DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Active Member
Soooo i've been flipping through your grow, did you give up on doing it vertically then?

btw you have very scenic surroundings


Well-Known Member
Soooo i've been flipping through your grow, did you give up on doing it vertically then?

btw you have very scenic surroundings
welcome potka, thanks for flipping through. no, light is still vertical, it's just not really in the pics much, but there is one there.....honest:shock:

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Hey bud. I had absolutely no idea Scotland was such a pretty place. Thanks for the pics.

How are the cliff dwellers doing?


Well-Known Member
Hey bud. I had absolutely no idea Scotland was such a pretty place. Thanks for the pics.

How are the cliff dwellers doing?
Good Q, Jig, It seems that the Cliff Dwellers like take it in turns to grow, first one side was doing good, now the other side are doing okay. But to be honest, I am not exactly throwing cartwheels about them. Not sure if the roots of these girls are getting what they need....lets put it this way, the other girls are doing better....I will not give up hope yet (especially since 3 of them are OG kush girls)

My BlackJack and NY47 are coming along as seedlings under the cfl's though. And got some real nice Headbands that I am donating to a friend.

I have LST'd my mystery girls down and they seem to be loving the bondage:weed:

Scotland certainly has beauty, and it has beasties as well:shock: But they tend to stay around what we call the Central Belt of Scotland (between Edinburgh and Glasgow) The Highlands are the biz though. Totally chilled out.

just dropping in and showing face:D looking good DST:leaf:
Hey Doc, always good to have some Sunny Island cheer brought to the table.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it cute when the plants argue over who will grow better. I like it... they will sort it out and pull through alright.

One of my wife's dreams is to own/ spend part of our time in a place in Scotland. And my wife is the type to make dreams happen. So when the day comes we move in... you my friend will have an invite. Man, I wish that was going to happen soon. I guess all in time.


Well-Known Member
Good things come to those who wait. But we also make our own luck by increasing chance and opportunity through widening our horizons. So if you are doing that, you are heading in the right direction bru. Scotlands a really nice place, but has its downfalls. The Highlands are a real friendly place, so is the West coast, but most people are normally okay. I still get home sick.....


Well-Known Member
So there has been more lst-ing and general fiddlings going on in the grow room.:shock:

Nothing detrminetal to report up to now. Although one of the OG Kush leaves had a couple of spots of yellow on it so will keep an eye on that one. It's been getting mainly water and low concentrate nutes (as the coco/soiless mix it is in, has some nutes added.)

Have thrown a couple of Cliff Baby pics up. Have also tied them down. Other than that all is good in the growin hood.



Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention the Blackjack and the NY47. Both are nice and green, the BlackJack was leaning quite a bit so that has been propped. One of it's leaves is a bit mutant looking, but other than that it looks okay - haha. 2 of my 3 mango seeds came up, both the mangos looked quite fragile at first but are looking nice as well.

Interestingly enough, I got an oz of Mango when I went back to Scotland. It still had moisture so ended up at 24g, and the drying was helped along somewhat. So I never got the true taste. There was still quite a bit of leaf on the bud...but all in all it got you through. My cold didn't help.

Shame the grower put it out early and wet!!! Terrible shame!!! This was a phone camera pick without flash so excuses.



Well-Known Member

Most growers do these days....

I let mine out a little early (3 wks from chop)..... but hey, they get it for free, I aint getting paid.....


Well-Known Member

Most growers do these days....

I let mine out a little early (3 wks from chop)..... but hey, they get it for free, I aint getting paid.....
Did someone say free? lol.

In that case you are free to do what you want. True charity is seldom seen:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I had a bit of a re-potting disaster. In my haste to get things done I ended up watching the root ball collapse beneath my hands. It was like watching your intestines spew out of your stomach and trying to push them back in....sorry about the description. The leaves and branches instantly went soft and floppy like it hadn't been watered. I thought, OMG, instant death to my poor Yin.

Anyway, I repotted it, pushed all the roots back in, then started taking cuttings incase she died. I also took a couple of Thelma and Louise cuttings. One of the cuttings was looking quite ropey so I pulled it out of it's soil mix and popped it into a shot glass. Seemed to pick up from the brink of looking broon bread. Will pot that again today.

The Og Kush disaster plant is back on track, nice strong feeling branches and perky leaves, so I feel 2010 is being good to me already.

Well that's that.

Hope everyone has a great day, if they so happen to stop by this way.

Peace, DST



mr west

Well-Known Member
Unlucky, thats happend to me b4 with my psychosis, they do bounce back eventualy u just have to give it time to regrow the roots its lost. Im having a normal friday so far but i only jus got up not sure if im hung over or not lol>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:start as u mean to go on lool


Well-Known Member
Yeh, it seems to be righty, thanks fore the First Foot mr West, I am sure you ken what I mean, if not ask yer Scottish lady, lol.

I put Barbagseed out to germinate, not done anything yet, lol, probably because it's a dirty seed that hangs around smelly Dutch bars, haha. Have a good day china, I need to move from my computer, wife is washing the wooden floors (someone isn't hung over - lol)


Well-Known Member
And the other pic above is one of the mystery clones that I threw in. My wife wanted to see it and she tends not to venture into my room so I had a pic from this morning to share. Seems to be coming on. I Super cropped the other one this morning and put a small tie round the snapped branch. Will go back to check it in a while, don't want to destroy gifted mystery girl 2. :bigjoint: Will put a pic up of my super cropped branch in a bit.


Well-Known Member
I've read about double serrations on fan leaves - common with the Real cheese. But it's not a cheese....