Well-Known Member
sounds encouraging buddy u r a top man, wish u all the best. im gunna do my best with em will be watchin ya grow so i know wat the crack is wit bubbles and i will let u know how th eyield goes, take it easy my man,, how r they today?
Hey Sweet,

Thanks for your concern buddy :) There looking much better, without a doubt. I have foliar fed em and turned on some classical music, and there loving life. I was a bit worried because of the slight yellowing on many of the leaves. But, I believe the yellowing was because the plants were using up some nitrogen for root growth. They look much greener today. Yea, Every one of them have kicked into high gear and new growth has been seen throughout the day. The roots are nice and white and looking good. I need them to grow vertically myself. I think they are a bit small, but I know I need to be more patient. I have 10 days before I harvest, and soon the 1000 watt artificial sun will be beaming on em. Have a nice day Bro, Chat soon, CG :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
they gunna love that light man lovely stuff, i never had bigger than a 600w an dthat was insane, bet the 1000w is blinding, put ya shades on style lol. cant say i agree wit the classical though lol maybe a bit of prodigy !!


Well-Known Member
they gunna love that light man lovely stuff, i never had bigger than a 600w an dthat was insane, bet the 1000w is blinding, put ya shades on style lol. cant say i agree wit the classical though lol maybe a bit of prodigy !!
Hahahahaaa:bigjoint: Well, they say classical music helps a plant grow strong and fast. Been playing classical for my plants for over a decade now... doesnt hurt, and heck after your stoned who gives a shit!! Heeheehee Keeps me mellow. Have a good one CG :) P.S. Check out this thread I created about Music and your plants. Got some great Replies there.>>

rips run

Yes, I took em out of the 6" pots they were in. Then gently washed the roots with ph'd water and a few drops of st. Let em soak for a while and gently put em in there new crib. No shock, doing very well :)

welcome to dwc bro ,,heres a trick i use when finding my strongest clone for a new mother

or your ur strongest 50 out of 100 ,,

pick ur self up a small rubber maid tote ,5 liter

2 small bubblers 6 inch ,and a cheap air pump

then save the styrafoam when u buy a steak ,
turn the stryafoam up side down ,and poke as many holes in ,for the amount of clones ur takeing (stacking trays on top of each other so that just the tip of the steam is sticking out of the last tray,a 1/8 of a inch or so)

i use a liquid rooting hormoun that can be added to the water , but gel works also

take ur clones as normal and place them in the holes , then float the tray in the rubber maid,trays r upside down so there is a air space between the bottom of the clone and the water ,

then after a couple of days ,just lift the tray out and check the steam of the clones for roots ,there will allways be one clone that pops a root before the others do (this is the one i use for a new mother ) i then take a pencil and circle it, till i get enough to fill my room then i know witch one is the best with out disturbing the others

you have to check every 12 to 24 hours once they start showing as things happen pretty fast

this way you know all ur clones r rooted and ready

rep+ to ya on makeing the seed list ,, and ur gonna love this dwc thing ,only thing is ya get lazy cause it is to easy ,,lmfao


Well-Known Member
I have noticed in other grows also, how the growth is substantial in these Bubbling Systems.

However, I live a very strict Organic Life and I prefer to grow my Trees that way, all the way down to the doodle bugs and worms.

However, " Man was blessed with a mind to find compromise " and I am fixing too myself, try something that I will share with you.

Compost Tea is a wonderful thing to make for any plants and expecially fruit plants and the Holy Trees.

The fermenting process allows beneficial bacteria to build up and also helps the plants to be foliar fed this mixture as well as given straight to the roots and the beneficial bacteria among other things, helps the plants to be more resistant.

I was thinking about trying a couple ways and thinking how to keep the plants as Organic as possible and still use a bubbler system.

A couple ways to possibly use this compost tea, would be to use the fermented tea for foliar feeding, but you could take compost tea and pasteurize it and retain all of the plant derived nutrients and kill of course the beneficial organisms, but this solution could be added to the water in the system as a great fertilizer and because of the pasteurization of it, would be great as a nutrient but would not as quickly over populate the system with too much bacteria and fungus.

The leaves, once again would get the non-pasteaurized solution of tea given in a foliar spray.

Going to try this myself and just figured I would share as it sounds that you prefer organic as well, but these systems do show the growth potential for sure......maybe there is a compromise.....with a little thought and effort, lol.

Blessings on your wonderful Grow,

Rev. TheNatural


Well-Known Member
welcome to dwc bro ,,heres a trick i use when finding my strongest clone for a new mother

or your ur strongest 50 out of 100 ,,

pick ur self up a small rubber maid tote ,5 liter

2 small bubblers 6 inch ,and a cheap air pump

then save the styrafoam when u buy a steak ,
turn the stryafoam up side down ,and poke as many holes in ,for the amount of clones ur takeing (stacking trays on top of each other so that just the tip of the steam is sticking out of the last tray,a 1/8 of a inch or so)

i use a liquid rooting hormoun that can be added to the water , but gel works also

take ur clones as normal and place them in the holes , then float the tray in the rubber maid,trays r upside down so there is a air space between the bottom of the clone and the water ,

then after a couple of days ,just lift the tray out and check the steam of the clones for roots ,there will allways be one clone that pops a root before the others do (this is the one i use for a new mother ) i then take a pencil and circle it, till i get enough to fill my room then i know witch one is the best with out disturbing the others

you have to check every 12 to 24 hours once they start showing as things happen pretty fast

this way you know all ur clones r rooted and ready

rep+ to ya on makeing the seed list ,, and ur gonna love this dwc thing ,only thing is ya get lazy cause it is to easy ,,lmfao

Thank you very much rips! Splendid Idea.. Definetely very ingenius I must say. Have a good one, Thanks for the words and the rep. Peace out bro. CG :)


Well-Known Member
I have noticed in other grows also, how the growth is substantial in these Bubbling Systems.

However, I live a very strict Organic Life and I prefer to grow my Trees that way, all the way down to the doodle bugs and worms.

However, " Man was blessed with a mind to find compromise " and I am fixing too myself, try something that I will share with you.

Compost Tea is a wonderful thing to make for any plants and expecially fruit plants and the Holy Trees.

The fermenting process allows beneficial bacteria to build up and also helps the plants to be foliar fed this mixture as well as given straight to the roots and the beneficial bacteria among other things, helps the plants to be more resistant.

I was thinking about trying a couple ways and thinking how to keep the plants as Organic as possible and still use a bubbler system.

A couple ways to possibly use this compost tea, would be to use the fermented tea for foliar feeding, but you could take compost tea and pasteurize it and retain all of the plant derived nutrients and kill of course the beneficial organisms, but this solution could be added to the water in the system as a great fertilizer and because of the pasteurization of it, would be great as a nutrient but would not as quickly over populate the system with too much bacteria and fungus.

The leaves, once again would get the non-pasteaurized solution of tea given in a foliar spray.

Going to try this myself and just figured I would share as it sounds that you prefer organic as well, but these systems do show the growth potential for sure......maybe there is a compromise.....with a little thought and effort, lol.

Blessings on your wonderful Grow,

Rev. TheNatural

Thank you very much for the info you posted, and please keep in touch. Your friend CG :)


Well-Known Member
well i can stretch to a bit o mozart m8 :) lol now u can really tell how much i dont know classical, quoting the obvious. i completly agree that the plants may benefit frm sounds, everything else on this planet does, gunna av a gander at that thread:) l8rs closet


Well-Known Member
The dwc bubbler clones are now healthy, and growing strong. These girls scared me for a few days, but now there Growing like weeds! Im much more relaxed, and so are they! :weed:


Well-Known Member
gd 2 hr it closet,, never had any doubt.. is th elast pic of the one that started in dwc? how old r they now?


Well-Known Member
gd 2 hr it closet,, never had any doubt.. is th elast pic of the one that started in dwc? how old r they now?
Hi SweetSmoker,

Thats correct, These clones are about 3 weeks old. I know they should be bigger by now, But like I mentioned earlier, I transferred from soil, and they all stalled for a week. The root growth took sometime, but I know what i did wrong, and I know what happened. I will never transfer a clone from soil to hydro again. I know it will work out, but it takes valuable time to get em back into harmony. Its funny, None of the soil roots grew out of the netpot. Only roots that came through were the newly established hydro roots. Its weird, but thats what happened. Anyways, Im on the road to success, and to tell you the truth, a bit anxious to move them under the 1000 watter. Still seems like slow growth to me. I thought hydro grew faster than this. Rootwise they grow unbelievably fast, but vertically, a bit on the slow side. I will post some pics of some clones I have in soil. There not as bushy, yet they are taller. Although, I prefer the bushiness over the heighth. Peace Buddy. CG :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
These GS clones are the ones I planted in Soil. They are the same age as the GS clones in the bubblers. They are thinner, taller. They dont have the thicker look of the hydro Clones. Either way, They are still very healthy.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking, The reason for the bushier Dwc Clones are most likely due to the 430 watt hps light shining down on em. But, I wish they were taller. :sad:


Well-Known Member
These GS plants are simply delicious. Looks like snow on a mountain peak. Coated with oozing resin because of the ample amount of sugar/potassium from the black strap Molasses, and the High Phosphurous from the Fox Farms Breastie Bloomz. Not bad for 15 plants under only 1 1000 watt light(w/6 foot light mover) They are belting out the most fruity/pungent smell you can imagine. Iam glad Iam running an Ozone Generator, and a Big carbon air scrubber!!! Couldnt grow this strain without em. These girls are on the countdown and Iam about as impatient like I was on my very first grow. Remember them days? Nothing feels better than looking at the payoff from all that TLC you gave em. And then the prime smoke afterwards :eyesmoke: 9 days left til the ax falls!!!! Yup, Feels like the first time ;-)


Hey CG props to you man, I gotta hand it to you those are some fine ass plants you got right there.
I bet they are a dream.

I'm gonna be starting my first DWC grow soon and as I grow on i'm gonna upgrade everything to the best stuff and in a couple years time i'm gonna be blowing out some huge buds.

Once again, I gotta hand it to you man, you got ways with these plants, those are beasts!
Also, in the future I might look into your GS seeds or use those two that you started with.




Well-Known Member
Hey CG props to you man, I gotta hand it to you those are some fine ass plants you got right there.
I bet they are a dream.

I'm gonna be starting my first DWC grow soon and as I grow on i'm gonna upgrade everything to the best stuff and in a couple years time i'm gonna be blowing out some huge buds.

Once again, I gotta hand it to you man, you got ways with these plants, those are beasts!
Also, in the future I might look into your GS seeds or use those two that you started with.



Hey There! Thanks for the words. I appreciate the compliments. Keep on doing your thing, and research like a motherfucker... I always research..maybe too much. I have a drive/passion for this stuff. I also Like Fixing computers, Bodybuilding and Ham Radio, and so much more. Do the best you can in everything you do, and dont settle for less. Have a great 2010, drop me a line sometime. Peace out, CG :leaf:


I'm with you on this one, I do research, and a damn lot of it.
People say growing marijuana is easy, but if you want to grow it good and proper then it ain't, technique and experimenting is the way forward.

I love researching but sometimes it really does do my head in because I always get confused to how these systems work, I mean, all the information I get makes me really confused and I mean, I been researching for a good couple months now and I don't even know the simple things like difference between DWC/aeroponic/bubbleponic, or if there even is one, it's just finding that right source of information you know.

And damn, if I wasn't on such a tight budget i'de go all out and get the best stuff I could get and plus I live in the UK so I can't get stuff like foxfarms and all these things that are easy to get hold of in US ain't easy to get hold of in UK, at all!

I'm sure with a few more long sessions of researching and gathering some more money together I an actually make this thing a go!




Well-Known Member
chop chop ,,,,, thats gunna be some graft man.. how long does it normally take u bud? do u have to be q brutal after a while or will u jst cut in stages.. not that its a prob i would mind having:)
i know wat u mean about passion for growing i am the same , almost obsessive lol. always feels like the first time, im twiddling my thumbs and they just gone into flower, planning nxt grow already. reckon im gunna fill my room wit the ak autos, big crop in 10 weeks.. plus lights are nearly always on so can spend more time wit the ladies :) take it easy fella