
Exactly. The so called conservatives, Rinos, are worse for being hypocrites. There are not enough true conservatives

Yeah, Republicans should have hearings to root out all those secret communist muslim sympathizers who want gay marriage, abortions and legalized drugs. Then they will finally be able to win elections again. You, my friend, need to get yourself a job as a political strategist with the GOP! Do they take potheads?
It is quite rewarding when one of my posts generates such obvious frustration among the Left.

I always know when this is the case because none of the responses have anything to do with my OP. All I see is insults and vitriol that is irrelevant to the subject at hand. This is one such thread.
It is quite rewarding when one of my posts generates such obvious frustration among the Left.

I always know when this is the case because none of the responses have anything to do with my OP. All I see is insults and vitriol that is irrelevant to the subject at hand. This is one such thread.

your OP is an insult
the responses are on topic

what frustration? i don't get frustrated. i shutter in disbelief at times.
It is quite rewarding when one of my posts generates such obvious frustration among the Left.

I always know when this is the case because none of the responses have anything to do with my OP. All I see is insults and vitriol that is irrelevant to the subject at hand. This is one such thread.

It seems apparent that this thread was created to elicit an expected response thereby proving the original post.
The point of the thread, and the clear message for those who bother to make an attempt at processing the information, is that Liberals are incorrect in their assumptions of Conservatives.

Liberals constantly try to perpetuate a stereotype in which Conservatives are ignorant back woods hicks who are incapable of sophisticated thought even if the one making the charge has no education and is speaking to a man who has written a dozen books for academia. We see this all over this forum. Actually, it is interesting when you think about it. The ones who are constantly pontificating about stereotypes are the ones who are the first people to stereotype Conservatives.

And I have to say, none of the Conservatives I know are simplistic rednecks. In fact, all of them are the opposite - they are all highly educated professionals who are not only educated and intelligent but are equally well read and well informed on many topics. And as I've stated, most that I know held Liberal beliefs in their youth. Hence the saying, "if you are in your 20s and not Liberal you have no heart - if you are in your 40s and not a Conservative you have no brain."

There are many ways to tell if a person is intelligent. How a person communicates should be an obvious give away. If a person can communicate complex ideas and make them easy for others to understand, that person is clearly intelligent. If a person is articulate and demonstrates an extensive vocabulary without being abstruse, that person is clearly intelligent. I believe it was Shakespeare who said "brevity is the soul of wit."

Anyway, I think it is irrational to call a person who is demonstrably intelligent, wise and knowledgeable, stupid just because they don't agree with you. And it is likewise silly to assume the stereotype of the mindless Bible thumping redneck who can not comprehend your ideas every time you talk to a Conservative. Especially, when that Conservative is more articulate and expresses ideas with greater complexity than you do. It just doesn't make sense.
Liberals are incorrect in their assumptions of Conservatives.[/COLOR]

They are also incorrect in what they believe a conservative to be.

They continually refer to all Republicans as conservative. They refer to George W. Bush as being a conservative. WTF ... they refer to anyone who is not left of Lenin as being a conservative.

True conservatives are anti-statists who believe in free markets, free minds and individual liberty. True conservatives believe in a limited central government chained by the words of the Constitution. True conservatives believe in state's rights and competition between the states without the over-reaching umbrella of the federal bureaucrats trying to control our lives from 3000 miles away, directing us from that ten-square-mile enclave known as Washington D.C.
They are also incorrect in what they believe a conservative to be.

They continually refer to all Republicans as conservative. They refer to George W. Bush as being a conservative. WTF ... they refer to anyone who is not left of Lenin as being a conservative.

True conservatives are anti-statists who believe in free markets, free minds and individual liberty. True conservatives believe in a limited central government chained by the words of the Constitution. True conservatives believe in state's rights and competition between the states without the over-reaching umbrella of the federal bureaucrats trying to control our lives from 3000 miles away, directing us from that ten-square-mile enclave known as Washington D.C.

Now let's all pretend we are detectives and think about what we can gather from the above post.

Is it safe to assume Vi knows a thing or two about our Constitution and about the concepts on which our nation was founded? Since he is discussing the concept of Federalism, is it fair to say he has some knowledge and insight into the intentions of our founding fathers?

Or should we just assume he must have heard all this sitting in some back woods Church and is just repeating some silly redneck nonsense?

How many Liberals know what "Federalism" is? How many think that must just be some form of intolerance because a Conservative is saying it?

I bet even though hardly any Liberals here even know what Vi is talking about, they all know he is "ignorant" and "unenlightened."
Rick - Your OP was an insult. You are defining liberals in narrow terms, just as you claim all liberals define conservatives as rednecks.

then you claim liberals are stupid:

I bet even though hardly any Liberals here even know what Vi is talking about, they all know he is "ignorant" and "unenlightened."

and then you claim liberals have a narrow view of conservatives:

The point of the thread, and the clear message for those who bother to make an attempt at processing the information, is that Liberals are incorrect in their assumptions of Conservatives.

Liberals constantly try to perpetuate a stereotype in which Conservatives are ignorant back woods hicks who are incapable of sophisticated thought even if the one making the charge has no education and is speaking to a man who has written a dozen books for academia. We see this all over this forum. Actually, it is interesting when you think about it. The ones who are constantly pontificating about stereotypes are the ones who are the first people to stereotype Conservatives.

I understand the conservative belief system, constituency, and logic. at one time, I believed all of it.

i have come to believe it is cruel socially. we just have a fundamental divergence of core mores.

i enjoy reading posts by quite a few liberal RIU's and find them very enlightening. i guess i just brush over the conservative bashing posts, because I really don't remember reading any.

I really don't understand what the intelligence issue is, but as far as I'm concerned, IMO intelligent people are also compassionate.
Rick - Your OP was an insult. You are defining liberals in narrow terms, just as you claim all liberals define conservatives as rednecks.

then you claim liberals are stupid:

and then you claim liberals have a narrow view of conservatives:

I understand the conservative belief system, constituency, and logic. at one time, I believed all of it.

i have come to believe it is cruel socially. we just have a fundamental divergence of core mores.

i enjoy reading posts by quite a few liberal RIU's and find them very enlightening. i guess i just brush over the conservative bashing posts, because I really don't remember reading any.

I really don't understand what the intelligence issue is, but as far as I'm concerned, IMO intelligent people are also compassionate.

When you figure out the point of this thread and you are able to follow it let me know.

I must say however, that your belief that Conservatives are less compassionate than Liberals proves the whole premise of the thread. You are creating a stereotype based on your myopic assumptions.

Liberals are not compassionate. Liberals are concerned with APPEARING compassionate even when their policies are proven to do more harm than good. But to be fair, many Liberals do think they are being compassionate - they just don't know enough to know that their ideas actually hurt people.

For instance, subsidizing people's existence is a sure way to promote misery, poverty and suffering. This has been proven time and time again, yet liberals stick with it for the reasons I mentioned above. When Conservatives suggest real solutions that will really help people, Liberals deamonize them.

Another example is affirmative action which we now know to be a failure. When Conservatives pointed out why such a policy is a losing proposition for all, Liberals deamonized them as racist.

Never mind the fact that Liberals were inadvertently suggesting that Blacks are inferior and incapable of competing with Whites.

With regard to every issue I can think of, Conservatives see deeper into the issue and are more accurate in their assessment of their outcomes. Liberals on the other hand, tend to see only the surface of issues. As soon as they identify a view point that paints them their selves in the best light they assume that this is the viewpoint to have and they close the case. Then, when Conservatives say 'not so fast; let's look a little deeper," the Liberal deamonized them.

That is why we see so many Liberals in positions in which they never have to defend their opinions through legitimate debate. They tend to become professors and such so they can lecture to a captive audience of impressionable minds with no voice of opposition. Let the indoctrination begin and the stereotypes fly and you have modern Liberalism.
When you figure out the point of this thread and you are able to follow it let me know.

I must say however, that your belief that Conservatives are less compassionate than Liberals proves the whole premise of the thread. You are creating a stereotype based on your myopic assumptions.

Liberals are not compassionate. Liberals are concerned with APPEARING compassionate even when their policies are proven to do more harm than good. But to be fair, many Liberals do think they are being compassionate - they just don't know enough to know that their ideas actually hurt people.

For instance, subsidizing people's existence is a sure way to promote misery, poverty and suffering. This has been proven time and time again, yet liberals stick with it for the reasons I mentioned above. When Conservatives suggest real solutions that will really help people, Liberals deamonize them.

Another example is affirmative action which we now know to be a failure. When Conservatives pointed out why such a policy is a losing proposition for all, Liberals deamonized them as racist.

Never mind the fact that Liberals were inadvertently suggesting that Blacks are inferior and incapable of competing with Whites.

With regard to every issue I can think of, Conservatives see deeper into the issue and are more accurate in their assessment of their outcomes. Liberals on the other hand, tend to see only the surface of issues. As soon as they identify a view point that paints them their selves in the best light they assume that this is the viewpoint to have and they close the case. Then, when Conservatives say 'not so fast; let's look a little deeper," the Liberal deamonized them.

That is why we see so many Liberals in positions in which they never have to defend their opinions through legitimate debate. They tend to become professors and such so they can lecture to a captive audience of impressionable minds with no voice of opposition. Let the indoctrination begin and the stereotypes fly and you have modern Liberalism.


I'd like to add...

I really don't understand what the intelligence issue is, but as far as I'm concerned, IMO intelligent people are also compassionate.

Intelligence is to compassion, what night is to oranges. Or Apples are to day, if you will.
I hear what you are saying rickwhite and it is true. I see a bias on the liberal side.

But can you not empathize? The birthers and the complete and total nonsense they generally promote and vocalize heavily overshadows other, perhaps more rational and valid, conservative view points.

These type of people do no favor to themselves or their party with this type of behavior, and I feel it stains not just conservatives but republicans as well. And I can see why there is such a stereotype as you mentioned in your first post.

I feel I can see merits of both liberal and conservative views, and choose to align myself with no particular view point or party.

In my opinion, the world is not black or white. Similarly, I feel that all of these labels such as; conservative, liberal, republican, democrat, independent et al, only weaken us and distract us from a simple fact; we are all homo sapiens. We all want similar things, a habitat, food, love perhaps.

I feel your original post paints a black and white from a conservative view point as badly as a liberal black and white picture of conservatives.

Speaking in a broad sense, it is a shame we can't toss all of these labels, even if partially accurate of a belief system, aside, and discuss actual problems.
When you figure out the point of this thread and you are able to follow it let me know.

always the insult, eh?

I must say however, that your belief that Conservatives are less compassionate than Liberals proves the whole premise of the thread. You are creating a stereotype based on your myopic assumptions.

where did I say that, or are you reading tea leaves?

Liberals are not compassionate. Liberals are concerned with APPEARING compassionate even when their policies are proven to do more harm than good. But to be fair, many Liberals do think they are being compassionate - they just don't know enough to know that their ideas actually hurt people.

ah, liberals are uncompassionate dumbies. another stereotypical insult.

For instance, subsidizing people's existence is a sure way to promote misery, poverty and suffering. This has been proven time and time again, yet liberals stick with it for the reasons I mentioned above. When Conservatives suggest real solutions that will really help people, Liberals deamonize them.

like what (solutions), for instance?

Another example is affirmative action which we now know to be a failure. When Conservatives pointed out why such a policy is a losing proposition for all, Liberals deamonized them as racist.

there are differing opinions on affirmative action. you can take either side and find all the required internet support for either position.

Never mind the fact that Liberals were inadvertently suggesting that Blacks are inferior and incapable of competing with Whites.

yea, right. and conservatives were suggesting that they have a solution for minorities - all that was lacking was the trust in the conservative movement.

With regard to every issue I can think of, Conservatives see deeper into the issue and are more accurate in their assessment of their outcomes. Liberals on the other hand, tend to see only the surface of issues. As soon as they identify a view point that paints them their selves in the best light they assume that this is the viewpoint to have and they close the case. Then, when Conservatives say 'not so fast; let's look a little deeper," the Liberal deamonized them.


That is why we see so many Liberals in positions in which they never have to defend their opinions through legitimate debate. They tend to become professors and such so they can lecture to a captive audience of impressionable minds with no voice of opposition. Let the indoctrination begin and the stereotypes fly and you have modern Liberalism.

rant, rant ........
That is why we see so many Liberals in positions in which they never have to defend their opinions through legitimate debate. They tend to become professors and such so they can lecture to a captive audience of impressionable minds with no voice of opposition. Let the indoctrination begin and the stereotypes fly and you have modern Liberalism.

You've clearly never been to college or had a very limited and narrow experience there, because students question and challenge professors all the time. They're encouraged to do so by most, but if the audience is a bit too passive, we have a way of advocating for a response and a challenge. So don't worry your little head - your view of students as blind, susceptible automatons is quite insulting.
Originally Posted by RickWhite
When you figure out the point of this thread and you are able to follow it let me know.

always the insult, eh?

No, it is a factual observation

I must say however, that your belief that Conservatives are less compassionate than Liberals proves the whole premise of the thread. You are creating a stereotype based on your myopic assumptions.

where did I say that, or are you reading tea leaves?

Are you suffering from Alzheimer's?

I understand the conservative belief system, constituency, and logic. at one time, I believed all of it.

i have come to believe it is cruel socially.

I really don't understand what the intelligence issue is, but as far as I'm concerned, IMO intelligent people are also compassionate.

Liberals are not compassionate. Liberals are concerned with APPEARING compassionate even when their policies are proven to do more harm than good. But to be fair, many Liberals do think they are being compassionate - they just don't know enough to know that their ideas actually hurt people.

ah, liberals are uncompassionate dumbies. another stereotypical insult.

I said a lot more than that in the above statement. If all you comprehend from this is that I'm calling liberals stupid all I can say is that evidently the shoe fits in your case. Maybe if you really try to challenge yourself intellectually you can derive a little more meaning from the words above.

For instance, subsidizing people's existence is a sure way to promote misery, poverty and suffering. This has been proven time and time again, yet liberals stick with it for the reasons I mentioned above. When Conservatives suggest real solutions that will really help people, Liberals deamonize them.

like what (solutions), for instance?

How about the promotion of solid families and helping people understand the importance of education and hard work. How about workfare as opposed to welfare. How about sending the message to young black kids that they are not inferior and that they can compete if they try hard and are willing to put forth the effort. This tends to work better than teaching them victim mentality.

Another example is affirmative action which we now know to be a failure. When Conservatives pointed out why such a policy is a losing proposition for all, Liberals deamonized them as racist.

there are differing opinions on affirmative action. you can take either side and find all the required internet support for either position.

Your opinion is about 20 years behind the times. Few people are that behind the times that they still fight for such an outdated and preposterous notion.

Did you know that the first affirmative action initiative was the Jim Crow laws. They were designed to ensure that employers hired Whites as opposed to only hiring Blacks and Asians that were willing to work for less money. (Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture)

Never mind the fact that Liberals were inadvertently suggesting that Blacks are inferior and incapable of competing with Whites.

yea, right. and conservatives were suggesting that they have a solution for minorities - all that was lacking was the trust in the conservative movement.

Basic logic my friend. Nobody can seriously suggest that black students would be discriminated against in college admissions. So, either Blacks can compete with Whites based on their achievement or they can't. Telling them their 2.5 is just as good as a white kid's 4.0 is an insult pure and simple - do the math.

With regard to every issue I can think of, Conservatives see deeper into the issue and are more accurate in their assessment of their outcomes. Liberals on the other hand, tend to see only the surface of issues. As soon as they identify a view point that paints them their selves in the best light they assume that this is the viewpoint to have and they close the case. Then, when Conservatives say 'not so fast; let's look a little deeper," the Liberal deamonized them.


In other words, you have no response.

That is why we see so many Liberals in positions in which they never have to defend their opinions through legitimate debate. They tend to become professors and such so they can lecture to a captive audience of impressionable minds with no voice of opposition. Let the indoctrination begin and the stereotypes fly and you have modern Liberalism.

No response here either? Figures.
You've clearly never been to college or had a very limited and narrow experience there, because students question and challenge professors all the time. They're encouraged to do so by most, but if the audience is a bit too passive, we have a way of advocating for a response and a challenge. So don't worry your little head - your view of students as blind, susceptible automatons is quite insulting.

I have taken several college courses that required us to agree with Liberal positions in order to pass the course. This is well documented across America. look up the "Academic bill of rights."

If you had 10% of the education you pretend to have you would know this is true. Honestly, your little "scholar" act is getting a bit old and it is clear that it is an act.

Opinions, well just like a certain body orifice, everyone has one, here's mine. Conservatives, IE teabaggers, Rush limpballs files, Hannityites, beck idiots etc. all are deluded. They see the world through very narrow slits and anything that doesn't fit their little view must be wrong. They are very adept at name calling, commies lefties socialists etc. One named entity on this site, V-Roid has been calling me a commie from day one. He really knows nothing about me, except what I say on this site, but he is convinced I'm a commie. That in itself is extreme pre judging, or prejudice if you will. It does not stop with the Roid, but most conmservatives have labeled me a commie. That proves beyond a doubt to me they are narrow minded bigots. I have never attended a communist rally, nor do I intend to. My views are trending more towards socialism, but with a capitalist twist, no commie here. It's like if I called all the conservatives Nazis, I know better, they're not,. but may be something even worse, imperialists and warmongers and extreme capitalists. To them, money is God, Capitalism is God, sick sick individuals. Well that's my opinion.