Great grow GTS... Very inspiring I was thinking of doing hempy buckets but this would really be alot easier and not take time for self watering. I think Im convinced. I do have some questions for you. I read you grow journal twice now and believe these questions have not been answered or have been but I am not very clear on what the answer is.
1. How long was your veg period? I seen you let them get to 24 inches but how long did it take. How long was the flower Period for the ak.
2. Are you using any air conitioners in your basement grow? If not how has the basement environment treated you?
3. I have heard your supposed to keep the bucket off the floor to keep the roots from getting to cold and locking up? Have you had any problems
4. For beginners in hydroponics the lucas formula although seems easy to advanced people is very confusing. Is there any videos or articles that are easy to understand as far as lucas forumula for dummies.. LOL
Great grow again.
When my clones go into the system, I run them at low PPM for a week. This is necessary for allowing the plants to spread their roots. Plants that have roots take off immediately when you turn up the PPM.
After letting them spread their roots for a week, I turned the PPM up to a level that would have them grow rapidly (500ish ppm). In my mind, this is the beginning of the vegetative period. Once I turned the PPM up, they stayed in vegetative stage for 2 1/2 more weeks. I believe I should have only let them go for 2 more weeks because they ended up so tightly packed together. They tripled and quadrupled in width when they flowered.
From the time I put them into the system until I started flowering them was a total of 3 1/2 weeks. 1 week idling and 2 1/2 weeks vegetating.
I did not use any air conditioners. I vented directly to my chimney. My exhaust is in one upper corner and my intake is in the opposite bottom corner. I also have four fans in the room stirring up the air. I had no heat problems. The basement is unheated. This means that my reservoir stays cold - about 56 degrees most of the time. It also means that the room gets cold during the dark period, in the mid 50s. It didnt seem to affect the yield at all having the cooler room.
The ebb and grow uses two buckets, one that holds the water and one that sits inside it that holds the plant. There is about a 1.5 inch gap between the two that has solution in it. This inch and a half of water insulates the roots. Remember, the buckets have to be at the same height as the controller at all time. No problems whatsoever.
The Lucas Formula can be summed up as such:
Using General Hydroponics Micro and Bloom parts of their three part formula, you use them at this ratio at all times:
1 part Micro to 2 parts bloom
for every tablespoon of micro use 2 tablespoons of bloom always.
The PPM is maintained at 1300 PPM at all times. The PPM can drift between 1200 and 1400 but when adding back water, the solution is brought back to 1300 by adding more micro and bloom at the 1:2 ratio.
I top off my ebb and grow reservoir about every two days.
Lucas says to use the formula during vegetative but I only use it during flowering. During vegetative I use the normal General Hydroponics 3-2-1 formulation. 3 Parts grow, 2 parts micro, and 1 part bloom.
Lucas had a long running thread on Cannabis world called 'Ask Lucas' where growers asked questions about growing with the Lucas formula. He gives a lot of detailed information and it is a must read! I have read it several times and it will help you a lot!
See it here:
Hope that all helps, if you have anymore questions dont hesitate to ask, I check this thread every day or two!