Well-Known Member
harborside in oakland has mss clones and other good ones too for only 12$!!!
lol how did u know i went to marconi medical center.!!!!!!!!!!
yeah they had them but only like 10 and i took 6 but i bet theyll get more .
I just picked up a few at the place on 10th and U Downtown. My guy didn't know anything about them either. They looked great so I bought them. I would like to know if it is Indica or Sativa as well.
I also picked up some Black Domina seeds at the same place... The pics I have seen look soooo tasty. I can't wait!
Keep me posted
I picked up 1 mass clone from Marconi. Got the Afghan goo and Skunk#1 from Hugs dispensary. Ya I hope this horrible heat wont hurt the growth. Happy Growin
The mass. super skunk is a clone only strain and is the best super skunk out there as far as I know. Jason King mentions it in cannabible 3 I think.
Iv been in mass my whole life and i havent blazed mass ss, though i would love too!