How to get a woman to shave the bush?


Well-Known Member
Oh and I don't know how to eat pussy? What the fuck are you doing licking the hair? I prefer the smoother softer parts of the body. Maybe you have a different strategy than I... :?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Oh and I don't know how to eat pussy? What the fuck are you doing licking the hair? I prefer the smoother softer parts of the body. Maybe you have a different strategy than I... :?:bigjoint:
I spread that pussy far and wide. You don't get any hair in your mouth. You will get irration on your face from the stubble.

Its cool man, not everyone is cut out for it.


Active Member
Telling a guy thats been married this long he don't know how to eat pussy.Come on she's still here.No what growses me out is a woman gets grey mostly on the sides.And years ago she kept a small little patch on top.So I know she can shave.I keep my shit trimmed and have tried everything but letting mine go.And filling her mouth with hair.And sending her to get waxed.I like that one.I'm no petifile I just want in return what I do for her.Is that so bad.Thanks for the replies.By the way my wife is 125 lb and sexy as hell.Just trying to enjoy life to the fullest.I put pussy right behind my grow on lifes neccesities!peace


Active Member
I think I got it.My b-day is coming up and I'll go buy a ticket for a pussy wax and say that's what I want.RIU rocks!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Here's an about you appreciate the fact that it's her pussy and she's got a right to refuse to shave it?
Hello folks we seem to be open to toke and talk about what's on our mind.I have been married over 18 years now.All is good but that long haired bushy puss.She won't give in I want to do it.I'v tried alot.How do you get an older woman to clean up that puss.Or possibly let you do it?
Waxing hurts.Hope you're willing to do the same. I've gotten hair in my mouth when I give head...I remove it and move on. So she's going gray....what's happening to YOUR body as you age?You think she hasn't had to adapt to some of the changes in it? How can you claim to love a woman enough to stay together for 18 years,and then in the next breath say how a part of her body that is natural and normal "grosses you out?" Just because you shave your pubes "for her" doesn't mean she requested you do it, or even cares if you do.If someone doesn't ask you to do something,and you do it anyway,that's on you.If you decided to break a broom handle off in your ass "for her" without her specifically requesting you do it,it doesn't mean she's gotta do the same thing just because you've done it. If the thing stopping you from being able to "enjoy your life to the fullest" is a patch of hair,maybe you need to reexamine your life. If you like pussy as much as you say,be glad someone is willing to give it to you.As long as it's kept clean,what the hell is there to bitch about?You're just using the pink part anyway, and there's no hair growing there.:roll::peace:
Telling a guy thats been married this long he don't know how to eat pussy.Come on she's still here.No what growses me out is a woman gets grey mostly on the sides.And years ago she kept a small little patch on top.So I know she can shave.I keep my shit trimmed and have tried everything but letting mine go.And filling her mouth with hair.And sending her to get waxed.I like that one.I'm no petifile I just want in return what I do for her.Is that so bad.Thanks for the replies.By the way my wife is 125 lb and sexy as hell.Just trying to enjoy life to the fullest.I put pussy right behind my grow on lifes neccesities!peace


Active Member
Have a shaving sexcapade with her, let her shave you and you get to do the same for her.. Yummy fresh shaved pussy..... PEACE


Well-Known Member
Here's an about you appreciate the fact that it's her pussy and she's got a right to refuse to shave it?
If my girl expects me to pleasure her down there with my mouth, I expect her to make my experience an enjoyable one as well by shaving. She can refuse all she wants, and so can I... but I know who will break first. :bigjoint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I personally don't care for being eaten....and withholding sexual favors from any woman can backfire...cuz pussy is always in demand,and there is always somebody who will be happy with it as is. I really don't see why so many folks have all this problem with the part the lips if you want to expose the clitoris,anyway.My old man has shaved himself before,and frankly, I don't like whisker burn on my chin.I also like my man to look like a full grown man down there. But if he really wanted to keep it shaved, I would accept it and adapt.They're his genitals.A hair in the mouth is a minor annoyance that's easily dealt with.I can very happily put up with that in exchange for the pleasure I get from making him sing opera.
If my girl expects me to pleasure her down there with my mouth, I expect her to make my experience an enjoyable one as well by shaving. She can refuse all she wants, and so can I... but I know who will break first. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If my girl expects me to pleasure her down there with my mouth, I expect her to make my experience an enjoyable one as well by shaving. She can refuse all she wants, and so can I... but I know who will break first. :bigjoint:
At least you're honest. You'll be down there regardless.:-P


Active Member
What is so wrong with trimming it. Shaving is to much for some people, but an electric razor with a guard will trim it up nicely. No razor bumps, no pain.


Well-Known Member
What is so wrong with trimming it. Shaving is to much for some people, but an electric razor with a guard will trim it up nicely. No razor bumps, no pain.
you're a smart man. and it doesn't even haveto be a daily thing. Once a week just trim that shit up so it's not like a forrest. Don't you hate when people leave a long curly pube on your toilet seat, too?:bigjoint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
A good compromise.
What is so wrong with trimming it. Shaving is to much for some people, but an electric razor with a guard will trim it up nicely. No razor bumps, no pain.
No offense... but where the hell are you guys finding these people?In every one of these threads, there's usually always a guy bitching about how dirty an unshaven pussy is...and it's like....uh...not if they know proper hygiene....And then you bring up pubes on your seat...and I have to wonder...What troll raised by wolves doesn't turn around after flushing and make sure the seat is wiped clean for the next person?*shudder*:lol:
you're a smart man. and it doesn't even haveto be a daily thing. Once a week just trim that shit up so it's not like a forrest. Don't you hate when people leave a long curly pube on your toilet seat, too?:bigjoint:

sir rance alot

Active Member
Let me just clear this all up.... Just give the bush to me..

Who in the hell wants a chick to look like a little girl.....ya damn pervs...he he

The bushier the better... I suppose the next thing you will do is shave your buds so it looks like a little girl too?

Please bring back the porn from the 80's........Hairless taco's are just as nasty as hairless cats....

Remember kids.......Hairy for adults......Hairless for the kiddies...

Now if we could just do something about those damn ARMPITS!!!!!!!! he he he