That is exactly what I'm saying. How do you know you would not have 3' plants in 8 weeks without that stuff? You don't.
Spores take several months to colonize. Attributing immediate root growth to freshly introduced spores is irrational.
Placebo effect.
From what I've heard from books, growers, and everything else I've read, 2ft is average at 8 weeks if things go well. So if I had 3ft plants at 9 weeks I think it would be safe to say that I'm doing something that most don't to get that extra growth.
That said, the fact that I have 2ft plants at 8 1/2 weeks given all the problems that I've had tells me that the Mycorrhiza has made up for all my misfortunes & mistakes in only 5 weeks time.
I guess I could be wrong. These 4 different strains could be growing better than average for me for some other reason. But the Mycorrhiza is the only thing that I'm doing out of the ordinary.
At some point I'll do a side by side, but not till I can afford a lower yeild. I'm going to be doing a side by side (kind of, 5 days apart from planting) with the Rapid Rooter clones. At least I'll have an answer for that in a couple of weeks.
P.S. Do you realize how many varieties of Mycorrhiza there are? And there are several times that many whan you start talking about "beneficial micro organisms". Do you really think that any 1 rule holds true for all of them?
BTW, I bought a 3qt container today. I was wrong about it having only 1 type, it has several. I guess they couln't fit it all on the smaller container. Here's a list of the tyes that MYKEs contains:
Glorrius Intrardices
Pilolithus Tinctorius
Laccaria Laccata
Rhizopogon Roseolus
Rhizopogon Subscaerelescens
Rhizopogon Villosulus
Rhizopogon Vulgaris
Scleroderma Cepa
Sclerodema Citrinni
That was more for others that might be reading, I doubt you'll take the time to do any research. All I can tell you (with a lack of research on my own part) that this stuff was made for the soil, and it was designed for trees & shrubs so it's strong. Why it started to work in a few weeks, I don't know. All I know is it did. Don't take my word for it, check the pic of the roots. I have that question posted on a few sites and I'm getting a lot of interesting responses, most saying that they've never seen colonization like that at 8 weeks.
Further, I was told in this very thread not long ago that clones are mature and therefore can handle FFOF with out getting burned. These clones got burned in Ferti-Lome which I'm sure is more mild. Can you offer any other explanation if it's not the Mycorrhiza?