Its a mutant!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My sons hamster has just given birth to 3 babies, unfortunately one has 2 heads....We do live near a nuclear power station, maybe we are doomed. But in the mean time what should I do with it? 'Sorry son it had 2 heads it had to go'......I cant bring myself to kill it. Maybe I should take it to the vet tomorrow and see what he says. It seems fine but is hogging all the milk from his mum at the moment.


Well-Known Member
holy shit!

get on the blower to the london times this minute, earn yourself a pretty penny

did the mum try and eat them yet?


Well-Known Member
No shes quite chilled. I dont think she will eat them, she must have been pregnant when we bought her. I wonder if the father had one or 2


Well-Known Member
See how long you can get it to live for, thats what i would want to try. Pretty crazy though, is it two full heads or like another face coming outta his head?


Well-Known Member
See how long you can get it to live for, thats what i would want to try. Pretty crazy though, is it two full heads or like another face coming outta his head?
2 full heads. Very wierd at the best of times, when you just smoked a Charis spliff its the thing of nightmares.:-o


Well-Known Member
dude you're gonna wake up in the middle of the night with it sitting on your face reciting psalms backwards or something, it's clearly devil-spawn. you could try selling it to the local circus?


Active Member
C'mon you cant just announce you have a 2 headed hamster and not supply pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where's da PICS!!!!!!!!!! PICS!!!!!! PICS!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hahaha....damn that shit sounds crazy....fuck i would call someone....stoner know call animal planet......they might show him on that one show "The Most Extreme"......


Well-Known Member
Im getting a little concerned about old '2 heads' he/she is starting to roll around a lot now, almost like its suffering from bad dreams....

Sorry Idle, I live in the middle of nowhere and its 01:39am, my nearest friend is 90 miles away. Im hardly just going to be sat here and think 'I know! I will make up a thread about a 2 headed hamster'....


Well-Known Member
yeah woo's a man of honesty and integrity, he's not gonna go knocking the neighbours' doors at near 2am haha

i bet the two heads are having like a bi-polar attack, one of them wants to go left, the other right


Well-Known Member
The mum has licked them all clean and is now picking them up and carrying them into the bedroom compartment where she tends to eat her food!!!! Could be a murder of an innocent 2 headed baby hamster about to take place...I will keep you updated people!