*Republican Poised to win Late Senetor Kennedy's Seat!!! Amazing!!

Big P

Well-Known Member

Scott Brown: Moves into lead in fresh poll...

Sen. Schumer Calls Brown a 'far-right tea-bagger'...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Hiller Instinct: Suffolk University Poll

Posted: 01/14/10

Scott Brown is riding a wave. It could break before it hits shore, or, it could crash through the Democratic seawall of state politics and send him all the way to the U.S. Senate.

Our exclusive 7NEWS/Suffolk University Poll shows Brown, with 50%, in front of Coakley with 46%. Independent Joe Kennedy gets 3% and just 1% is still undecided.

How quickly has this race turned around?

In November, Coakley was beating Brown by 31 percentage points. Now, Brown is up by 4% -- a change of 35% in two months.

Suffolk Poll University pollster David Paleologos said, "Here's how the race breaks down. Scott Brown wins among men, Martha Coakley among women. Democrats: Coakley. Republicans and Independents: Brown, by a wide, wide margin."

"I’m not in your courtroom. I’m not a defendant. Let me answer the question,” Brown said to Coakley in the last debate.

One reason for Coakley's collapse is her performance in debates. Nearly half of likely voters say they've seen one and asked who won -- 41% say Brown, 25% Coakley.

During the campaign Coakley said, "I want to be a leader who's ready to get real results on health care reform...”

And Coakley is not being helped by her pledge to help pass the Democrat's national health care bill. Fifty-one percent of likely voters here say no to it while 36% say yes. Sixty-one percent think Washington can't afford it.
Vicki Kennedy said, "As Ted would say, 'January 19th is the date, Martha Coakley is the candidate.'"

Another surprise -- The Kennedy family's endorsement may have actually hurt Coakley. With 27% said it makes them less likely to vote for her... 20% more likely.

"The Kennedy endorsement resonates among registered Democrats, but registered Democrats are spoken for," Paleologos said.

And here's one more surprise. While Brown is beating Coakley head-to-head, 64% of voters we surveyed say Coakley will win the election.
"People don't believe that the rest of the state of Massachusetts will vote for Scott Brown, despite the fact that they personally will vote for Scott Brown," Paleologos said.

If -- repeat if -- Scott Brown wins next Tuesday, it is no exaggeration to say he will change the world of politics as we know it.
I'm Andy Hiller, 7NEWS.

Click here to view the entire poll: http://www.suffolk.edu/research/1450.html
Final MA Statewide Marginals PDF File

must see clip


Big P

Well-Known Member
its crazy, god bless the american people for not getting played by these greedy unamerican poloticians who think they own us and our votes

boy were they mistakenbongsmilie

Big P

Well-Known Member

well now that i look into it more, seems its not a nude spread just sexy man type spread in cosmo

many women are gonna vote for this man in mass and in mass the state

the leaders have highjacked our government both democrats and republicans

best thing we can do is give them both equal power so they will be deadlocked

and then maybe we can live our lives in peace without economic crashes caused by intelectual savages


New Member
This is a sign of the times that Obama seems oblivious to. Obama came into the Presidency on a golden chariot. Majority and then super majority in Congress. What could go wrong so quickly? In one year, big Dem's are being forced into retirement, Massachusetts stands poised to go with a Republican, and two Democrat governorships flip to the opposition party.

It's the policies and the priorities of the policies. They aren't in synch with the people. Obama has just polled at 45% approval rating. In one year and every political advantage.

The policies and solutions offered are wrong, and the ppl don't want them.

Obama had better wake up, he isn't royalty.


Well-Known Member
Good hopefully republicans can gain enough clout to stop this silly horrible health care bill. I'm pro universal healthcare and healthcare reform, but the way things are setup are just stupid, confusing, and totally corrupt.

P.S. I hate the Kennedy's they're a bunch of lowlife, women killing, rapest, who don't give a damn about the american people. They go around bragging how they can get away with murder. I hate them.


Active Member
wow republican potheads............ you guys are voting yourselves right into prison... why?

mandatory minimums... hello.



Well-Known Member
why can people understand it isnt that dead asshats seat is the the seat of the people stop referring to it as some fat dead guy's seats !!!

ok that is all i have to complain about carry on!


Well-Known Member
wow republican potheads............ you guys are voting yourselves right into prison... why?

mandatory minimums... hello.

There are both republicans and democrats on both side of the fence with that issue.

I only dislike most liberals because they waste cash on down right stupid things. They love raising taxes and want everyone to live equally poor (i.e. taxing the "rich" until there aren't any "rich" anymore). I'm sorry we're taxed enough well over 30% let the people that make money keep it.


New Member
It won't make a difference if he does win the seat.Too little...too late.And I,for one,am pleased.
That's because you don't stay informed about what is happening or you don't care (leech).

As for the mandatory minimum..... I'm sorry, which party has a super majority? Which party could legalize weed tomorrow? Which President after being elected, no longer wants a dialogue on weed?

U've been conned. And NEVER be swayed on a single issue. One must look at the big picture.

Obama is crashing and burning in the polls. He's going the wrong way.....


Well-Known Member
Precisely why I'm for term limits in government. As liberal as the state of Massachussetts is, when a name like "Kennedy" is waved in front of voters instead of a careful look at policy or politics, most in that state have been hypnotized into thinking keeping that old windbag in power was the right thing to do. Now that the ugly head of of poverty, joblessness, and failed higher taxation have failed, people there are only just starting to wake up. I really hope Martha Coakley goes down in flames. This country is too big and too important to have government run health care shoved down our throats by a bunch of self-serviant kids we call Congressman and Senators. At the very least, it forces the two sides to work together and not just shove highy debated and controversial legislation at the entire country. Hopefully this will be the wake up call the country needed.


New Member
I love how the media is portraying this as a possible derailment of health care.... :lol:

How good is a bill that it can't survive unless one party has a super majority! Think about it.....

Watch the procedural corruption (once again) by the Democratic party WHEN he wins (he's going to win). They simply have no principles worth emulating. Luckily, it's all on public display.

Expect more losses for the Dem's..... they are going the wrong way....

Big P

Well-Known Member
obama has done the most brazent bait and switch ever

he seems to think he can trick everybody like we are all stupid and he is way smarter than us and could easily fool us

maybe he has hung around those Acorn workers too long and other dim people and thought everyone in the country was a dim as them

i often wonder how this fool could actually think he is smarter than most or that we are just super dumb or somthing?

in my life I always assume the next man is very smart if not smarter than me

its a fool who underestimates the next mans inteligence

but it is the wise who over estimate the next mans inteligence

so as not to be caught red handed by the next mans inteligence

its called over kill

what obama does is underkill and then flaut it like hes the only brain around

what a fool!! imagine what this attitude will do to our national security!!!!!

hes living in a fantasy land

obama. Call him white if you need to, just stop blindly following him

Big P

Well-Known Member


Massachusetts Votes in Crucial Election for Obama

Published: Tuesday, 19 Jan 2010 | 9:54 AM ET

By: Reuters

Massachusetts voters headed to the polls Tuesday in a cliffhanger election for a new U.S. senator that could derail Democrats' dominance in Washington and scuttle their top priority of sweeping healthcare reform.

What looked likely to be a Democratic shoo-in to replace late party icon Edward Kennedy has turned into a too-close-to-call race with a last-minute rally by a Republican, state Senator Scott Brown.

Latest opinion polls suggest he could defeat state Attorney General Martha Coakley, which would be a huge upset in this traditionally liberal New England state, and take away the Democrats' supermajority in Congress.

Voting started at 7 a.m. EST and polls will stay open until 8 p.m. EST. Results could take a few hours to emerge after polls close.
Turnout could be a major factor in the unusual, off-season election. Given intense interest, turnout could approach that of a regular state election, Secretary of State William Galvin said on Sunday.

High turnout could benefit the more energized Brown campaign, although registered Democrats in Massachusetts hold a sizable numerical advantage.

Tuesday dawned in the Boston area with intermittent snow showers and freezing drizzle. Snow and rain are expected across the state, which could keep some voters at home.

Kennedy, who held the seat for almost 47 years, died in August of brain cancer. Democrat Paul Kirk was appointed by the state's governor in September to occupy Kennedy's seat and will remain in the Senate until a winner is sworn in.
Massachusetts last elected a Republican to the Senate in 1972, but the weak economy and doubts about the healthcare overhaul have moved voters to reconsider political loyalties passed down through generations.
Their possible change of heart could not have come at a more crucial juncture for Obama.
Democrats now control 60 votes in the Senate to 40 for the Republicans. The loss of one seat could hamper the Democrats' ability to cut off debate and proceed to a vote on the planned healthcare overhaul.

More broadly, an upset in Massachusetts, or even a narrow win for Coakley, would raise the specter of large losses for Democrats in midterm congressional elections in November.

'Anger and Frustration'

The Republican has attracted strong support from independent voters, including many who backed Obama in 2008.
"There's an anger, a frustration that's being felt in Massachusetts," said James Gomes, director of the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise at Clark University in Massachusetts.

D-Day for Obama

A series of polls over the past week has shown Brown edging ahead, although mostly within the margin of error for each survey. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report judges the race a toss-up.
Millions of dollars have flooded into the state of 6.5 million people to buy all-day television advertising for both sides, transforming a relatively sleepy contest into a bitter brawl.

Coakley has been criticized for a lackluster campaign. She took almost a week off from the campaign trail around Christmas, at a time when Brown's appeal was on the rise.

Democrats in Massachusetts have a large advantage in registered voters and an elaborate get-out-the-vote apparatus.
But Republicans appear to be motivated in the final stretch, and the Brown campaign has attracted a large influx of volunteers to staff telephone banks and knock on doors of prospective voters.

"I would expect that the Democrats would have an advantage in terms of the shoe leather on the pavement. But it sure looks like the intensity is on the Republican side right now," Gomes said.