All i have done is the BRf and yes I am new to this as well, but out of 40 jars, not one contam and all but a hand full are fully colonized. At the monent I have 8 cakes going in my fruiting chamber. A flush (from what i understand) is when you take all the shrooms and pins off the cake (this is your first yeild), then you rinse, submerge in cold water in fridge for 24 hrs, rinse again, roll in dry verm and reset into fruiting chamber. This will start your second flush. So on and so forth. The dunking is to rehydrate your cakes. If you use the BRF tek you do not need a PC, give them a steam bath for 90 minutes in barely boiling water and cover. Watch to make sure your water doesn't boil out. Also place some canning lids in bottom of pot, cover with foil, place more canning jar lids on top of foil, fill with water just above foil and place jars onto second set of lids. water does not need to touch jars. Let cool until you can touch outside of jars and inject.
The lids are easy to make, 4 small holes with microspore tape(any pharmacy should have it). After prepping jars, inject into each hole through the tape and recover with another piece of tape. Place jars in warm dark place @80°F and let them colonize. I do put a dry layer of verm on the top of each jar. I was told this helps in protecting against contams entering in through the holes. It also helps towards the end of colonization if you turn your jars upside down to absorb myc pee and any extra moisture not absorbed by the myc. This should help get anyone to the next of birthing your jars. I hope this helps.