
Active Member
here is pics of day 2:
well took 3 clones today have plenty more to take will post pics tommorow as i had to get 24/0 lighting goin in a room in a hurry as light in with the flowering ladys was due to go out and didnt relize untill after i took cuttings i needed 24/0 as im in flower ( 12/12) and wouldnt be good to keep my clones in there as for now theyre under 4ft fluros and a blue veg light cant afford to have a light leak in with my flowering ladys


Well-Known Member
As you can see in the above
pics of update#3 root zones
at the end of the cuttings
stem are getting larger or
sowlen witch is a good sign
of root building or rooting...:hump:


Well-Known Member

ty brick for the knowledge in this thread they are looking very good sometimes keeping it really simple is the best way not sure if i read correctly or not but you did not use any root enhancer right? if you didnt what if after the root started to show you added a lil super thrive to the water for the paper towel..just a thought i may try with your method..peace pot prosperity


Well-Known Member
ty brick for the knowledge in this thread they are looking very good sometimes keeping it really simple is the best way not sure if i read correctly or not but you did not use any root enhancer right? if you didnt what if after the root started to show you added a lil super thrive to the water for the paper towel..just a thought i may try with your method..peace pot prosperity
I used take root and i usally let them
soak in a flower nute..I didnt this time
around i think the cuttings will still root


Well-Known Member
Brick20, let me get this right. Do you just need the napkin/water/cups to make it work without anything special? I see you said something about soaking the towels in flowering nutes? Does this actually help, and if so, why not grow nutes? Seems more logical to me, at least for rooting purposes.


Well-Known Member
Brick20, let me get this right. Do you just need the napkin/water/cups to make it work without anything special? I see you said something about soaking the towels in flowering nutes? Does this actually help, and if so, why not grow nutes? Seems more logical to me, at least for rooting purposes.
And yes u dont need nothing
special just good
cuttings/napkin/water. And i
keep a cup of flowering
nutes that i dip the cutting
stems in rather then apply it
to the napkin.

And i mist every chance i
Misting keeps the cuttings
green and living..


Well-Known Member
i toook off some lower branches last night and thought why not try this method since nothing else has worked for me, i did it a lil different but same concept, hey brick u mind if i post some pics of mine on here aswell and i will update it also, if they root


Well-Known Member
so how often do you mist brick20? your method is really nice, im gonna give it a shot when i get around to the next cycle when my flowering plants finish and i put the vegging ones in there.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3595215]Does this work with out a rooting powder or gel?[/QUOTE]
I would just be careful you check daily so you dont end up fucking up your roots when they rip from the paper towel. Nice and clean though thanks for the knowledge share


Well-Known Member
i toook off some lower branches last night and thought why not try this method since nothing else has worked for me, i did it a lil different but same concept, hey brick u mind if i post some pics of mine on here aswell and i will update it also, if they root
no go ahead i dont mind at all!!!


Well-Known Member
so how often do you mist brick20? Your method is really nice, im gonna give it a shot when i get around to the next cycle when my flowering plants finish and i put the vegging ones in there.
i try and mist the
whole cutting as much
as i can or have time


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3595215]Does this work with out a rooting powder or gel?[/QUOTE]

If u do use nutes i would just use it on the first day i took the cuttings