Preparing for this summers grow. Still got alot to learn...


Well-Known Member
Here is a link for you of a guy that prepares his holes for his outdoor grows. If you do something like this then you should be looking at monsters!!
Also, u r going to love SLH, i had it going off its head indoors, but was very keen to see one done outdoors, so il b checking back in when it comes time for you to plant em.
Personally, i'd germinate the seeds about 1 month before u intend to transplant em. That should be just the right amount of time to crack em, let em get decent roots, transition em to natural sunlight and be old enough to stand on their own out there.


Well-Known Member
Here is a link for you of a guy that prepares his holes for his outdoor grows. If you do something like this then you should be looking at monsters!!
Also, u r going to love SLH, i had it going off its head indoors, but was very keen to see one done outdoors, so il b checking back in when it comes time for you to plant em.
Personally, i'd germinate the seeds about 1 month before u intend to transplant em. That should be just the right amount of time to crack em, let em get decent roots, transition em to natural sunlight and be old enough to stand on their own out there.
Thanx 4 the link, man. That dude grew a GIANT bush! never heard of any1 using fish. It OBVIOUSLY works!


Well-Known Member
im planning on moving plants outdoors this summer subscribed....i wanna see what everyone has to say


Well-Known Member
I just made an order online, today...

~Fox Farm Ocean Forest Organic Soil(The shipping was almost 3Xs as much as the soil!!!)

~10x20x6 Humidome(for germinating)

~10x20 Hydrofarm Heat Mat

~Fruit Bat Guano

~Bamboo Stakes(They were cheap... and looked like they'd blend in well with the woods.)

Many will say Im preparing things too early, but all Im doing now is preparing my soil. I got the Fox Farm soil because everyone says it's the best. It already comes with some organic nutrients added.(Like worm castings) Im going to mix it with a little Jiffy soil, add about 10% perlite, a VERY SMALL amount of the Fruit Bat Guano, and maybe some Llama manure when we get a little closer to summer. I plan to mix it in a rubbermaid trash can, and let it sit in my cold-ass garage till' I need it. I think my plants are gonna' do just fine with it, come April/May.


Well-Known Member
@ svchop889: If you find that time machine, Sometime before 1930 should be sufficient. You'll catch him before he ever makes office. Haha.

I was looking back over the thread and noticed your sig... That's cool shit.
lol thanks bro its good to know someone else knows what it means, most important thing is education, the history that you never learn in school. If people then new what some of us know now I would be sitting downtown smoking a blunt.
subscribed to this thread since im from your same area and plan on doin the same thing this summer. Ill try and help out as i can


Well-Known Member
hey any way you can get a hold of some thistle seeds? I got a bunch for this year coming up they provide excellent camouflage and are a good defense as well, they grow to about 4 feet tall and they sting like hell



Well-Known Member
hey any way you can get a hold of some thistle seeds? I got a bunch for this year coming up they provide excellent camouflage and are a good defense as well, they grow to about 4 feet tall and they sting like hell
Good idea! I bet they'd grow about as fast as the plants, too. Pick a few spots while i still got the girls veggin' indoors. Throw a shit load of seed down then, and by the time Im ready to use the location, it should full of the nasty little bastards. I smell what your steppin' in!

Dig this...

Im seriously considering it.


Well-Known Member
Milk thistle is an annual or biennial herb growing to about 3-5 feet. Its green and white leaves, as well as its poofy purple flowers and ornate spikes, give it an aesthetic appeal. Its flowers are also attractive to butterflies, and the leaves are edible. Nonetheless, this species is grown extensively for use in herbal medicine. It is said to increase breast milk production, improve memory loss and relieve depression. However, the majority of its medicinal employment focuses on the liver. An active ingredient known as silymarin, which is chiefly concentrated in the plant’s seeds, is used to improve liver function and protect against toxic substances. It has been connected to relieving hangover and treating mushroom poisoning. Others have used it to counteract liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. It is easy to grow and will tolerate a variety of terrain. wow that's amazing I didn't know it was so useful


Well-Known Member
wat up man!?! be startin my second outdoor grow coming up and thot i'd pas it forward as they say. got quite a bit of help from riu last season. there's tons of invaluable info AND ppl on here u can network w/ can't say enuff bout this site for a grower. back to subject.
1)preparing ur spots NOW is essential. last year i didn't do this. i thot to myself 'aww i can dig my holes when i take my plants to the spot.' no, no , no! i went out today and started preparing thre spots with the intention of having all my spots ready for plants by the end of the month. and +rep to u xXninjaXx for linking o4's monster grow thread for him! that was one of the single most amazing grows i ever got to watch from beginning to end! over 10lbs he got!!!! so thats def. on the agenda for me this year too! go fucking fishing and put that 'fish soup' in the bottom of every hole i dig. which will be 3wx3d. just like o4's. i'm gonna take some ash from my woodstove and mix it in w/ the dirt thats there plus do like i did last year which was mix in a 40lb of store bought dirt into the hole i dig. but getting back to the original point, if u clear ur spots out now u wouldn't believe how much easier it is w/o all those leaves and ground growth and shit in ur way!!! plus shit like poison oak/ivy/sumac etc. isn't caught/spread to you this time of year. (don't know the scientific term(s) of getting the rashes that come from that shit but u get me right?)
2)start ur plants in growbox approx mar 1st. by the time april rolls around the last frost has usually come down here and since i'm not real far from ya i think its about the same for u. (i know frost can come as late as 4th week in april some years but its rare) i started mine in grow pellets w/ a dome on it under grow floro's with a timer set for 14on/10off. i switched em to 12/12at 1st of april to sex em. looking back i wouldve just started em out on 12/12 to begin w/ so as not to stress them. they adjusted to the sunlight fine when i finally put them out, which was approx last week of april/ first week in may.
3)hope for the best!!! now just do like i've seen a few already mention and try to take good care of em once their out w/o making an obvious trail to it. this takes patience and determination! sometimes you have to go the long way, lol, ya know?
but in all seriousness if it rains and you've prepared ur plot like we've went over you don't have to go back to it all that often.
as far as the booby traps or wat evr the best one i heard was the fishing line tied in between trees to form an invisible fence. but thats mainly to deter deer i think. personally all i'm doing this year in the way of obstacles/deterrents or watevr is i'm putting all my spots in the middle of briar patches. deters deer and ppl!!!
listen man, hope this info helps ya out, and wasn't too redundant. i know some of it was already mentioned in the thread previously, but still....the last thing i will say is just mine this site for all the info it has to offer!!! which is a f'n ton! plus u get to come here whenevr u want and ask growers w/ decades of xperience thier advice!!! how fuckin great is that shit?!?it's like hightimes 'LIVE' ya know? any way man later
ps. i'm a weeeeeeeeee bit stoned as i write this. hope it wasn't toooooo obvious. lol:peace:
o and give a brother some rep if any of this helps u. been awhile since my long winded ass got any reps round here and i give em out all the time!
wat up wit dat?!? lmao


Well-Known Member
wat up man!?! be startin my second outdoor grow coming up and thot i'd pas it forward as they say. got quite a bit of help from riu last season. there's tons of invaluable info AND ppl on here u can network w/ can't say enuff bout this site for a grower. back to subject.
1)preparing ur spots NOW is essential. last year i didn't do this. i thot to myself 'aww i can dig my holes when i take my plants to the spot.' no, no , no! i went out today and started preparing thre spots with the intention of having all my spots ready for plants by the end of the month. and +rep to u xXninjaXx for linking o4's monster grow thread for him! that was one of the single most amazing grows i ever got to watch from beginning to end! over 10lbs he got!!!! so thats def. on the agenda for me this year too! go fucking fishing and put that 'fish soup' in the bottom of every hole i dig. which will be 3wx3d. just like o4's. i'm gonna take some ash from my woodstove and mix it in w/ the dirt thats there plus do like i did last year which was mix in a 40lb of store bought dirt into the hole i dig. but getting back to the original point, if u clear ur spots out now u wouldn't believe how much easier it is w/o all those leaves and ground growth and shit in ur way!!! plus shit like poison oak/ivy/sumac etc. isn't caught/spread to you this time of year. (don't know the scientific term(s) of getting the rashes that come from that shit but u get me right?)
2)start ur plants in growbox approx mar 1st. by the time april rolls around the last frost has usually come down here and since i'm not real far from ya i think its about the same for u. (i know frost can come as late as 4th week in april some years but its rare) i started mine in grow pellets w/ a dome on it under grow floro's with a timer set for 14on/10off. i switched em to 12/12at 1st of april to sex em. looking back i wouldve just started em out on 12/12 to begin w/ so as not to stress them. they adjusted to the sunlight fine when i finally put them out, which was approx last week of april/ first week in may.
3)hope for the best!!! now just do like i've seen a few already mention and try to take good care of em once their out w/o making an obvious trail to it. this takes patience and determination! sometimes you have to go the long way, lol, ya know?
but in all seriousness if it rains and you've prepared ur plot like we've went over you don't have to go back to it all that often.
as far as the booby traps or wat evr the best one i heard was the fishing line tied in between trees to form an invisible fence. but thats mainly to deter deer i think. personally all i'm doing this year in the way of obstacles/deterrents or watevr is i'm putting all my spots in the middle of briar patches. deters deer and ppl!!!
listen man, hope this info helps ya out, and wasn't too redundant. i know some of it was already mentioned in the thread previously, but still....the last thing i will say is just mine this site for all the info it has to offer!!! which is a f'n ton! plus u get to come here whenevr u want and ask growers w/ decades of xperience thier advice!!! how fuckin great is that shit?!?it's like hightimes 'LIVE' ya know? any way man later
ps. i'm a weeeeeeeeee bit stoned as i write this. hope it wasn't toooooo obvious. lol:peace:
o and give a brother some rep if any of this helps u. been awhile since my long winded ass got any reps round here and i give em out all the time!
wat up wit dat?!? lmao
+rep for sure. All that info sounds good. The only I cant do yet, is to prepare my spots right now, as we've got about 5 or 6 inches of snow outside. Im eyeing some good locations tho.

Thanx, dude! Keep referring back! You may pick up some more tricks from someone, later!


Well-Known Member
I just thought of something- Slow drip water reservoirs basically just a bucket with a drip line coming from it and a drip valve just fill the bucket with water and set it so it drips once every 15min or so and let it be or you could let the rain fill it =, but this could help reduce the amount of times you have to visit your spot thus reducing trails formed and so on.


Active Member
about your deer probs - in my younger guerilla days, we used to wear the same socks for a few days then save em in a bag and take em to the gardens. undershirts work too. just hang strips of stinky clothes from your ladies. only problem is dealing with the way you smell for a couple days...aside from that, it worked pretty well.
ive also heard that you can spray the ground and plants with cinammon oil. definitely research that first though...


Well-Known Member
lol hot pepper sauce, cayenne powder, hair from a hair cut, all of these are supposed to keep deer away dial soap also I believe


Well-Known Member
I just thought of something- Slow drip water reservoirs basically just a bucket with a drip line coming from it and a drip valve just fill the bucket with water and set it so it drips once every 15min or so and let it be or you could let the rain fill it =, but this could help reduce the amount of times you have to visit your spot thus reducing trails formed and so on.
Hmmm... I dont know about that one. I'd have some questions. What do you think the odds of feeding stagnant water are? Maybe the water sits too long and goes bad... That'd be a bad deal. plus your putting one more thing in the woods that sum1 may see. Good idea tho. It might work. Just doesn't sound real stealthy. I want people to be able to walk right by my plants and never see em'.

I like where your goin' tho, man. I smell what your steppin' in!


Well-Known Member
about your deer probs - in my younger guerilla days, we used to wear the same socks for a few days then save em in a bag and take em to the gardens. undershirts work too. just hang strips of stinky clothes from your ladies. only problem is dealing with the way you smell for a couple days...aside from that, it worked pretty well.
ive also heard that you can spray the ground and plants with cinammon oil. definitely research that first though...
+rep for the stinkin-ass t-shirt idea. That's a sound idea! Hell, if it'll keep my plants alive, I'll wear one of my black Ts for a week! I aint' scared of stinkin'!

Thanx for the input, man. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... I dont know about that one. I'd have some questions. What do you think the odds of feeding stagnant water are? Maybe the water sits too long and goes bad... That'd be a bad deal. plus your putting one more thing in the woods that sum1 may see. Good idea tho. It might work. Just doesn't sound real stealthy. I want people to be able to walk right by my plants and never see em'.

I like where your goin' tho, man. I smell what your steppin' in!
its rain water, isnt water stagnant in the water table? im not talking like a 50gallon drum or anything just a 5 gallon bucket you could paint the outside cammo and cover the top with a large funnel so animals don't fall in and drown if that was something you were concerned about. i guess the only way to know if its good or bad is to try, I will


Well-Known Member
its rain water, isnt water stagnant in the water table? im not talking like a 50gallon drum or anything just a 5 gallon bucket you could paint the outside cammo and cover the top with a large funnel so animals don't fall in and drown if that was something you were concerned about. i guess the only way to know if its good or bad is to try, I will
I'll be subscribed to the thread...:bigjoint::weed: