Massachusetts super skunk

lol how did u know i went to marconi medical center.!!!!!!!!!!

yeah they had them but only like 10 and i took 6 but i bet theyll get more .


I just picked up a few at the place on 10th and U Downtown. My guy didn't know anything about them either. They looked great so I bought them. I would like to know if it is Indica or Sativa as well.

I also picked up some Black Domina seeds at the same place... The pics I have seen look soooo tasty. I can't wait!

Keep me posted
I just picked up a few at the place on 10th and U Downtown. My guy didn't know anything about them either. They looked great so I bought them. I would like to know if it is Indica or Sativa as well.

I also picked up some Black Domina seeds at the same place... The pics I have seen look soooo tasty. I can't wait!

Keep me posted

its a hybrid thats supposed to be sativa dominant but somehow finish in 56 day they advertise but im thinking like 70 days to finish should post in the mss growers club or start a journal
i have a little bit of this kb and had some of this purp kush
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<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0" width="1280" height="960" alt="" /></a>
I picked up 1 mass clone from Marconi. Got the Afghan goo and Skunk#1 from Hugs dispensary. Ya I hope this horrible heat wont hurt the growth. Happy Growin

I just finished a 16 plant scrog of Hugs' Afghan Goo. Some of the most crystal covered weed I've ever seen. Average yeild, but a 17% return on it's trim of the best bubble I've made or tried. All three bag sizes were full melt clear dome. I have a journal of it on Marijuana Passion, google Afgoo scrog.

Hugs has some amazing genetics among their selection. I can recomend their Pineapple Romulan and Afghan Purple. Their SSH and Shiva are pretty run of the mill.

As far as Marconi, they have great stuff, almost always the exact same selection as Harborside in Oakland, I think they must send someone down there for their stock. Unless there's some CA-wide clone wholesaler. I picked up one Mass. SS at Harborside mid march, just pulled clones off the now three footer:blsmoke:
i just picked up some in sac on2831 suite E fruitridge rd west off of 99. they told me it was crossed with afgan and skunk#1. They sure look fine in there pots:weed:
I get my out door next thursday. Finally! Been waiting for a long time now. I get 5lbs worth of different strains (sour diesel, green crack whiteberry, and the MA super skunk to name some. I'll have pictures of some cured samples. Thanks for the rep medimaryuser.
Massachusett super skunk wus made in western massachusetts an is aw great strain an is more indica than sativa.. Made at umass a clone wus givin ta sum1 an they past it around it wus neva made or found in ny thats bull......... If u got the strain mass super skunk keep it its fire an worth growing
haha nope.. but there are some amazing growers HERE in MASS. that have great genetics .. its just hard to get to know some1 good enough that they trust u to not rat if u get busted .. lol.. I got some sick shit.. but hard to trust other growers ..
The mass. super skunk is a clone only strain and is the best super skunk out there as far as I know. Jason King mentions it in cannabible 3 I think.

damn this sounds amazing. how comes u guys got it in fucking sac but i dont have it the next state over from mass. uncool lol
damn another level and green ghhost... we got 3 mass growers rigtht here. we should get trusting so we can have a nice lil
get together lol. i have a grow thread ive had for a month an a half so its obv not pics from the internet and im not a podunk.
now prove to me the same and we can get burning haha if not i understand. keep it green :joint: