Massachusetts super skunk

cool man where ya going? i actually got mine saturday @ cannacare in boston. they have walk-ins and are open saturday. wasnt busy i waited like 45 mins
and paid 200. and was good to go. obv have ur medical records or whatever. got mine for chronic back pain.
nice man. cannacare is the way to go. i mean you can try to go for chronic pain without records. and the docttor will examine ya.
maybe ull get it. either way if your girl gets it she can grow up to 12 plants and possess up to 10 oz. should be enough for both of ya lol
Massachusett super skunk wus made in western massachusetts an is aw great strain an is more indica than sativa.. Made at umass a clone wus givin ta sum1 an they past it around it wus neva made or found in ny thats bull......... If u got the strain mass super skunk keep it its fire an worth growing

Wasn't made at umass it's a super skunk pheno meaning can't just make a super skunk it's a Sensi pheno the MSS
The strain is worn out ..grew up with it used be RKS now sweet it got cloned out and it's very old too...Giesel has best rep of MSS around now....SnoDog is 100% rite. Very kept true cut.
Just looked it up, it was bread with Diesel to create Sour Diesel. That strain should be fucking delicious...
a hermaphroditic mass. SS pollenated a "diesel" as it was so renamed, formerly called chem/dawg, its offspring was named sour diesel. Now there is what is known as the Mass. super skunk chem/dawg family which is comprised of 3 or 4 different strains. Clone only though.

You can find this info in cannabible 3 by looking up "diesel" on pg. 63. He gives you and entire rundown on all the diesel family lineage, from super snow dawg to bubblechem to headband he covers it all. photos of samples too.
Books wrong know one knows to the day cousin ever thought it would be as important at the time. It's was grown in VA thru a good crew made to Mass The headband is Underdawg probley but DNL is def half X orig diesel = sour d and makes most sense to lots involved
anhedonia you are correct and thank you. Reason I say that is a lot of people think diesel and chemdawg are two different strains. They are not. Chemdawg was a person created the strain. At the grateful dead concert 2 ny boys bought an ounce. Later arranged to meet with chem and get a qp. In that qp they got cant 100% remember 13 or 16 seeds. People in NY did not like the name chemdawg so they just changed it to diesel. Same info in shorter state can be found in cannabis culture. Would have to dig through boxes though to find it. It was from lik 03 or 04
It was CO peeps JB and PB dogbud and later met nY peeps renamed diesel didn't like Chem name
a hermaphroditic mass. SS pollenated a "diesel" as it was so renamed, formerly called chem/dawg, its offspring was named sour diesel. Now there is what is known as the Mass. super skunk chem/dawg family which is comprised of 3 or 4 different strains. Clone only though.

You can find this info in cannabible 3 by looking up "diesel" on pg. 63. He gives you and entire rundown on all the diesel family lineage, from super snow dawg to bubblechem to headband he covers it all. photos of samples too.
Wrong info in book MSS didn't poll orig diesel DNL RFK skunk in it did. DnL X diesel
anhedonia you are correct and thank you. Reason I say that is a lot of people think diesel and chemdawg are two different strains. They are not. Chemdawg was a person created the strain. At the grateful dead concert 2 ny boys bought an ounce. Later arranged to meet with chem and get a qp. In that qp they got cant 100% remember 13 or 16 seeds. People in NY did not like the name chemdawg so they just changed it to diesel. Same info in shorter state can be found in cannabis culture. Would have to dig through boxes though to find it. It was from lik 03 or 04
Was Chemdog person who bought the pot fromCO guys later NY it came from west dogbud called then Chemdog for Chemy smell.
Chem/Dawg is not Diesel. They are two different strains.
Same and no w Chemdog91 was renamed only in NY diesel same strain tho
Isn't that strain part of Chem/Dog lineage? Maybe its one of Diesels parents? I know I've heard of that strain before...
anhedonia you are correct and thank you. Reason I say that is a lot of people think diesel and chemdawg are two different strains. They are not. Chemdawg was a person created the strain. At the grateful dead concert 2 ny boys bought an ounce. Later arranged to meet with chem and get a qp. In that qp they got cant 100% remember 13 or 16 seeds. People in NY did not like the name chemdawg so they just changed it to diesel. Same info in shorter state can be found in cannabis culture. Would have to dig through boxes though to find it. It was from lik 03 or 04
It's bag seed not a creation just pure luck and skill breeding
It's a Sensi super skunk pheno that's luck but 90s lots RK around
Was Chemdog person who bought the pot fromCO guys later NY it came from west dogbud called then Chemdog for Chemy smell.

Same and no w Chemdog91 was renamed only in NY diesel same strain tho
the pot originated in southern oregon northern cali. It was sent to CO, and from there the concert/trade story. And NYCD is not 91 chem.
Anyone know if someone summed up where to get mass super skunk in mass? That is the only strain I really ever need
Not many places and if so I'd bet 9/10 are knock offs...if in Mass or whatever it's around in circles but mostly sold as sour diesel or a new name completely for many reasons. It's in a few safe places tho
It is really unfortunate. I mean spending 2k on beans to try and find nostalgia nostalgi is a waste. Best shot at it is sensi seeds and their stuff is not quite what it used to be.
It is really unfortunate. I mean spending 2k on beans to try and find nostalgia nostalgi is a waste. Best shot at it is sensi seeds and their stuff is not quite what it used to be.
Yes they bred out the stink cause times were different..guys going jail all over for the skunk ..remake would be nice