CIA takes a hit in Afghanistan


Violator of Liberty.
Mandatory Minimum sentencing = violation of America's principals.

reagan is as big of a Douche as every president since Woodrow Wilson.
The Konami code doesnt give 99 lives for this Contra.
Guess that's why he ranks higher than any other modern President in every ranking survey.... except Kennedy, and we all know why that is.
Thats because Americans are too fooled by their Goebbels box (TV) to form a unique opinion.
The US learned well from Goebbels.

Woodrow Wilson is the biggest Douche though.
Reagan was a great actor.
I loved him in Bedtime For Bonzo
If you have a 100k, buy a farm. or some acreage.
Plant some fruit trees.nut trees.
Plant some perennial edibles.
Jerusalem Artichokes, asparagus. Berry Plants.
Chickens. rabbits. Guns and Ammo.
a few goats.
Stuff like that.

I dont think you can get a nice farm for a 100K
If you have a 100k, buy a farm. or some acreage.
Plant some fruit trees.nut trees.
Plant some perennial edibles.
Jerusalem Artichokes, asparagus. Berry Plants.
Chickens. rabbits. Guns and Ammo.
a few goats.
Stuff like that.

dont forget sheep. that way when you realize how bad your govt fucked you, you will have something to fuck back.
I've never danced on anyone's grave, metaphorically nor otherwise. There's a difference between stating that death is a side effect of war to be expected (albeit dreaded), and to declare that those who died deserved it. I'm disgusted, and that is a tremendous understatement.
I've never danced on anyone's grave, metaphorically nor otherwise. There's a difference between stating that death is a side effect of war to be expected (albeit dreaded), and to declare that those who died deserved it. I'm disgusted, and that is a tremendous understatement.
I couldn't agree more. :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I've never danced on anyone's grave, metaphorically nor otherwise. There's a difference between stating that death is a side effect of war to be expected (albeit dreaded), and to declare that those who died deserved it. I'm disgusted, and that is a tremendous understatement.
Are you equally disgusted about all the people killed, maimed, burned, tortured, and generally fucked to tears by these same type of US "warriors"? What about all those Vietnamese, innocent civilians, Napalmed, carpet bombed, etc? what about the hundred K plus Iraqis, most innocent civilians killed by the US? What about all the Iraqi children dying and that will die from DU munitions, (Depleted Uranium) Cancer you know. What about all the crap that the CIA has started accross the globe that has resulted in hundreds of thousdands if not millions of innocent civilian deaths? And you are disgusted by me saying those seven individuals deserved it??? If you play with fire, you may get burned. I don't feel sorry for those that willingly go to a foriegn land to raise shit and kill the locals. The USA is not GOD, we have no business trying to make the rest of the world in our image. I think you may be a hypocrite.
Watch how med Man tries to justify it ... :roll:


It's already painfully obvious that Tebor doesn't think anything through before posting.

Perhaps a nice game of shuffleboard is more suited to him.
Are you equally disgusted about all the people killed, maimed, burned, tortured, and generally fucked to tears by these same type of US "warriors"? What about all those Vietnamese, innocent civilians, Napalmed, carpet bombed, etc? what about the hundred K plus Iraqis, most innocent civilians killed by the US? What about all the Iraqi children dying and that will die from DU munitions, (Depleted Uranium) Cancer you know. What about all the crap that the CIA has started accross the globe that has resulted in hundreds of thousdands if not millions of innocent civilian deaths? And you are disgusted by me saying those seven individuals deserved it??? If you play with fire, you may get burned. I don't feel sorry for those that willingly go to a foriegn land to raise shit and kill the locals. The USA is not GOD, we have no business trying to make the rest of the world in our image. I think you may be a hypocrite.

I would hazard to guess these CIA officers in particular were extreamly valuable assets to the nation

they will not die in vien
I would hazard to guess these CIA officers in particular were extreamly valuable assets to the nation

they will not die in vien
Which vein, the one in their neck or the one in their ass? All I'm saying is this: These type of people, CIA warriors, arer always in other countries stirring shit. They do damage to other countrymen that we seldom ever see, Covertness you know. I'm pretty sure these seven individuals had some complicity in some Afghani deaths, maybe even some innocent opium farmers, just trying to survive, LOL. It is hard for me to feel sorry for them, their families, yeah OK, but the warriors, no-way. Do all you people that are crying for them realize what damage these types of warriors do? They are responsible for thousands/millionns of innocent deaths. Yeah, occaisionaly they get a genuine bad guy, but they mostly have killed a few hundred civilians to get him, to wit; drone attacks. What good actually comes from killing one Al-Queda operative in Afghanistan, please elucidate for me. No Bin Laden references please, because we actually haven't killed him yet.
PS, by being there, we are creating hundreds more Bin Ladens.
Watch how med Man tries to justify it ... :roll:
Justify what, the deaths of these CIA warriors. No justification necessary. They went to war and got killed. End of story. If some US personel go to a foriegn country, meddle in their business, kill civilians, then get killed, saeems justified to me. Tell me if some foriegners came to our country, fucked around in our affairs, killed civilians and were just assholes to us, we wouldn't want to kill them, wouldn't their deaths be justified. See cracker, I see the world as people, not governments. Governments are the ones stirring the shit all around the world. If foriegn governments came here and started stirring shit, I'll bet you'd be very concerned, if they started torturing and killing civilians, what then??

It's already painfully obvious that Tebor doesn't think anything through before posting.

Perhaps a nice game of shuffleboard is more suited to him.
Have a nice day.
Which vein, the one in their neck or the one in their ass? All I'm saying is this: These type of people, CIA warriors, arer always in other countries stirring shit. They do damage to other countrymen that we seldom ever see, Covertness you know. I'm pretty sure these seven individuals had some complicity in some Afghani deaths, maybe even some innocent opium farmers, just trying to survive, LOL. It is hard for me to feel sorry for them, their families, yeah OK, but the warriors, no-way. Do all you people that are crying for them realize what damage these types of warriors do? They are responsible for thousands/millionns of innocent deaths. Yeah, occaisionaly they get a genuine bad guy, but they mostly have killed a few hundred civilians to get him, to wit; drone attacks. What good actually comes from killing one Al-Queda operative in Afghanistan, please elucidate for me. No Bin Laden references please, because we actually haven't killed him yet.
PS, by being there, we are creating hundreds more Bin Ladens.

you have read entirely too many oliver stone screen plays med. cmon, a couple million killed by the cia? dont you think that many bodies might be a little hard to hide? do you have anything to support that any of this has happened?

do they stir shit up? you bettcha. do innocent people sometimes die? unfortunately yes. are we better off having a cia, yes.

thank God we can still find men and women brave enough to stare into the eye of the beast. not for long though, if bamster gets his way holder will be putting all them in jail.
you have read entirely too many oliver stone screen plays med. cmon, a couple million killed by the cia? dont you think that many bodies might be a little hard to hide? do you have anything to support that any of this has happened?

do they stir shit up? you bettcha. do innocent people sometimes die? unfortunately yes. are we better off having a cia, yes.

thank God we can still find men and women brave enough to stare into the eye of the beast. not for long though, if bamster gets his way holder will be putting all them in jail.
What fucking beast? Me thinks you have been reading way too many scary war novels. The point being: If you go to a foriegn land to fuck over and kill their inhabitants don't expect any mercy when you get caught with your pants down. We, most US citizens at least, would gladly kill foriegners doing the same crap here. When scary Al-Queda operatives start roaming my street, I'll probably take a few out, just as they do to us.
What fucking beast? Me thinks you have been reading way too many scary war novels. The point being: If you go to a foriegn land to fuck over and kill their inhabitants don't expect any mercy when you get caught with your pants down. We, most US citizens at least, would gladly kill foriegners doing the same crap here. When scary Al-Queda operatives start roaming my street, I'll probably take a few out, just as they do to us.

the muslim jihadists beasts, like the ones committing genocide in darfur. like the ones gunning down students in iran, like the ones that tell rich muslim kids its okay to put bombs in their underwear...those beasts.

or are you okay with jihadists sawing off heads of babies in those countries? just trying to understand when you think it is okay to start taking things into our own hands and dishing punishment back at the enemy. when is that okay?
the muslim jihadists beasts, like the ones committing genocide in darfur. like the ones gunning down students in iran, like the ones that tell rich muslim kids its okay to put bombs in their underwear...those beasts.

or are you okay with jihadists sawing off heads of babies in those countries? just trying to understand when you think it is okay to start taking things into our own hands and dishing punishment back at the enemy. when is that okay?
I find that the people who act so casual about death have usually experienced very little of it...........and funerals don't count. ;-)
the muslim jihadists beasts, like the ones committing genocide in darfur. like the ones gunning down students in iran, like the ones that tell rich muslim kids its okay to put bombs in their underwear...those beasts.

or are you okay with jihadists sawing off heads of babies in those countries? just trying to understand when you think it is okay to start taking things into our own hands and dishing punishment back at the enemy. when is that okay?
Look Jeff, I know there are assholes all over the planet. We cannot survive being the planets cops, too costly in both blood and treasure. We can do things like cut off aid etc. But to send in our trained assasins, CIA operatives to secure the blessings of puppet governments for our corporations is a dead notion. Maybe it takes a few getting killed to bring the truth to light. I knew a few guys back in the day that were Mercs, typical of the CIA, they were giant assholes. I don't like killing of any kind, but know it is a necessary evil, especially in war. I've seen death up close and personal, body parts and the smell and all the crap, not pleasant by any means, war is hell. BTW, about Darfur. Why aren't we there helping out the downtrodden, what's that you say, no profit motive? War is hell, also very profitable for a few.