1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
I've got a huge can of gas that I got with one of my Xmas presents - A Creme Brullee kit!!!! lol. You'd need to do lots of digging to get to my pad though...soz.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
The irony, I got 3 new cans of butane ill never use now i got my bubblebags lol, if ya lived down the street u could have em lol.
hahah cheers man ive got some in the post and i think im gonna give the camping gas a go, ill just refine the oil after

I've got a huge can of gas that I got with one of my Xmas presents - A Creme Brullee kit!!!! lol. You'd need to do lots of digging to get to my pad though...soz.

a creme brulee kit eh! now thats a xmas present!! top

i was looking in wickes before and they sell massive tubes of it but its mixed with propane, i wonder apart from the extra risk of going up in a ball of flames would it still be suitable for extracting thc/ have any side effects.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
good man im holed up in ma crib watching lovejoy be a mean fucker in 'deadwood'

dossing bout on the net occaisional email to do. bout to think about kicking up some honey oil at the end of this episode.

hows tricks your end willy


Well-Known Member
same old same old mate..weed work food and growrooms lol.. not been on in a few days cos the w/rhino has had me pinned to the couch lol. this snow is nasty innit, we got about twelve inch's or some shit and my growroom is too cold...good thing is we cant work cos of it so i go in the morning then get sent home with full pay....nice.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha yeah the merry go round is still kicking, im actually ok with the snow i dont drive so its just a slight inconvenience i was gutted that wickes didnt sell sledges tho :(

im smoking months old cheese tonight watchin funny people its pretty good, my heads all floaty.

i heard that the rhino is heavy stuff, i cant deal with the couchlock stuff half a pipe too much n it feels uncomfortable.


Well-Known Member
Some lads from the Wolves area came into this gaf I was in, they had brought some W/Rhino over with them on the plane...they where super proud of it, didn't smoke it though -baccy in it.

it's only little kids who get to go on sledges here, mainly because someone has to pull the buggers the place is so flat. no grown up would ever pull another grown up at a slow pace through the snow, unless they were, eh, super friendly.....Don't think I have ever seen one for sale here.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man BnQ flog them here for a tenner just a sheet of plastic with handles haha

aye its a british thing poluting great gear with tobacco, i did it for years then saw the light.

hey man i was wondering in Adam do folks still smoke baccy in joints in the coffee shops on the sly or is it totally frowned upon?

you should be ice skating down the waterways! not sledging

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
for some :) baccy in joints is a money-saving method :P

i'd roll plain ganj if i could afford it and had enough, but i have to make di with around a gram per day so it's gotta be spraead when it can

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i hear that i used to put less and less baccy in really like a cm of a tab just to help it burn then i thought why am i bothering i could save myself buying tabs all together

its false economy a pipe or a bucket will get you more wrecked on a 1/5 of the dope than a joint any day of the week. your just hooked on nicotine man ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
me too i have that nicoteen noose round my neck lol
took me 10 years to get free man, tried 3 times thought i was a non smoker, stopped for 6 months then just started again. now im the worst kind of smoker...

a reformed one!!

I don't do buckets bongs or pipes they make me cough my freckle up.
thing is after a while of smoking just dope you get used to taking small hits and not coughin your hoop up.


Well-Known Member
i have the weirdest taste in my mouth lol kinda taste i used to wake up with after a big night of fuck knows what. haha. was i sexually abused in my sleep? lol meh, it's not really abuse if you dont remember. like a tree in the woods, does it make any sound when it falls? well yes, it does, but it doesn't matter! ha

even when i was still on the cigs i smoked green - i guess i'm a bit of a hippie sometimes lol i enjoy my weed experience. off the cigs for a few months now, yay me. wouldn't dream of taining my lovely frosty nugs with that smelly shite lol

ugh my head is not on right this morning, feel like i've been fucked in the ear by a steam train. there's an iou note where my brain used to be and a strange echo of a cricket somewhere in my frontal lobe.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
that's the thing with me, it's an odd one (although i'll admit i've started smoking the odd cigarette at work, mainly from stress though) i smoke tobacco all evening like every evening with my joints, but i will happily go any amount of time without tobacco, yet i just prefere joints. nothing get's me as stoned. i can roll up one joint, and that will smoke with me for an hour, and i will get utterly destroyed for that hour, i can roll up a blunt using 3-5g of good bud, and i'll be no different afterwards to had i smoked a joint. for me half the love of smoking and getting high, well it's about smoking and getting high, i enjoy the experience, i get a bit bored once i've finished my joint, i just love to have someting to pick up have a tasty toke and put down, and for it not to cost the moon (although 8 weeks from now, and i'll be buying ocb x-pert reg's again for some monster biftas :D


Well-Known Member
alright lovely peoples i need your help, nothing gang related, far far more important. we need to name the mouse lol

mini me and the lot of us are struggling, ha. so it's little, white and has massive ears lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
alright lovely peoples i need your help, nothing gang related, far far more important. we need to name the mouse lol

mini me and the lot of us are struggling, ha. so it's little, white and has massive ears lol

call him colin or alan lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
we just got one of those eyetoy eyepet things for the ps3. He will draw what ever u draw if u hold it up to the camera lol