Haha, getting old, still recovering from the weekend celebrations.
I topped and fimmed a few of the girls today. Thelma and Louise are going big guns. I have also tied them apart a little, which is only gonna strengthen those babies. They are also not as stretchy as the normal OG's???.
The sad baby Triple T is finally beginning I think, although it's getting watered and not much else at the moment. It's bendy OG neighbour has also started to sprout. The stem has totally bent to the side on that one. It's still a little runt though.
Most of the HB's leaves are fattening up nicely, and it's actually a comforting sight to see the stretch of one of my OG kushlings, I also topped that. I fimmed one of the Mystery cuttings, it was looking good for it.
The Cali-O's, there are one or two that look nice - fatter and stalkier, I would like them to be females) otherwise they are doing their thing as well.
For the seeds, the Blackjack popped a root and went into soil. So did the NY47, but they have not done anything yet...just wanted to see them sprout before I fade off. The mangos that looked like mini seeds, well one of them has popped a really small root, and that has gone into seed. The other 2 are doing niks!

Only thing is, I will have to do something with them, as I can't really leave them in a bag for 4 days...or could I? I am thinking I should just put them in soil/coco as well.
I had to laugh, I received a brochure today from a gardening centre as I am looking for a greenhouse (i forgot I ordered it). Man, I need a digger first to get rid of all the snow before I can put a greenhouse down, I have also got 3 carrier bags full of tulip bulbs (that need to go out soon), lol. Ah well, hate to be a bah humbug, but roll on spring
Anyway guys, will sling a quick update tomorrow, but if you're not around, Merry Xmas to all.
Peace, DST