Man I feel like I need to grrow up.


Master of Mayhem
damn you are right i should take advice from some dude on rollitup named j-dog lol. considering i quit going to college 12 years ago haha. but silly me i am so idiotic that i quit smoking 3 years ago and make 30.00 dollars an hour. i am not the one debating what i want to do with myself so edjumacate yo-self better and read the thread a little better. :mrgreen:
He said "edjumacate":blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
all 'bout balance...everything in moderation....yeah all I have to do is start listening to myself...sorry, I digress. find your passion and run with it. if pot enhances that...then run fastr with no no JFFDIN...


Well-Known Member
please, remember. I am not saying smoking pot is bad. I enjoy it very much I am able to do many things. But I dont know how to explain it, I just feel as though I'm wasting valuable time, some how. Again as my tags say, stoned rambling.


Well-Known Member
I feel you man, I was exactly where you were 3 months ago. It was getting old and I felt like I was getting nothing done and didn't like that bullshit sterotype that people associate with us cannabis users. So I said I was going to take 3 months off. Cold turkey, then at the end of 3 months my reward was to smoke it up again big time. Well it's been 3 months and 2 weeks and I don't feel like I need to smoke at all like I used to. I would wake up b4 and first thing was think about when I was going to smoke. It was def controling me, not me controling it. So now after 3 1/2 months off I have only taken two hits off of a joint, and that was at a concert that I was so drunk at that I blacked out and my friends had to remind me that I hit the J. But I have no memory of it at all, haha. But now I know that when I get my first grow up that I will smoke when I want to and enjoy it alot more. Because it will not be just to get high like an everyday thing (like it was before, used to hardley even feel high). It will be more creative, spiritial, and fun! So I hope this helped you out, I know it was long but I just remember being where you were 3 months ago, and let me tell you, if feels great to know that I can quit something cold turkey and come back to it when I am ready and my life is straightend out and ready for it too. Sorry for the long post but thats all I gots to says abouts that.


Master of Mayhem
Man I think you guys are letting the "stereotype" effect your thinking. Just because there is a stereotype of pot smokers doesn't make it true. I mean don't get me wrong, there are plently of air wasting useless people out there that smoke pot, but I think there are other deciding factors there as well. Anyone on this forum with half a brain knows that you can smoke pot and still be a successful productive person, it's how you want to live your life and your ambition that drives the ability to succeed.:peace:

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
damn you are right i should take advice from some dude on rollitup named j-dog lol. considering i quit going to college 12 years ago haha. but silly me i am so idiotic that i quit smoking 3 years ago and make 30.00 dollars an hour. i am not the one debating what i want to do with myself so edjumacate yo-self better and read the thread a little better. :mrgreen:

Ouch Bro'.. :roll:
How the fukk do you know what I do? I could be a hightly certified trainer making $40+ / hr. at a high roller gym, dick scab.

But if you like to think you're so awesome then go ahead. :mrgreen:


J - Dog

Well-Known Member
man i quit smoking 3 years ago for a job. i thought it would help me with my personal life as well. i felt like i would quit being so lazy and procrastinating so much. well i am even lazier now that i dont smoke haha. i am more depressed and unhappy so i cant get anything accomplished. i recently started taking a few hits here and there and man i miss toking. i was much happier than and less uptight. now i am just a big ole asshole who is still lazy and unfocused. the moral is weed is good for you and smoke smoke smoke it up. also i got stoned last week and my wife said i smiled for 2 hours for the first time in 3 years.:cry:

You sound like a total dumbfukk to me.

How should I read this post any better?


Well-Known Member
many many different perspectives.....don't you remember how we all remember the same instance in time all so very differently?......our perspective is how we measure our world. wrong....right...otherwise....its all about perspective.


Well-Known Member
i guess some people are different because some people can get stoned and make awesome grades. i could never get around to getting stoned and learning in college.
Then you just answered your own question..

If you're not smart enough to see that, then maybe you need to lay down the pipe for a couple years and get your degree..
or work at the local Chevron as you knock up some skank and get stuck in life ... :cry:

I'm just saying...

If you're having that debate in your head, then well...???
hmm i am a dumb fukk lol. considering i didn't ask a question but merely stated an observance of my own capabilities. i said you need to read the thread better because where am i asking a question in my post? so if i didn't ask a question how could i answer my own question. you said lay down the pipe....and i rarely smoke which i already stated earlier in this thread. and i am not bragging because i am sure a whole boat-load of people on here make more than me. i quit college 12 years ago and i am not working at the local gas station. when was i having the debate in my head? you could make as much money as bill gates and i couldn't care less. your inaccurate assumptions should be re-evaluated. i am just saying....:mrgreen:

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Of course its aboot perspective..
But lets not forget some people's perspective sukks.. and one has a right to defend themselves from a stupid perspective...

I suggest you get "edjumacated", and make $30.00 an hour like MastaLush and prove yourself through internet Tarding , Even tho' they contradict themself in every other post..

'nuff said about this ass gerbil....



Well-Known Member
if I made just $30/hr....I'd be broke. and about perspective....everyone has their right to their own. equally. what right for one, is stupid to another. doesn't make one better or right or otherwsie for the other......only different. There is no rule that makes anyone agree with anyone else. it is all about their own perspective. individuals can believe and act in whatever way they want. the reality is, in today's society....there are consequences for some actions....and different consequences for other actions - some consequenbces are positive and some are negative. it all comes down to choice, and perspective. one has a perspective, one makes a choice. based on that perspective, and that choice has a consequence......sometimes good, sometimes not so good....but its your choice - and one has to be preapred for the consequence.
Of course its aboot perspective..
But lets not forget some people's perspective sukks.. and one has a right to defend themselves from a stupid perspective...

I suggest you get "edjumacated", and make $30.00 an hour like MastaLush and prove yourself through internet Tarding , Even tho' they contradict themself in every other post..

'nuff said about this ass gerbil....


J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Masta Lush called me out..
What does that have to do with you tahoe?

Can't I call a spade a spade after he let loose w/ an attack?

Just wondering...
This guys a punk ass, and he knows it. :lol:
He's reeling, and can't figure out which personality he wants to be next... :confused:


Well-Known Member
my apologies....misundestood. onwards folks!
Masta Lush called me out..
What does that have to do with you tahoe?

Can't I call a spade a spade after he let loose w/ an attack?

Just wondering...
This guys a punk ass, and he knows it. :lol:
He's reeling, and can't figure out which personality he wants to be next... :confused:


Well-Known Member
dude just doesnt get it. it is fine with me, as ignorance is bliss. just because you dont understand what is being stated you are resorting to profane name calling. in your quote you said i answered my own question. i didnt ask a question, i merely stated i couldn't get high and study. since i didn't go to college i still got a decent job that is not at the local gas station. even if i did work at a gas station there would be nothing wrong with that. i would still be smarter than a man who cant comprehend what anyone is talking about. danggg i mispelllt edjumacate, bet it wasn't to fit the context of a joke because i clearly cannot spell. brutish neanderthal like dudes resort to childish name calling as a defense mechanism to some things they could never cumprohentd or comprehend. peace j-dog keep the name calling coming, cuz i wont lose a wink of sleep sweetie pie haha. i will not waste my time responding any more.


Well-Known Member
I feel you man, I was exactly where you were 3 months ago. It was getting old and I felt like I was getting nothing done and didn't like that bullshit sterotype that people associate with us cannabis users. So I said I was going to take 3 months off. Cold turkey, then at the end of 3 months my reward was to smoke it up again big time. Well it's been 3 months and 2 weeks and I don't feel like I need to smoke at all like I used to. I would wake up b4 and first thing was think about when I was going to smoke. It was def controling me, not me controling it. So now after 3 1/2 months off I have only taken two hits off of a joint, and that was at a concert that I was so drunk at that I blacked out and my friends had to remind me that I hit the J. But I have no memory of it at all, haha. But now I know that when I get my first grow up that I will smoke when I want to and enjoy it alot more. Because it will not be just to get high like an everyday thing (like it was before, used to hardley even feel high). It will be more creative, spiritial, and fun! So I hope this helped you out, I know it was long but I just remember being where you were 3 months ago, and let me tell you, if feels great to know that I can quit something cold turkey and come back to it when I am ready and my life is straightend out and ready for it too. Sorry for the long post but thats all I gots to says abouts that.
Yeah! Thats it, that sounds right, I've never been able to really express myself anyways. And that stereotype is a true bitch, its so hard meeting new people because of it. Thanks a lot man.

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
.... brutish neanderthal like dudes resort to childish name calling as a defense mechanism to some things they could never cumprohentd or comprehend. peace j-dog keep the name calling coming, cuz i wont lose a wink of sleep sweetie pie haha. i will not waste my time responding any more.

I "cumprohentd" shit you don't.
But thanks for asking, douchenozzle.

Obviously you dropped out of college, stayed living w/ mom, and started talking shit on the internet when you shouldn't..

I'm not blaming you.. You're a product of a disfunctional situation... I should be Thanking you for proving my point every time you post... :joint: