How to get a woman to shave the bush?


Active Member
Hello folks we seem to be open to toke and talk about what's on our mind.I have been married over 18 years now.All is good but that long haired bushy puss.She won't give in I want to do it.I'v tried alot.How do you get an older woman to clean up that puss.Or possibly let you do it?


Well-Known Member
lmfao tell her to shave it or you'll never go down on her again or threaten to leave but that might cause more harm then good


Well-Known Member
you could also wolf your shit up for a while and keep getting her to give you head she'll eventually want it gone so just tell her to get rid of hers first


Well-Known Member
I had a friend that would pull on it to give the girl the message. I'd just ask for it to be done or just do it myself in a sort of sexual manor (how you do that is up to you).

In any case....Waxed Vag>Shaven vag...See if you can pay for a waxing/spa day with her and some friends. Seriously nothing feels better than that.


Well-Known Member
Unless she is 18 and you like that 14 year old look.

Shaved pussy is over-rated (they rarely do it right and it is stubbly, they get ingrown hair, and they miss a few - if she is going to do it get it waxed). Besides that I am not into it; it is pedophiliac to me. Get he to trim it up if it is a little aggressive.

Women without pubic hair is not right.


Well-Known Member
i would prefer shaved over hairy any damn time of the day, week, month, year.....


Well-Known Member
have you shaved your balls yet? i personally think that it is definately a 2-way street
Well since you asked... yes. And to be honest I keep my shit in line. It ain't no bald eagle, but a patch of lawn is better than a fucking overgrown jungle any day. No one likes pubes in their teeth

And as far as the hairy puss, I have yet to experience it. Just keep your shit in line and tell her that you expect the same. Oh and I'll take stubble over a bush any day as well

hope that helps:bigjoint:


I'd say the best option is just to say something like "you don't like having hair in your mouth right? It's the same for a guy" - ie, explain it to her in a way she understands. I'd think any reasonable chick would give it a shot, unless she didn't actually like you or something. But you said you've been married for 18 years, so that's probably not the case.

"bitch, relationships are about compromise"

I'd agree with the waxing, never been with a waxed chick, but wow that would probably be pretty cool, they always tend to look the best, and unless the shave is like really recent, it's really stubbly and sharp, I've actually came up with like small scrapes and such after goin' to town...

I used to think it was kind of odd for a chick to be fully shaven, but I've come to appreciate it more, if the chick knows what she's doing, you're not gonna feel like you're a


Well-Known Member
Hello folks we seem to be open to toke and talk about what's on our mind.I have been married over 18 years now.All is good but that long haired bushy puss.She won't give in I want to do it.I'v tried alot.How do you get an older woman to clean up that puss.Or possibly let you do it?
after 18 years and your asking us? :peace: