CIA takes a hit in Afghanistan

Isn't that what the medman is kind of implying? That America is the new Nazi Germany? I could be way off here but if he is saying we are invading countries just because we want to make a buck or steal some oil.......................I mean, that would make us not much different right? bongsmilie

I've asked it before but nobody has ever given me an answer... Why is the middle east so special? You know there is an AIDS epidemic in Africa right now right? That entire continent has problems, Darfur, Uganda, etc. Warlords run the place. Why don't we have troops on the ground in those countries?

Do you really buy the whole "the terrorists are out to get you!" line?
I've asked it before but nobody has ever given me an answer... Why is the middle east so special? You know there is an AIDS epidemic in Africa right now right? That entire continent has problems, Darfur, Uganda, etc. Warlords run the place. Why don't we have troops on the ground in those countries?

Do you really buy the whole "the terrorists are out to get you!" line?
Fear is a powerful motivator. People are afraid of militant Islam and rightly so. I believe only one of the 9/11 hijackers was from Africa.........Mohammed Atta--Egypt. Of course there's Somalia and now Nigeria. Who knows what will happen with these 2 countries. BTW, we send billions in aid to African countries, a lot of which goes to AIDS fighting drugs. Is it enough? Surely not but we can't help everyone. :peace:
I've asked it before but nobody has ever given me an answer... Why is the middle east so special? You know there is an AIDS epidemic in Africa right now right? That entire continent has problems, Darfur, Uganda, etc. Warlords run the place. Why don't we have troops on the ground in those countries?

Do you really buy the whole "the terrorists are out to get you!" line?

hhhhhmmmmm lets see saddam hussain wanted nukes, hmmm al qeda wants nukes hmmmmm they both hate america, al zarqawi was being aided in iraq by saddam before the war, he became the leader of al qeuda in iraq once we invaded. must be just a coincidence

al qeada killed almost 3000 civilians in new york and toppled our largest buildings

they attacked our pentagon and military nerve center killing our soldiers hmmmm

they tried to attack the whitehouse where our leader sleeps

hmmmmmm let me think....hhmmmm

your right why are we in the middle east region i dont get it?

your right i dont believe the "terrorists are out there line"

i belived the terrorists attacked our country, civilians, our defense hub and highest leaders

i swear it must be in the weed man:confused:
Paddy, I know you are a stout atheist.... do you not see the irony of ur position with the middle east? It all boils down to religion.

Pssst ... ur on the wrong side.
Paddy, I know you are a stout atheist.... do you not see the irony of ur position with the middle east? It all boils down to religion.

Pssst ... ur on the wrong side.

Of course it's about religion.

Why do our "leaders" lie to the public about what our actual motivations for the "war on terror"? Why not call it what it really is, a "war on Islam"? - then you have Obama claiming we're "not at war with Islam". Then there's some of you guys, from these forums, who espouse freedom of/from religion... except when it's Islam... If it's Islam, it must be destroyed, and nobody has a right to practice it because it only creates terrorists. It's all a huge double standard.

I'm not on either side. Our side is stupid as fuck because half the population doesn't understand that there are consequences that come along with our actions, those consequences often don't happen till years after the fact. All they see is some insane terrorist with a bomb strapped to his chest blowing up a bus full of innocent people and don't care to realize or understand the motivations someone might have for committing such an act. Their side is stupid as fuck because the majority of the population still resides in the dark ages, where information is transfered via word of mouth, from the elders and tribe leaders. Their leaders keep their population under submission via Sharia Law, and just like our leaders, they manipulate the masses into doing their bidding at the expense of the serfs, the people who don't matter, the expendables.

Both sides are stupid, both sides are uninformed about the others motivations, both sides have leaders that claim the well being of the nation is the number one priority, while manipulating that same nations people they claim to protect into fighting wars designed to protect profits for the few.

Fuck war, anybody who supports it, and anybody who takes a life for the $.
dude you are lost, its not a war on islam i have a a shit load of islamic friends and so does obama and so does bush every person in saudi arabia is muslim and we are best buds with them, turkey is and islamic country and we are close with them, 95% percent of iraq is islamic and our military are working hand in hand with thier military as big brother little brother

if little brother (the new Iraq military) is having trouble big brother comes in to help which is us we are living breathing and eating with our fellow true muslims who love peace and prosparity for thier familiies and nation

how dense can you be really?

i find it hard to believe that you actually think everyone around is wanting to fight a war on islam

are you just making shit up or do you really believe this?
i find it hard to believe that you actually think everyone around is wanting to fight a war on islam

are you just making shit up or do you really believe this?

he doesnt know cuz it hurts in his head when he is forced to think :eyesmoke:
Of course it's about religion.

Why do our "leaders" lie to the public about what our actual motivations for the "war on terror"? Why not call it what it really is, a "war on Islam"? - then you have Obama claiming we're "not at war with Islam". Then there's some of you guys, from these forums, who espouse freedom of/from religion... except when it's Islam... If it's Islam, it must be destroyed, and nobody has a right to practice it because it only creates terrorists. It's all a huge double standard.

I'm not on either side. Our side is stupid as fuck because half the population doesn't understand that there are consequences that come along with our actions, those consequences often don't happen till years after the fact. All they see is some insane terrorist with a bomb strapped to his chest blowing up a bus full of innocent people and don't care to realize or understand the motivations someone might have for committing such an act. Their side is stupid as fuck because the majority of the population still resides in the dark ages, where information is transfered via word of mouth, from the elders and tribe leaders. Their leaders keep their population under submission via Sharia Law, and just like our leaders, they manipulate the masses into doing their bidding at the expense of the serfs, the people who don't matter, the expendables.

Both sides are stupid, both sides are uninformed about the others motivations, both sides have leaders that claim the well being of the nation is the number one priority, while manipulating that same nations people they claim to protect into fighting wars designed to protect profits for the few.

Fuck war, anybody who supports it, and anybody who takes a life for the $.
Why not call it Crusades 10: The Final Crusade?:lol:
dude you are lost, its not a war on islam i have a a shit load of islamic friends and so does obama and so does bush every person in saudi arabia is muslim and we are best buds with them, turkey is and islamic country and we are close with them, 95% percent of iraq is islamic and our military are working hand in hand with thier military as big brother little brother

Then answer the question I asked. Why aren't we in the ground in African nations with warlords just as dangerous as the ones we fight in the middle east? What makes the midde east so special?

if little brother (the new Iraq military) is having trouble big brother comes in to help which is us we are living breathing and eating with our fellow true muslims who love peace and prosparity for thier familiies and nation

...seems like "little brother" hasn't wanted our help for a long time...

how dense can you be really?

i find it hard to believe that you actually think everyone around is wanting to fight a war on islam

are you just making shit up or do you really believe this?

Check around THIS FORUM. I could link you to at least 3 or 4 different threads where jeff f, RickWhite, IllegalSmile and a few others tiptoe around their belief that Muslims should be treated differently here in the States or that we souldn't allow them into the military... A couple of them have even gone so far as to say we should murder entire nations of people because they hold Islamic faith. Hence the "double standard" in my original post.

he doesnt know cuz it hurts in his head when he is forced to think :eyesmoke:

Keep trollin' it up jeff. :lol:

Why not call it Crusades 10: The Final Crusade?:lol:

Pretty much...
dude you are lost, its not a war on islam i have a a shit load of islamic friends and so does obama and so does bush every person in saudi arabia is muslim and we are best buds with them, turkey is and islamic country and we are close with them, 95% percent of iraq is islamic and our military are working hand in hand with thier military as big brother little brother

Then answer the question I asked. Why aren't we in the ground in African nations with warlords just as dangerous as the ones we fight in the middle east? What makes the midde east so special?

if little brother (the new Iraq military) is having trouble big brother comes in to help which is us we are living breathing and eating with our fellow true muslims who love peace and prosparity for thier familiies and nation

...seems like "little brother" hasn't wanted our help for a long time...

how dense can you be really?

i find it hard to believe that you actually think everyone around is wanting to fight a war on islam

are you just making shit up or do you really believe this?

Check around THIS FORUM. I could link you to at least 3 or 4 different threads where jeff f, RickWhite, IllegalSmile and a few others tiptoe around their belief that Muslims should be treated differently here in the States or that we souldn't allow them into the military... A couple of them have even gone so far as to say we should murder entire nations of people because they hold Islamic faith. Hence the "double standard" in my original post.

Keep trollin' it up jeff. :lol:

Pretty much...
Except we don't plan to keep any of the land we hold, nor do we want to wipe out all muslims. Aside from that................:joint:

"The suicide bomber who killed seven CIA agents in Afghanistan was a Jordanian informant, US media reports say." much for your sympathies for the poor desperate afghanis who are driven to suicide bombings by our imperialist occupation, medicineman. And if you don't think what happens in afghanistan and pakistan has any implications on american security then you've had your head up your ass for the past 30 years.

Arabs with money and a toxic ideology are using afghanistan's internal conflicts and their taliban allies to promote their medieval agenda by opposing an ineffectual and corrupt central government. It's exactly the same thing we let happen in the 1990s that pretty set the stage for 9/11 and it's a good idea for us to try to prevent that kind of thing from happening especially with the pakistanis nervously sitting on their nukes next door.

"The suicide bomber who killed seven CIA agents in Afghanistan was a Jordanian informant, US media reports say." much for your sympathies for the poor desperate afghanis who are driven to suicide bombings by our imperialist occupation, medicineman. And if you don't think what happens in afghanistan and pakistan has any implications on american security then you've had your head up your ass for the past 30 years.

Arabs with money and a toxic ideology are using afghanistan's internal conflicts and their taliban allies to promote their medieval agenda by opposing an ineffectual and corrupt central government. It's exactly the same thing we let happen in the 1990s that pretty set the stage for 9/11 and it's a good idea for us to try to prevent that kind of thing from happening especially with the pakistanis nervously sitting on their nukes next door.

he is right you know

these arabs are running circles around you bitches, I may aswell move back:mrgreen:

Bro I've been to a lot of those bases. What's your point? We have military bases? In other countries where we've been invited? Come on man! People die in war. It sucks. I know. Other than that, what's your point? :confused:


he is right you know

these arabs are running circles around you bitches, I may aswell move back:mrgreen:


just the fact that you say that P really pisses me off. dont get me wrong, you are exactly right!

we WERE kicking ass, then a bunch of panty wastes in congress start talking quagmire, cant win, war is lost bullshit and we hole up like a bunch of smucks.

anyone with any common sense out there knows what needs to be done, kick their asses wherever the jihadists live. fuck the political correctness bullshit. fallujah there asses to kingdom come.

and for the guy without a brain who asked why the middle east and not african nations....when countries in africa start flyin planes into our buildings....may God rest their sole.

i hate that you are right!
I know what it is like to live in a Yankee occupied territory.
I live in the deep south of the Confederate states.
we have been occupied for 150 years.
having yankee propaganda and lack of morals shoved down our throats.
To see our lands pillaged for Yankee profit.
they invaded.They won. And Now?
Our culture is deteriorating . Our women are sluts. Are children have no identity.

From my view me and the Jihadits have a common enemy.

Down with the Yankee occupiers.
Long live the Confederacy!!!!
Bro I've been to a lot of those bases. What's your point? We have military bases? In other countries where we've been invited? Come on man! People die in war. It sucks. I know. Other than that, what's your point? :confused:

We have permanent bases in Afghanistan, proving that we do intent to stay for quite a while. Why establish such bases if we're just there for the current fight? Obviously there are other intentions in the region.

This is the last crusade. I'm stealing that.
We have permanent bases in Afghanistan, proving that we do intent to stay for quite a while. Why establish such bases if we're just there for the current fight? Obviously there are other intentions in the region.

This is the last crusade. I'm stealing that.
Of course we're staying for a while. We've already been there for almost 9 years. And if Afghanistan ever does get a working govt. and they want us to leave I'm sure we'll gladly pack up and go. The only intentions that I can see the U.S. and it's allies having is to stop the Taliban from regaining power and preventing al qaeda from setting up shop again. Think about it for a minute before you respond. :weed: