single policy saves more than 3500 lives

In addition to the bigotry you're spittin, you've also committed another logical fallacy. Slippery slope. Please refrain from using fallacy - present logical arguments (and preferably not ridiculously bigoted ones).

And BTW - are you really, in all seriousness, suggesting that we profile every male member of one of the world's largest religions? Seriously?

I've got to agree. There's no way this wouldn't end up in complete mayhem every time. Especially in America...where we have our freedom of religion.

If this were done, Muslims would no longer have that freedom.

This wouldn't solve any problems even if we were to do this. If Al'Qaeda wanted to blow up a plane, they would simply use a 39 year old.
I'm not as hostile as most conservatives,(Bless their tiny tiny hearts), but in the airline business, I agree with some racial profiling. If one fits the basic description of a terrorists, they should be X-rayed, or strip searched. I'm a 60+ year old white dude and for 5 years I had to go through the bomb sniffer, really now, Did anyone really suspect me or was there a screwup in the register of names? If one looks and behaves a little sketchy, run them through the tightest search, all the way to their crotches.

hey i resent that! I'm ~70% conservative.. and I have a huge heart thank you very much!

Other than that, good post.

Terrorists could still shove explosives up there ass.
Why not waterboard them too? Sell tickets and while "normal" people are waiting for their flights they could participate in the torturing, err enhanced interrogation I mean. Heck you could even set up gambling casinos and "normal" people could place bets on how long Mohammed can hold out.

Why not put them in concentration camps similar to how Japanese Americans were incarcerated during World War II for the "crime" of being Japanese. Good enough for Japs , good enough for Camel Jockey's right Jeff?

Why not put a little star on their door too, so it will be easier to figure out where they are when the guys "just doing their jobs" load them on trains bound for gas chambers? Tattoos on their foreheads might work, or the modern equivalent microchipping?

On second thought, shouldn't we give them a chance first though and send them to religius re-education camps? You could have all the Catholic priests that aren't busy molesting little boys force feed them a new religion.

Fuck, why wait until they do anything, round 'em up and shoot them now, because you know they're gonna do something sooner or later right? Ahem.

I HOPE you are goofing on us Jeff. My REAL thoughts are if you allow freedom to be taken away from one class, type or group of people, it won't be long before everybody loses theirs.
I HOPE you are goofing on us Jeff. My REAL thoughts are if you allow freedom to be taken away from one class, type or group of people, it won't be long before everybody loses theirs.

You're exactly right. To paraphrase B. Franklin, those who sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither. Jeff doesn't understand the implications of what he proposed - his blind pathos has conquered any legitimate reasoning his mind has to offer.
new airline policy will be all late teen to 38 yrs old muslim men will be stripped searched before flying or using any form of public transportation. in addition any luggage they have will be opened and inspected.

zero dead on 911
zero dead england tunnel
zero dead spain train

simple policy 2 sentences long solves those three problems. what wrong, if anything with this?

We should also systematically check black and hispanic people for drugs, so we can end the war on drugs once and for all.

answer ? man, you guys are too easy. since when does the constitution apply to foregners? these guys werent citizens of the united states. they were foreigners here on visa or illegally, or on vacation.

you guys really dont get it. the country was formed as a free society, different from any other. the rights you have by living here are granted everywhere to citizens of the united states, and we are goig to make sure that fellow nations give you those same rights. if they dont, there will be hell to pay. even immigrants dont get full rights till sworn in.

the people who are bombing us arent from here. fuck them and treat them like who they are, war combatants against the united states...

seriously guys, quit being pussies, do the right thing in accordance TO the constitution. not some phony baloney tryng to give non citizens constitutional rights.

be clear, these are enemy combatants that want to kill you and your children.

american muslims in that age group would be given full constitutional rights. they are citizens of this coutry and deserve its protections. so far we have had only one american muslim attack. that was the army base physcologist. and he gave all kinds of red flags that should have been picked up.

comon guys, lets fight these guys and win!!!
answer ? man, you guys are too easy. since when does the constitution apply to foregners? these guys werent citizens of the united states. they were foreigners here on visa or illegally, or on vacation.

you guys really dont get it. the country was formed as a free society, different from any other. the rights you have by living here are granted everywhere to citizens of the united states, and we are goig to make sure that fellow nations give you those same rights. if they dont, there will be hell to pay. even immigrants dont get full rights till sworn in.

the people who are bombing us arent from here. fuck them and treat them like who they are, war combatants against the united states...

seriously guys, quit being pussies, do the right thing in accordance TO the constitution. not some phony baloney tryng to give non citizens constitutional rights.

be clear, these are enemy combatants that want to kill you and your children.

american muslims in that age group would be given full constitutional rights. they are citizens of this coutry and deserve its protections. so far we have had only one american muslim attack. that was the army base physcologist. and he gave all kinds of red flags that should have been picked up.

comon guys, lets fight these guys and win!!!

How are you going to distinguish between the Muslims/non-Muslims?

Is it domestic flights, or all international flights?

What about private aircraft? (you don't think AQ could manage that?)

What about the terrorists who aren't Muslim, fall into the age bracket you described , or of middle eastern descent?

You agree our Constitution is pretty important in protecting our rights, and the rights it does protect should be enjoyed by every citizen. But why do you stop at the borders? Why don't all people deserve the same rights? Isn't that part of what is entailed in "spreading democracy"? They're good enough for us, but foreigners aren't good enough for them?
You agree our Constitution is pretty important in protecting our rights, and the rights it does protect should be enjoyed by every citizen. But why do you stop at the borders? ?

because thats where your constitutional rights stop. go to turkey and get caught with heroin. let me knwo when you see sunlight. we treat close countries different. englad, canada, germany etc..and respect their constitution very seriously, but when you are talking about a society who chops peoples limbs off i the middle of the city square, not so much that we have to honor that.
because thats where your constitutional rights stop. go to turkey and get caught with heroin. let me knwo when you see sunlight. we treat close countries different. englad, canada, germany etc..and respect their constitution very seriously, but when you are talking about a society who chops peoples limbs off i the middle of the city square, not so much that we have to honor that.

Fail. What did Bill Clinton just do in North Korea? American rights cross oceans bro. (so do criminal charges, ever hear of extradition?)
Fail. What did Bill Clinton just do in North Korea? American rights cross oceans bro. (so do criminal charges, ever hear of extradition?)

you need to read more. foreigners arent given constitutional rights. go back to school dude.

just read your story, you are definitely not in the top tem perent of your class. he got an american back. he didnt grant a foreigner constitutional rights. read befoe you smoke
you need to read more. foreigners arent given constitutional rights. go back to school dude.

just read your story, you are definitely not in the top tem perent of your class. he got an american back. he didnt grant a foreigner constitutional rights. read befoe you smoke

Now, now, can't just go making shit up. Just because you and talk radio think something is true doesn't make it so.

Foreigners get the same rights as you and me in criminal court and anyone physically in the united states is protected by the constitution, whether they are a citizen or a foreign national. Immigration proceedings are a matter of administrative rather than criminal law so you can have deportation hearings where this doesn't apply but generally speaking (and specifically as pertains to your right to due process, speedy trial etc.) citizenship is totally irrelevant. In fact, many of the provisions in the constitution are phrased as applying to "all persons". Big fail, my friend....but nice try.

You are a simpleton and a coward if you think this sort of bullshit will make you any safer.
because thats where your constitutional rights stop. go to turkey and get caught with heroin. let me knwo when you see sunlight. we treat close countries different. englad, canada, germany etc..and respect their constitution very seriously, but when you are talking about a society who chops peoples limbs off i the middle of the city square, not so much that we have to honor that.

Morality like food differs from culture to culture. Have you ever wondered why the United States leads the world in imprisoning it's own population? How can that be if this is supposed to be the "bastion of freedom?
because thats where your constitutional rights stop. go to turkey and get caught with heroin. let me knwo when you see sunlight. we treat close countries different. englad, canada, germany etc..and respect their constitution very seriously, but when you are talking about a society who chops peoples limbs off i the middle of the city square, not so much that we have to honor that.
Fail. What did Bill Clinton just do in North Korea? American rights cross oceans bro. (so do criminal charges, ever hear of extradition?)
you need to read more. foreigners arent given constitutional rights. go back to school dude.

:facepalm:... Euna Lee and Laura Ling are both American citizens. You said "go to turkey and get caught with heroin. let me knwo when you see sunlight."

Well, they went to NK, got arrested, then because of our American rights that according to you do not exceed American borders, Bill Clinton went and negotiated for their release, and what do ya know! They were released!

they have all been one color, every last one of them. and they have all been 18-38.

when we went after the mob, did we concentrate on the chinese neighborhoods?

when we go after the mexican drug cartels do we concentrate on the irish?

when england went after the ira did they search in jewish neighborhoods?

what the fuck is so special about a muslim that all the sudden we have to change the entire way we conduct security?

its bullshit and its gonna bring down our country unless addressed.
Do you bracket that coulour into 'non-white', beacause the last time I looked richard reid was a half Jamaican half white English, the recent would be Nigerian bomber was thoroughly African and Black and the others were various shades of Middle eastern brown.
The British didnt 'go after' the IRA...stupid comment.:roll:
:facepalm:... Euna Lee and Laura Ling are both American citizens. You said "go to turkey and get caught with heroin. let me knwo when you see sunlight."

Well, they went to NK, got arrested, then because of our American rights that according to you do not exceed American borders, Bill Clinton went and negotiated for their release, and what do ya know! They were released!


okay, listen and read closely

if you are a foreigner getting on a plane bound for the UNITED STATES, you ARE NOT given constitutional rights.

if i am a US airmartial/cia agent/fbi agent on a plane bound for the US in holland and i suspect a person has a bomb, i dont have to read them their miranda rights before arresting them. they are afforded NO CONSTITUIONAL rights.

will we be nice to them? probably. will we honor certain human treatment? probably. will we follow the laws of the country we are in? most of the time. but people of the world who are not us citizens do not get constitutional rights.

if they did, please explain how we would ever fight a war? and under certain curcumstances, lets say the civil war, many US citizens werent given constitutional rights. lincoln locked people up for opposing the north. your hero FDR locked japanese people up.

obama just bombed the fuck out of a couple terrorists camps. did he drop pamphlets explaining their rights before he blew them to smithereens?

do countries honor our rights to our citizens? yes most of the time. bill clinton negotiating a release of american citizens has NOTHING TO DO with the constitution.

do you get it now?
profiling is profiling ....... and racism....

i would rather be blown to bits than live in a military state of fear and oppression free freedom... I aint scared.

terrorist have been around for ever the government is using the actions of few lunatic to tighten it crip on YOU and ME!

wake up people its all propaganda ...

unplug the matrix has you .......
profiling is profiling ....... and racism....

i would rather be blown to bits than live in a military state of fear and oppression free freedom... I aint scared.

terrorist have been around for ever the government is using the actions of few lunatic to tighten it crip on YOU and ME!

wake up people its all propaganda ...

unplug the matrix has you .......

where in any of this did i say we should be searching american citizens without cause?

and if you think that jihad is just a "few lunatics" then you arent all there. there are lots of them, well trained, well planned, and ready to kill anyone who isnt "down with the jihad". and they are telling us this everyday.

i think you are the one that needs to wake up.
if you are a foreigner getting on a plane bound for the UNITED STATES, you ARE NOT given constitutional rights.

...your hero FDR locked japanese people up.

Dude, I asked you 4 or 5 direct questions relating to your insanely bigoted plan. Go answer them.

And while you're at it, explain how you plan on getting foreign governments to adopt your plan. Special screenings for Muslims - because that's what you'd need to do in order to keep us safe right? Search them all before they entered the United States. So if a terrorist coming from the middle east wearing explosives boarded a plane, unless your system was international (highly unlikely given the number of Muslims) he'd slip right through and either detonate the explosives in flight, killing hundreds of people, or detonate the explosives while arriving at the airport in the US.

How does your plan provide protection for me and my family waiting to get on a flight at the airport, jeff?

And fuck FDR.