It’s called humility and it’s something everyone should try at least once in their life.
Rick, I see you own a manufacturing business. I'm pretty sure you must have more wealth than the average citizen. I'm a liberal and have hardly any wealth, at least in this society. Here's my point: wealth separates you, and all wealthy persons, from the commoners. It also changes the way you look at people. You control people in your business, thereby giving you a superiority complex, warranted or not. Watching people below your wealth status probably gives you a "God" complex, or an I'm smarter than they complex, Most poor people are liberals, are they not? This fact must to you seem like they are all ignorant as you base your opinion of people based on their monetary accomplishments. Although I agree that most rich people are kind of intelligent, I have seen my share of idiots, a few residing here at RIU. Wealth does not make one smarter, just more money orientated. The "bum" on the corner may be smarter than you. Maybe life just dealt him a bad hand. I see you are preaching humility to us liberals, may I suggest a little for yourself. Yes Conservatives may have been liberals untill later in life when they ended up being somewhat wealthy, but it takes a great deal of wealth for them to become liberals again, most never achieve this level of intelligence. Keep working on it Rick, we'll welcome you back.
Rick, I see you own a manufacturing business. I'm pretty sure you must have more wealth than the average citizen. I'm a liberal and have hardly any wealth, at least in this society. Here's my point: wealth separates you, and all wealthy persons, from the commoners. It also changes the way you look at people. You control people in your business, thereby giving you a superiority complex, warranted or not. Watching people below your wealth status probably gives you a "God" complex, or an I'm smarter than they complex, Most poor people are liberals, are they not? This fact must to you seem like they are all ignorant as you base your opinion of people based on their monetary accomplishments. Although I agree that most rich people are kind of intelligent, I have seen my share of idiots, a few residing here at RIU. Wealth does not make one smarter, just more money orientated. The "bum" on the corner may be smarter than you. Maybe life just dealt him a bad hand. I see you are preaching humility to us liberals, may I suggest a little for yourself. Yes Conservatives may have been liberals untill later in life when they ended up being somewhat wealthy, but it takes a great deal of wealth for them to become liberals again, most never achieve this level of intelligence. Keep working on it Rick, we'll welcome you back.

Well I guess I should first thank you for providing an excellent example of what I was explaining in my OP.

I was actually quite poor most of my life and it wasn't until the last few years that I began to do well. Wealth is not a good indicator of whether or not someone leans right or left. Although, I have found that many people who are poor are poor for a reason. And many times these reasons involve the way they look at life.

Many people set up mental road blocks to their own success by seeing themselves as powerless victims of an unjust system that denies them equal opportunity. Such attitudes have a way of becoming reality. And many people who hold such beliefs, allow them to affect the way they perform in life. You are most likely one such person.

But, I do know all about being held down in life. I am dyslexic and when I was young and in school I was systematically excluded from having an opportunity to succeed. It was not until computers and the advent of the word processor that I was able to return to school and succeed. This was during my late 20s to early 30s. Before that I went from one miserable dead end job to the next.

As far as intelligence, I have as a result of my dyslexia taken a number of IQ tests and I score in the top 2% of people in my demographic (college educated white men). So, I think it's fair to say I am smarter than your average bear.

But money or even intelligence doesn't make one educated, and education doesn't make one wise. Education comes from exposing ones self to a wide range of ideas and from studying a wide range of subjects. Wisdom IMO comes mainly from humility - from the realization that although we may have a good education, even the most educated among us is merely a drop in the ocean when it comes to understanding the world around us. One can not be arrogant about ones own opinions and be wise at the same time - the two can not exist together.

This, is the ultimate understanding in life and it is the backbone of Conservative thought. Of course both sides have their sheep who do no thinking and merely parrot what others say and toe the party line on every issue. Most of your pop-culture Liberals fit into this group. They are the ones who are Liberal because it is PC and because they want to be in the "in" group. I venture to say 99% of Liberals on RUI are this type. And to be fair there are also Conservatives who do likewise only because that is the way they were raised.

But, in the end one either becomes arrogant in their opinions and anoints themselves the divine managers of all human affairs or one develops humility about their ideas and gives respect and deference to people and things greater than themselves. The former become Liberals and the latter Conservatives.
hey what happened to the "islam: religion of peace" thread where rickwhite was crying for another member to be banned for having a different opinion?
minutes after the thread magically vanishes, here he is crying about respect for others' opinions.

Actually, that is not true. I complained about Padawa not because he disagrees with me, but because he jacks threads and is intentionally disruptive. Moreover, he was repeatedly misquoting things that I said in a slanderous manner.

He had also crossed way over the line from legitimate debate to blatant hate speech and bigotry and he was forcing this on everyone else in a harassing manner.

It is fine to disagree, but when you constantly disrupt threads by jacking them with bigotry you are out of line.
Well I guess I should first thank you for providing an excellent example of what I was explaining in my OP.

I was actually quite poor most of my life and it wasn't until the last few years that I began to do well. Wealth is not a good indicator of whether or not someone leans right or left. Although, I have found that many people who are poor are poor for a reason. And many times these reasons involve the way they look at life.

Many people set up mental road blocks to their own success by seeing themselves as powerless victims of an unjust system that denies them equal opportunity. Such attitudes have a way of becoming reality. And many people who hold such beliefs, allow them to affect the way they perform in life. You are most likely one such person.

But, I do know all about being held down in life. I am dyslexic and when I was young and in school I was systematically excluded from having an opportunity to succeed. It was not until computers and the advent of the word processor that I was able to return to school and succeed. This was during my late 20s to early 30s. Before that I went from one miserable dead end job to the next.

As far as intelligence, I have as a result of my dyslexia taken a number of IQ tests and I score in the top 2% of people in my demographic (college educated white men). So, I think it's fair to say I am smarter than your average bear.

But money or even intelligence doesn't make one educated, and education doesn't make one wise. Education comes from exposing ones self to a wide range of ideas and from studying a wide range of subjects. Wisdom IMO comes mainly from humility - from the realization that although we may have a good education, even the most educated among us is merely a drop in the ocean when it comes to understanding the world around us. One can not be arrogant about ones own opinions and be wise at the same time - the two can not exist together.

This, is the ultimate understanding in life and it is the backbone of Conservative thought. Of course both sides have their sheep who do no thinking and merely parrot what others say and toe the party line on every issue. Most of your pop-culture Liberals fit into this group. They are the ones who are Liberal because it is PC and because they want to be in the "in" group. I venture to say 99% of Liberals on RUI are this type. And to be fair there are also Conservatives who do likewise only because that is the way they were raised.

But, in the end one either becomes arrogant in their opinions and anoints themselves the divine managers of all human affairs or one develops humility about their ideas and gives respect and deference to people and things greater than themselves. The former become Liberals and the latter Conservatives.

you're kidding, right?

quick summary

1) 99% of the liberals here are arrogant pop culture groupies

2)and you have overcome dyslexia with your top 2% intelligence factor, but that doesn't really matter because it is the wisdom that comes from your humility which makes you so respectful of others

fuck off
you're kidding, right?

quick summary

1) 99% of the liberals here are arrogant pop culture groupies

2)and you have overcome dyslexia with your top 2% intelligence factor, but that doesn't really matter because it is the wisdom that comes from your humility which makes you so respectful of others

fuck off

And there you have it from the opposite end of the bell curve.
But, in the end one either becomes arrogant in their opinions and anoints themselves the divine managers of all human affairs or one develops humility about their ideas and gives respect and deference to people and things greater than themselves. The former become Liberals and the latter Conservatives.

Are you Christian? Because you have a beam in your eye.
Actually, that is not true. I complained about Padawa not because he disagrees with me, but because he jacks threads and is intentionally disruptive. Moreover, he was repeatedly misquoting things that I said in a slanderous manner.

He had also crossed way over the line from legitimate debate to blatant hate speech and bigotry and he was forcing this on everyone else in a harassing manner.

It is fine to disagree, but when you constantly disrupt threads by jacking them with bigotry you are out of line.

you insult and bash others and call it "opinion". well i guess thats somewhat valid. it
may be that you have the right to your opinion that all liberals are evil dumb cocksuckers.
however its funny that you see justification in peddling your insulting and demeaning
guttural excrement, and cry when others behave the same.

this makes you a hypocrite and a whiny baby.

just my opinion.

so you should respect it...right?
Good post, Rick.

I think liberals in general base their opinions on emotion rather than logic. Just the opposite for conservatives.

Oh dear, you did not invoke the ANCIENT reason/emotion paradigm. You really want to say that, as a blanket statement, liberals are pathos-driven while conservs only obey logic? You can do better...