This thread is awesome.
The same old routine worldwide:
Truther: This looks odd
Non-Truther: You are a nut-job.
Truther: Something doesn't add up
Non-Truther: Maybe the aliens did it you crackpot
Truther: Open your eyes, there's too many suspect coincidences.
Non-Truther: You are a gullible fool. Everything is as it is told on the news and by our leaders.
Truther: But that's the point. It is a massive conspiracy involving the world's elite and their pawns.
Non-Truther: Oh no! Maybe the reptilian Pope will harvest my organs and absorb my prana through subdermal osmosis.
Truther: Why do you attack me? Is it because you are scared to accept the truth and the consequences if you think for yourself? Think of the victims of 9/11, we owe them and their families a resolution to all the many questionable incidents that happened prior to, on, and after that horrible day.
Non-Truther: How dare you insinuate the families of the 9/11 victims and survivors are ignorant! That is despicable and an example of why I attack you, because you sully the honourable memories of those who died and all who were affected on 9/11. You should die.
Truther: I question the official story for all our sakes, so we might be wiser and our children more aware of the machinations of those who abuse their power, and seek to dominate the world through a New World Order.
Non-Truther: You're a fucking idiot. If there was anything more to investigate, it would be all over the news, which it's not, and something would have been done about it by now.
Truther: That's what I'm saying. The mass media are controlled by the very elite who perpetrate these crimes.
Non-Truther: Stop trying to be special. You're looking for a reason to feel clever and a common enemy to give your life a purpose.
Truther: I seek the truth because we have been lied to and manipulated! These criminals should be made to pay for their crimes. Please have a look at what I'm trying to tell you. We are being lied to, the world is very different than what we are led to believe. Please, open your eyes, for your own sake, and the sake of the minds of our children.
Non-Truther: I will not give your words or thoughts any creedence whatsoever, I do not need your twisted lies and mistruths to influence what I already know: You are a fuckhead conspiratard. All your claims have been debunked, I knew you were wrong, now fuck off.
And it goes on and on, one concerned about a wrong, one concerned about being wrong, one defiant of implied authoratitive righteousness, one submissive and accepting of official doctrine. One infuriated at an injustice, the other impuned by authority.
The only thing both warring parties have in common is they both think that the other is ignorant.
There are cases for both sides: The truthers do have legitimate claims and their concerns are warranted. The Non-Truthers have legitimate and officialised rebuttals to quell those claims.
It is easy to see when a Non-Truther is losing the argument, as the 'kookspiritard' insults increase.
It is also easy to see when a Truther is losing the argument, as the rabbit hole deepens and the conspiracy seems to stretch farther and farther back and more conspirators appear, to strengthen the argument.
It's like a wonderful dance, the plea for reason versus the obstinate refusal of ignorance. Both armies absolute and contrite in their cause, and more than willing to abandon reason so as not to lose the fight, or to lose influence on the undecided.
The wonderful and witty repartee and carefully constructed counter criticisms as attempted civility disintegrates, and escalates to all-out defense and defiance is truly a joy to witness.